#animal death tw



some photos of chandler, the lastest whitetail deer ive found as roadkill. hes got a peculiar white stripe on each of his hooves ive never seen before. his winter coat is also so soft and gorgeous. ill do my best to honor every part of him i can. ☘

…Then he swung the kid out from under his arm and onto the table. It kicked, but he pinned it…Then he swung the kid out from under his arm and onto the table. It kicked, but he pinned it

…Then he swung the kid out from under his arm and onto the table. It kicked, but he pinned it with his arm while he freed his knife. Deftly he slit its throat, and as the blood spilled across the table with no ceremonial bowl to catch it, he turned the knife and slid it into the body just below the cartilage at the top of the rib cage. Then he dropped to his knees. He rested his forehead against the bloody edge of the table and his forearms on the tabletop and waited.

“Little Thief,” she said, “what would you give to have your hand back?”

Eugenides almost lifted his head.
“Oh, no,” said the goddess. “It is beyond my power and that of the Great Goddess as well. What’s done is done, even with the gods. But if the hand could be restored, what would you give? Your eyesight?” The voice paused, and Eugenides remembered begging Galen, the physician, to let him die before he was blind.
“Your freedom?” The goddess went on. “Your sanity? Think, Eugenides, before you question the gods. You have much still to lose.”
Softly Eugenides asked, “Why did my gods betray me?”
“Have they?” asked the goddess as softly.

Post link

my cats just ate a fucking rat and its guts are all over the floor what the fuck do i do




So, there’s apparently research coming out now about microplastics being found in people’s bloodstreams and the possible negative effects of that and I feel the need to get out ahead of the wave of corporate sponsored “be sure to recycle your bottles!” or “ban glitter!” campaigns and remind everyone:

It’s fishing nets. It’s fishing nets. It is overwhelming fishing nets It always has been fishing nets.Unless regulations are changed, it will continue to be fishing nets.

The plastic in the ocean in largely discarded nets from industrial fishing. The microplastics are the result of these nets breaking down. The “trash islands” are also, you guessed it. Mostly fishing nets and other discarded fishing industry equipment.

Do not allow them to continue to twist the story. Do not come after disabled people who require single use plastics. Do not come after people using glitter in art projects and makeup. These things make up a negligible amount of the issue compared to corporate waste, specifically in the fishing industry. Do not let them shift the blame to the individual so they can continue to destroy the planet and our bodies without regulation.

This post is awesome, but remember that though much of the the blame is on corporations, we can still help.

Petition against plastic fishing nets

Petition against driftnets

Petition to penalize UK boats for dumping fishing gear (WARNING: graphic animal injury/death imagery)

Sign these petitions whilst you are here.

okay that warning should be on all 3 links really, but the last one is especially bad, please proceed with caution. if you’re squeamish, it may be best to use an extension to disable images ahead of time.

So here is my possum friend. Smaller than I expected, but still too big for me to collect right now So here is my possum friend. Smaller than I expected, but still too big for me to collect right now

So here is my possum friend. Smaller than I expected, but still too big for me to collect right now :( the bag I got from the shop wasn’t nearly big enough to contain him and all his various fluids. But I moved him to the grass so he wouldn’t end up more mutilated. RIP.

Post link
















sorry if i’m being a party pooper but because rabies is apparently the new joke on here ??? please remember that rabies has an almost 100% fatality rate after symptoms develop so if you’re bitten or scratched by an animal that you aren’t 100% sure is vaccinated then GO TO A DOCTOR. it’s not a joke. really. 

You’re being kind when you say “almost 100% fatality”. What people need to hear is: if you get to develop rabies symptoms, you’re dead. If you get heavytreatment after developping symptoms, you still need a miracle. Like, a real miracle, you should enter some religion if you escape that.

ALSO, I don’t want people feeling confident about petting stray/wild animals because there’s a vaccine available, either. I’ll explain why from my own experience (I’m not a doctor).

