#anyways i love birbs

jeegoo:petkota:so this happened to me today fucked up some bird tried to steal your car like that



so this happened to me today

fucked up some bird tried to steal your car like that

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My bird of the day is the American Bittern because he go SCHLOOP

in fact they go SCHLOOP in two different ways: one is their necks (they do the standard heron thing), but also they make the best sound in the world. really it’s incredible go listen to it immediately

tumblr isn’t very happy about letting me upload mp3s in a post so go listen on ebird, ill wait: https://ebird.org/species/amebit

all squished up:


I don’t actually know much else about American bitterns: to my knowledge they’re, like, pretty standard herons besides their Borb and Schloop aspects.

helenaegan: screamingay:rosiesdreams:“A little heartthrob”  The Canadian Goose and Vermilion Flycatc




“A little heartthrob”  The Canadian Goose and Vermilion Flycatcher

i seriously love this picture so much ive had it printed out and taped above my bed for months so i can see it all the time <33333


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a florida photographer spotted a black vultureandbald eagle sharing a meal together. while vultures are often sterotyped as dirty scavengers and bald eagles as strong hunters, they both eat carrion, and sometimes bald eagles eat & socialize with vultures.

source: (x)








Kestrel-dad not sure how to dad but he’s trying his best.

Dad loves you and feeds you. But he is also dumb and feeds you a wonderfully done wagyu steak. You are 3 days old.

Okay, but check out this video from mid-May 2022 of a Kestrel Dad who just kept piling up voles and mice beside his babies when the mom was injured/killed/mia’d by owls…but then watched one of his babies just swallow a lizard and went “OH. I can feed them small food!” and learned to tear it apart!

EDIT: There’s a not-zero percent chance that this could be the same dad???????? The source is the same–Robert E Fuller–but they could be different birds. 

UPDATE: Not only has Mister Kes learned to feed his chicks all on his own…

….the three chicks who were taken out of the nest for intensive care after the mom disappeared were put back in, and he just started feeding them, too.

He’s a single father of six who does not possess the instincts to feed even one of his offspring, but he learnedand adopted that behavior without difficulty and is now hunting and providing for six kids all on his own. 

Apparently all of the babies have grown up and have left the nest. This video shows the last one leaving the nest with a bit of help of the same person that took care of the other three chicks in the previous video.
