#anyway uhhhhhh

“teach me to be kind like you… Fluttershy”more about these two under the cut~After Celestia s“teach me to be kind like you… Fluttershy”more about these two under the cut~After Celestia s“teach me to be kind like you… Fluttershy”more about these two under the cut~After Celestia s

“teach me to be kind like you… Fluttershy”

more about these two under the cut~

After Celestia stepped down from her royal title she became lost. 

As a child her fate was handed to her, told the burgeoning country of Equestria rested on her and Luna’s shoulders. She did not have time to explore herself, to wonder what she wanted, what she could be beside what she was told she was. So in the centuries that followed she tried to fulfill her purpose, to rule as everyone expected and deserved. Straying from this path caused only pain, a lesson she only had to learn once.

Then she was retired, her royal title no longer keeping her from pursuing what she truly wanted.

But… What did she want?

In the pursuit of happiness and a sense of self Celestia fell head first into the arms of Queen Novo, a dear friend and old crush she had not seen in centuries. Their marriage was celebrated throughout both their respective kingdoms, a beautiful union that captured the spirit of the hippogriffs’ timely return to their ancestral home.

Equal joy was had when news of a baby reached Equestria, a precious little girl, named Radiance.

Everything seemed to be going right, but the excitement soon wore off and the stress of a new child strained Celestia and Novo’s relationship. 

The eventual split was on good terms, both moving on from the relationship as quickly as it had begun. Feelings and blame were pushed aside for the good of their daughter. Both raised Radiance separately in their respective kingdoms, taking to spoiling her to compensate for her mothers’ separation.  

Celestia enjoyed being in Radiance’s life but couldn’t help but feel like she was missing something. A deep seated and untapped anger still rested within her. But why?

Celestia couldn’t help but dwell on the immense number of years she spent simply surviving, waiting. Waiting for everything to stop, a moment to breathe, to rest.

Within those years she had known and caused so much pain. Decades of her life spent pretending she was someone she was not. All of Equestria looked up to her visage, worshipping a queen they thought they knew.

She didn’t even know who she was, how could they?

In the coming years Celestia slowly became more depressed. Still struggling with over a thousand years of repressed anger and grief. Twilight and her friends of course took notice of this sudden change and sought to help. 

Fluttershy always ended up staying the longest whenever they visited. Eventually coming on her own more and more often. Celestia enjoyed Fluttershy’s company immensely, having always admired the shy pegasus for her compassion and strength she had come to show.

Kindness was not something that came easily to Celestia. A fact that would be hotly contested by the people that surrounded her, but still remained true. frustration at her circumstances had turned to cruelty in her younger years, often turning her biting tongue at poor Luna. Since then Celestia had learned to appear nothing less than the benevolent leader her country had come to love. To her, kindness was a forced smile, ugly emotions wiped quickly from view and pushed down for no one to see, a facade she had crafted over the course of centuries.

But Fluttershy was so gentle, so warm, her sweet smile spreading across her face without a second thought. She didn’t have to micromanage every facial expression, fret over every word she said and movement she made. Fluttershy was simply, Fluttershy.

The more time they spent together the closer they became, and soon Celestia began to relax her walls, lowering the mask of queen and, for perhaps the first time in over a thousand years, felt like she was herself.

Which leads to this scene!! 

TLDR:  Retired Celestia has a bajillion years of repressed anger and parentification issues and falls in love with fluttershy, who treats her like a real person. Basically they are fairytale lesbians who hype each other up and go on picnics, what else do you NEED in this world alright bye.

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