I got bitten by a wild tamarin once, on the pulp of my index finger. It drew blood, there are many wild animals in the area (tamarins, possums, bats, foxes) and it isn’t that uncommon to hear about 1 or 2 rabies cases every now and again (a puppy we gave to a friend got it, for instance), so I went to an ambulatory immediately.

Because I was bitten in an ultrasensitive area, I needed fast treatment. But it was also a small area, so the usual thing they do - inject the vaccine in the place - wasn’t a choice. They told me they’d divide the shot in 5 small ones, and inject me all over my body, so the antidote would get to my entire system fast.

Please stop for a moment and think that the disease is so worrysomethat they’d rather needle me all over than to give me one shot and wait until it spread through my system.

Then they said that, okay, but there was a catch first. I needed to take an antiallergic shot. “Why?” “Because the virus is devastating, and as the vaccine is made from it, but weakened (like almost every vaccine) it will still create a reaction, and it’s a strong one, and it’s veru common for people to have strong allergic reactions to it.” YOU HAVE TO TAKE AN ANTIALLERGIC SHOT IN ORDER TO TAKE THE VACCINE COZ THE VACCINE COULD POTENTIALLY MAKE YOU REALLY SICK




It was OBVIOUSLY dripped in my body and not injected because HAHAHAHA. Truth be told I was an adult already and I’m tall so I have a lot of mass but STILL.

So after I had taken the antiallegic and was starting to feel drowsy (as a side effect of it) the doctor came with the 5 shots.

- One in each buttock

- One in each thigh

- One in my left arm

They all stung like a bitch and I usually don’t care about shots.

“Okay so can I go home now?”

“No, we have to keep you under observation for 2h so we’re SURE the vaccine won’t give you any reaction.”


I slept through the two hours and then was liberated to go home. My legs, butt, and left arm hurt all over, like I had been punched there, for a few days. I also had a fever (not feverish, a fever)



I had to take fourreinforcement shots in the next month, one a week, so I could be positively be considered immunized.Every time I took a shot, my arm would swell and hurt like it’d been hit, and when night came I’d have a fever. Because that’s how fucking strong the vaccine is, BECAUSE THAT’S HOW VICIOUS THE VIRUS IS.

So yeah. DO NOT PUT YOURSELF IN RISK, GODDAMNIT. Rabies is a rare condition all over, THANK GOD, and 1 confirmed case can be already considered a surge and a reason for mass campaigning, AND FOR A REASON.

If you like messing with stray/wild animals, don’t go picking them up and be extra careful. Or just, like, DON’T- call a vet or an authority that can handle them safely.

I must add that I live in a country with universal healthcare, so I didn’t pay a single penny for my treatment. Is this your reality? If not, ONE MORE REASON TO NOT FUCKING PLAY WITH THIS SHIT.

Rabies is 100% lethal. Period. If you are scratched or bitten by an animal you’re not positive is vaccinated, you need to find treatment NOW. And probably go through all that shit I’ve been through (also if you are immunosupressed? I DON’T KNOW WHAT’D HAPPEN)

Stay safe and don’t be stupid ffs

Guys, I know this isn’t art nor anything like that, but I’ve been hearing about this rabies thing and ???? Look I trust none of you would risk yourselves like this, but maybe you can educate someone through my experience and stuff.

Also rabies does not necessarily cause frothing-at-the-mouth aggression in animals. Docility is also a very common symptom so any wild animal that is ‘friendly’ or ‘likes to be pet’ is suspect. Literally any wild animal is a vector.

Finally, you don’t need to be bitten. All you need is to come into contact with an infected animal’s bodily fluids through a cut that maybe you didn’t notice when you were handling it when it drooled on you.

Never touch a wild animal.

Infection with the rabies virus progresses through three distinct stages.

Prodromal: Stage One. Marked by altered behavioral patterns. “Docility” and “likes to be pet” are very common in the prodromal stage. Usually lasts 1-3 days. An animal in this stage carries virus bodies in its saliva and is infectious.

Excitative: Stage Two. Also called “furious” rabies. This is what everyone thinks rabies is–hyperreacting to stimuli and biting everything. Excessive salivation occurs. Animals in this stage also exhibit hydrophobia or the fear of water; they cannot drink (swallowing causes painful spasms of the throat muscles), and will panic if shown water. Usually lasts 3-4 days before rapidly progressing into the next stage.

Paralytic: Stage Three. Also called “dumb” rabies. As the infection runs its course, the virus starts degrading the nervous system. Limbs begin to fail; animals in this stage will often limp or drag their haunches behind them. If the animal has survived all this way, death will usually come through respiratory arrest: Their diaphragm becomes paralyzed and they stop breathing.

And to add onto the above, saliva isn’t the only infectious fluid. Brain matter is, too. If, somehow, you find yourself in possession of a firearm and faced with a rabid animal, do not go for a head shot. If you do, you will aerosolize the brain matter and effectively create a cloud of infectious material. Breathe it in, and you’ll give yourself an infection.

When I worked in wildlife rehabilitation, I actually did see a rabid animal in person, and it remains one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, because I was literally looking death in the eyes.

A pair of well-intentioned women brought us a raccoon that they thought had been hit by a car. They had found it on the side of the road, dragging its hind legs. They managed–somehow–to get it into a cat carrier and brought it to us. 

As they brought it in, I remember how eerily silent it was. Normal raccoons chatter almost constantly. They fidget. They bump around. They purr and mumble and make little grabby-hands at everything. Even when they’re in pain, and especially when they’re stressed. But this one wasn’t moving around inside the carrier, and it wasn’t making a sound.

The clinic director also noticed this, and he asked in a calm but urgent voice for the women to hand the carrier to him. He took it to the exam room and set it on the table while they filled out some forms in the next room. I took a step towards the carrier, to look at our new patient, and without turning around, he told me, “Go to the other side of the room, and stay there.”

He took a small penlight out of the drawer and shone it briefly into the carrier, then sighed. “Bear, if you want to come look at this, you can put on a mask,” he said. “It’s really pretty neat, but I know you’re not vaccinated and I don’t want to take any chances.” 

And at that point, I knew exactly what we were dealing with, and I knew that this would be the closest I had ever been to certain death. So I grabbed a respirator from the table and put it on, and held my breath for good measure as I approached the table. The clinic director pointed where I should stand, well back from the carrier door. He shone the light inside again, and I saw two brilliant flashes of emerald green–the most vivid, unnatural eyeshine I had ever seen. 

“I don’t know why it does it,” the director murmured, “but it turns their eyes green.”

“What does?” one of the women asked, with uncanny, unintentionally dramatic timing, as she poked her head around the corner.

“Rabies,” the director said. “The raccoon is rabid. Did it bite either of you, or even lick you?” They told us no, said they had even used leather garden gloves when they herded it into the carrier. He told them to throw away the gloves as soon as possible, and steam-clean the upholstery in their car. They asked how they should clean the cat carrier; they wanted it back and couldn’t be convinced otherwise, so he told them to soak it in just barely diluted bleach.

But before we could give them the carrier back, we had to remove the raccoon. The rabid raccoon.

The clinic director readied a syringe with tranquilizers and attached it to the end of a short pole. I don’t remember how it was rigged exactly–whether he had a way to push down the plunger or if the needle would inject with pressure–but all he would have to do was stick the animal to inject it. And so, after sending me and the women back to the other side of the room, he made his fist jab.

He missed the raccoon.

The sound that that animal made on being brushed by the pole can only be described as a roar. It was throaty and ragged and ungodly loud. It was not a sound that a raccoon should ever make. I’m convinced it was a sound that a raccoon physically could not make

It thrashed inside the carrier, sending it tipping from side to side. Its claws clattered against the walls. It bellowed that throaty, rasping sound again. It was absolutely frenzied, and I was genuinely scared that it would break loose from inside those plastic walls. 

Somehow, the clinic director kept his calm, and as the raccoon jolted around inside the cat carrier, he moved in with the syringe again, and this time, he hit it. He emptied the syringe into its body and withdrew the pole.

And then we waited.

We waited for those awful screams, that horrible thrashing, to die down. As we did, the director loaded up another syringe with even more tranquilizer, and as the raccoon dropped off into unconsciousness, he stuck it a second time with the heavier dose. Even then, it growled at him and flailed a paw against the wall.

More waiting, this time to make sure the animal was truly down for the count.

Then, while wearing welder’s gloves, the director opened the door of the carrier and removed the raccoon. She was limp, bedraggled, and utterly emaciated, but she was still alive. We bagged up the cat carrier and gave it to the women again, advising them that now was a good time to leave. They heeded our warning.

I asked if I could come closer to see, and the clinic director pointed where I could stand. I pushed the mask up against my face and tried to breathe as little as possible.

He and his co-director–who I think he was grooming to be his successor, but the clinic actually went under later that year–examined the raccoon together. Donning a pair of nitrile gloves, he reached down and pulled up a handful, a literal fistful, of the raccoon’s skin and released it. It stayed pulled up.

Severe dehydration causes a phenomenon called “skin tenting”. The skin loses its elasticity somewhat, and will be slow to return to its “normal” shape when manipulated. The clinic director estimated that it had been at least four or five days since the raccoon had had anything to eat or drink. 

She was already on death’s doorstep, but her rabies infection had driven her exhausted body to scream and lunge and bite. 

Because, the scariest thing about rabies (if you ask me) is the way that it alters the behavior of those it infects to increase chances of spreading. 

The prodromal stage? Nocturnal animals become diurnal–allowing them to potentially infect most hosts than if they remained nocturnal. 

The excitative stage? The infected animal bites at the slightest provocation. Swallowing causes painful spasms, so they drool, coating their bodies in infectious matter. A drink could wash away the virus-charged saliva from their mouth and bodies, so the virus drives them to panic at the sight of water.

(The paralytic stage? By that point, the animal has probably spread its infection to new hosts, so the virus has no need for it any longer.)

Rabies is deadly. Rabies is dangerous. In all of recorded history, one person survived an infection after she became symptomatic, and so far we haven’t been able to replicate that success. The Milwaukee Protocol hasn’t saved anyone else. Just one person. And even then, she still had to struggle to gain back control of her body after all that nerve damage.

Please, please, take rabies seriously.

This has been a warning from your old pal Bear.

I knew how bad it was, but I had never read anything like the raccoon story.

I am not exaggerating when I say that is literally terrifying.

Y'all please read this. That is absolutely hideous. That’s literally like something from a horror movie.

Do not fuck around with wildlife. Or weird strays.

TFW Rabies education comes across your dash because some fuck up calls themselves Rabiosexual.

Rebloggin’ for that raccoon. o.o The original post I can pretty much guarantee is a troll, but it’s useful to know just why rabies is such serious shit. 

Education right here

Extra reminder: If you see any animal other than a dog who’s been attacked by a porcupine? It’s rabid.

Dogs are dumb, friendly fucks who will investigate anything; everything else in the animal kingdom knows better than to mess with a porcupine, unless their brain is being ravaged by something beyond their control.

If you see a non-dog animal that has porcupine quills sticking out of it? Don’t try to help it yourself. Call animal control.

@talesfromtreatment@is-the-cat-video-cute tagging you to spread the word? Apparently people have forgotten that rabies is a brain disease, terrifying, is fatal if not treated immediately, the treatment is horrid, and the treatment is very expensive

Also I heard that in the USA, human rabies pre-exposure vaccines are not widely available and cost something like $900

Get your pets rabies vaccine every year, folks. Aside from everything else - and that’s a lot of everything - the test for rabies involves the brain, so the animal will be killed first.

And that is a kind end. The videos of rabies seizures are nightmarish

This is also why you’re not supposed to sleep outside without cover (ie a CLOSED tent) if there are swooping bats in your area. Apparently it can be very hard to realize you’ve been bitten by a bat (vs a bug, I guess it’s very small). Some students from my university were on a trip where they came into contact with bats, taking lots of selfies holding them etc, in the area they were supposed to be sleeping and the professor lost it when they saw some of the pictures. The students were housed elsewhere and the university had everyone vaccinated at the school’s expense- the pre-exposure vax may be expensive, but the number of shots you get post-exposure can vary (as demonstrated above) and it was ASTRONOMICAL.

When I looking for places to move to when I can finally leave the states, I looking to laws and procedures to bring my cat with. Any place that had eradicated rabies, intense policies and quarantines for any animal entering the country, unless you were coming from a different place that had also eradicated it. Some of would put your animal down if they were symptomatic at all. I remember thinking “what can’t rabies just treated?” No it can’t be, putting your pet down is the humane option if there symptomatic.

[image: a sixty-milliliter syringe, with human hand for scale. the syringe barrel is likely around five inches long and likely has an inside diameter of an inch or more.]

Plain text: Sorry if i’m being a party pooper but because rabies is apparently the new joke on here ??? (Bold) Please remember that rabies has an almost 100% fatality rate after symptoms develop so if you’re bitten or scratched by an animal that you aren’t 100% sure is vaccinated then (caps) go to a doctor (end caps and bold). It’s not a joke. Really.

You’re being kind when you say “almost 100% fatality”. What people need to hear is: (bold; if you get to develop rabies symptoms, you’re dead (end bold). If you get (bold, italics) heavy (end bold and italics) treatment after developping symptoms, (bold) you still need a miracle (end bold and italics). Like, a real miracle, you should enter some religion if you escape that.

(Caps, bold) Also (end caps and bold), I don’t want people feeling confident about petting stray/wild animals because there’s a vaccine available, either. I’ll explain why from my own experience (I’m not a doctor).

Then they said that, okay, but there was a catch first. I needed to take an antiallergic shot. “Why?” “Because the virus is devastating, and as the vaccine is made from it, but weakened (like almost every vaccine) it will still create a reaction, and it’s a strong one, and it’s veru common for people to have strong allergic reactions to it.” (Caps, bold) You have to take an antiallergic shot in order to take the vaccine coz the vaccine could potentially make you really sick (end bold).

Also it wasn’t just “a little antiallergic shot” (end caps). End plain text.

[image: a sixty-milliliter syringe, with human hand for scale. the syringe barrel is likely around five inches long and likely has an inside diameter of an inch or more. End]

Plain text: (Bold, caps) It was one of these fuckers here (end bold and caps).

It was (caps) obviously (end caps) dripped in my body and not injected because (caps) hahahaha (end caps). Truth be told I was an adult already and I’m tall so I have a lot of mass but (caps) still (end caps).

So after I had taken the antiallegic and was starting to feel drowsy (as a side effect of it) the doctor came with the 5 shots.

- one in each buttock

- one in each thigh

- one in my left arm

(Italics) They all stung like a bitch (end italics) and I usually don’t care about shots.

“Okay so can I go home now?”

“No, we have to keep you under observation for 2h so we’re sure the vaccine won’t give you any reaction.”

(Caps, bold) Binch I was given a buttload of medicine but there was still a risk (end caps and bold).

I slept through the two hours and then was liberated to go home. My legs, butt, and left arm hurt all over, like I had been punched there, for a few days. I also had a fever (not feverish, a (italics) fever (end italics))

(Caps) But did you think it was over?

(Medium text, bold) Wrong!!! (End caps, medium text, and bold)

I had to take (bold) four (end bold) reinforcement shots in the next month, one a week, so I could be positively be considered immunized. Every time I took a shot, my arm would swell and hurt like it’d been hit, and when night came I’d have a fever. (Bold) Because that’s how fucking strong the vaccine is, (caps) because that’s how vicious the virus is (end caps and bold).

So yeah. (Caps, bold) Do not put yourself in risk, goddamnit (end caps and bold). Rabies is a rare condition all over, (caps) thank god (end caps), and 1 confirmed case can be already considered a surge and a reason for mass campaigning, (caps, bold) and for a reason (end caps and bold).

If you like messing with stray/wild animals, (bold) don’t go picking them up and be extra careful (end bold). Or just, like, (caps, bold) don’t (end caps and bold) - call a vet or an authority that can handle them safely.

I must add that I live in a country with universal healthcare, so I didn’t pay a single penny for my treatment. Is this your reality? If not, (caps) one more reason to not fucking play with this shit (end caps).

(Bold) Rabies is 100% lethal (end bold). Period. If you are scratched or bitten by an animal you’re not positive is vaccinated, you need to find treatment (caps, bold) now (end caps and bold). And probably go through all that shit I’ve been through (also if you are immunosupressed? (Caps) I don’t know what’d happen (end caps)).

Stay safe and don’t be stupid FFS. Infection with the rabies virus progresses through three distinct stages.

(Bold) Prodromal (end bold): Stage One. Marked by altered behavioral patterns. “Docility” and “likes to be pet” are very common in the prodromal stage. Usually lasts 1-3 days. (Italics) An animal in this stage carries virus bodies in its saliva and is infectious (end italics).

(Bold) Excitative (end bold): Stage Two. Also called “furious” rabies. This is what everyone thinks rabies is–hyperreacting to stimuli and biting everything. Excessive salivation occurs. Animals in this stage also exhibit (italics) hydrophobia (end italics) or the fear of water; they cannot drink (swallowing causes painful spasms of the throat muscles), and will panic if shown water. Usually lasts 3-4 days before rapidly progressing into the next stage.

(Bold) Paralytic (end bold): Stage Three. Also called “dumb” rabies. As the infection runs its course, the virus starts degrading the nervous system. Limbs begin to fail; animals in this stage will often limp or drag their haunches behind them. If the animal has survived all this way, death will usually come through respiratory arrest: Their diaphragm becomes paralyzed and they stop breathing.

And to add onto the above, saliva isn’t the only infectious fluid. Brain matter is, too. If, somehow, you find yourself in possession of a firearm and faced with a rabid animal, (bold) do not go for a head shot (end bold). If you do, you will aerosolize the brain matter and effectively create a cloud of infectious material. Breathe it in, and you’ll give yourself an infection. But before we could give them the carrier back, we had to remove the raccoon. The (italics) rabid (end italics) raccoon.

The sound that that animal made on being brushed by the pole can only be described as a roar. It was throaty and ragged and ungodly loud. It was not a sound that a raccoon should ever make. I’m convinced it was a sound that a raccoon (italics) physically could not make (end italics).

It thrashed inside the carrier, sending it tipping from side to side. Its claws clattered against the walls. It bellowed that throaty, rasping sound again. It was absolutely frenzied, and I was (italics) genuinely (end italics) scared that it would break loose from inside those plastic walls.

(Bold) Because, the scariest thing about rabies (if you ask me) is the way that it alters the behavior of those it infects to increase chances of spreading (end bold).

Rabies is deadly. Rabies is dangerous. (Bold) In all of recorded history, one person survived an infection after she became symptomatic, (end bold) and so far we haven’t been able to replicate that success. The Milwaukee Protocol hasn’t saved anyone else. Just one person. And even then, she still had to struggle to gain back control of her body after all that nerve damage.

Dogs are dumb, friendly fucks who will investigate anything; everything else in the animal kingdom knows better than to mess with a porcupine, (bold) unless their brain is being ravaged by something beyond their control (end bold).

This is also why you’re not supposed to sleep outside without cover (I.E. a (caps) closed (end caps) tent) if there are swooping bats in your area. Apparently it can be very hard to realize you’ve been bitten by a bat (vs a bug, I guess it’s very small). Some students from my university were on a trip where they came into contact with bats, taking lots of selfies holding them etc, in the area they were supposed to be sleeping and the professor lost it when they saw some of the pictures. The students were housed elsewhere and the university had everyone vaccinated at the school’s expense- the pre-exposure vax may be expensive, but the number of shots you get post-exposure can vary (as demonstrated above) and it was (caps) astronomical (end caps). End plain text.



Ive seen this article shared alot this week.

Often scavengers dont have enough time to do more than the face before it gets washed up on the beach, which is what makes this so common.

I wonder if sea faring cultures or specific professions like pirates or sailors would see this more and represent it more in either their mythology or oral traditions.

Hey, so I know this has nothing to do with art, but I know these people. She is a friend of my parents. These same neighbors already shot one of her dogs dead during the floods earlier this year - an older fellow, they called him onto their property and he was shot point blank. They have only ever had one cat, the gray one, and originally had said that the dog had killed their cat and maimed it - obviously that is not the case. They have claimed time and time again that her dogs are wolves, or have some wolf blood, but neither do and she had paperwork showing that they were full blooded with no trace of wolf in them.

That is the GoFundMe too.


–Prompt Prophet

once again : i wish cats wouldn’t die

So. I figured I’d update on the situation, because I’m sure this came out of left field. I’m putting the post under the cut cause it’s. triggery. so trigger warning for animal death/harm 

I posted before but my sister’s dog Tippy had a seizure some time ago earlier this month. It was a singular incident and, well, we’re not made of money. We have to pick and choose what we do. We did schedule an appointment with the vet to have them come out and examine all the dogs and cats but it wasn’t gonna be til the 30th. So we had to wait til then to get an understanding of what was going on. But two weeks ago Tippy started having multiple seizures. I literally didn’t sleep for about 32 hours, probably more, just to stay awake so I’d be there to make sure he didn’t hurt himself and so my sister could rest. It got so bad we did take him to the nearest vet hospital and he got treated. He was diagnosed with epilepsy and my dad was kind enough to pay $2500+, which I’m absolutely fucking grateful he had saved up so much for emergencies like that. Things started to get better and Tippy was recovering, then out of nowhere he just. started deteriorating. I don’t want to get into detail, at least not on this post, but it got really bad, and all of us and the vet believe he may have had a brain tumor. We could have taken him to a neurologist, but it would have cost thousands of dollars we don’t have just for us to be told the problem but with absolutely no solution. But at this point Tippy was. gone. he wasn’t mentally up there anymore and we all decided that because it was just painful for him to keep going like this we couldn’t let it go on. And after an absolutely fucking terrifying episode last night we managed to get the vet to come in the morning to euthanize him. He died around 11:30 AM in me and my sisters arms peacefully and at home. He’s going to be cremated and we want to spread his ashes on the beach. I’ve been with that dog since the moment he was born and to the moment he died. I went months with barely any sleep so I would be up for him and make sure he was taken care of so his mama could rest. I would sneak into my sister’s room at night after working late so I could say hi to him and let him know how much I loved him and missed him while I was away to the point he started expecting me to come in. I remember playing with this dog til we were both exhausted and cuddle with him after til he fell asleep. I would do absolutely anything for my babies, and this dog was so loved. All of our dogs are related to one another in some way. And right now his brother, parents, grandma, and aunt are all miserable and keep needing to be comforted. and our cats won’t leave my sister’s side, especially Rick. I know I’m rambling at this point, and sorry you have to see my usual sarcastic, jokey self just. die like this. This is just complete and utter despair and I have no clue what to do with myself. He was going to turn three years old on halloween, too.

love you, tippy. you were one of the most gorgeous creatures to ever walk this planet and you did nothing to deserve this fate.

I don’t have it in me to go into detail, I’ve barely slept these past few weeks and I’ve barely eaten, wouldn’t have eaten at all if it weren’t for my coworkers making me things because they know I won’t eat otherwise. But tippy is going to be put down today. So don’t expect me to be on for awhile. Idk. Idk why I bother updating anyway.

Wanted to sketch more, got sad, need to exit and open new file. 

Wanted to sketch more, got sad, need to exit and open new file. 

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I haven’t really ever posted about my rabbit on here

He’s elderly, at least 5 years old will never know his age since I found him in a construction zone. His health has been declining and his final appointment has been made for Monday… My final pet and companion who been there with me through college & everything with Kanna. I’ll miss you Mafu, the bravest rabbit I’ve met and will ever have that was less than 5 pounds


From the Wikipedia page on loons

Jealousy.(do not remove description)Jealousy.(do not remove description)Jealousy.(do not remove description)


(do not remove description)

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No but it’s written on the binder on my daily tasks “pull dead fish” like that’s a normal thing to do. I got attached to a hamster that died for seemingly no reason. Every one of our Guinea pigs has ringworm every day. Don’t buy animals from petsmart.

one of the pictures of Seal on the cat blog has 4k notes and it’s making me a little emotional. On one hand I’m glad she continues to bring people joy. On the other hand, I’m sad that she can’t do the same for me anymore :(

fandomsandfeminism:dduane: twimmythebabywitch:surfs-up-shinji:northeastartist:cryoverkiltmilk:


























Video of Tama

FollowUltrafacts for more facts

The picture in the background of the second one

Tama is boss


Sad update everyone, Tama recently passed away… An estimated 3,000 people, including railway officials, attended Tama the cat’s funeral on Sunday, days after she died of heart failure aged 16. [x]

For those who haven’t read articles about it, the local shrine elevated her to a god. She’s now the Eternal Stationmaster and patron god of the station.


Now I’m crying thanks

and a new cat was hired right?

yep! her name is Nitama (essentially ”second tama” or “tama II”) and she served under Tama as an apprentice before being appointed her deputy

she works very hard

Everytime this crosses my dash, I reblog. It is the law.


I’m crying at 11pm over train cats

Nitama, already now a mature cat (born 2010), has a protege named Yontama (fourth Tama, b. 2016).  There is no information available for either the physical befellment or tragic self-disgrace which has removed Santama from contention.


^Nitama majestic, and below with Yontama




a legacy

okay but actually what happened to santama (or sun-tama-tama, which is her name because it’s a pun on santama) was that she was basically sent to train for the position in okayama and they liked her so much they refused to send her back

“Sun-tama-tama” (a pun off of “Santama”, lit. “third Tama”) was a calico cat sent for training in Okayama. Sun-tama-tama was considered as a candidate for Tama’s successor, but the Okayama Public Relations representative who had been caring for Sun-tama-tama refused to give the cat up writing, “I will not let go of this child, she will stay in Okayama.” [25]

As of September 2018, Sun-tama-tama is working as the stationmaster in Naka-ku, Okayama and appears occasionally on Tama’s Twitter account.

Every time I see this post there’s new info and it gets better

You are only allowed to scroll pass this after you pay tribute to the great Tama Station masters.


The shrine of Tama Daimyōjin (Great gracious deity Tama), next to the Kishi station where she worked.


Nitama presenting her yearly offerings to Tama Daimyōjin on the anniversary of Tama’s Death, June 23 (The offerings are presented by the company president, as Nitama is a cat and thus can’t hold the offerings herself) (Not pictured, but also present, Yontama)

you cannot pass without reblogging guys. i’m sorry, i don’t make the rules.

You can’t not reblog a goddess. It’s just what’s so. :)

So, fun fact- the manga Noragami has an arc where the main character, Yato (a minor kami/God that is down on his luck but trying to make it big time) goes to a council/conference for all the Gods in Japan.

And they are announcing the winner of the “up and coming god” award, and of course, Yato thinks it’s him.

But no-


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Tw Implied Animal Death

Ugh day at work. Tired. Feeling Ugh.

Walks into apartment

No Chirps

hell yeah violent art is funThese guys are not Spirit OC’s btw, just random horse characters of mine

hell yeah violent art is fun

These guys are not Spirit OC’s btw, just random horse characters of mine I had for years. 

For context, grey horse is named Spear and he’s a lone stallion who left his original herd after he came of age. Red horse is named Armada and he’s the villain in Spear’s story arc- a racist who hates any feral horses who aren’t purebred Spanish colonial horses like himself, a territorial bully who enjoys picking on rogue stallions, and a tyrant who abuses his own herd members all in the name of his ego. 

Spear was one of thew few stallions brave enough to go up against Armada to free his own herd from him and become a better leader, so here’s Spear doing just that by smoking his rival with a square hoof to the jaw. Yeah that horse ain’t getting back up ever again 

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