#aph pakistan

Oh my god, they were almost neighboursTimeline is probably the 1980s in this one, when their relatio

Oh my god, they were almost neighbours

Timeline is probably the 1980s in this one, when their relations were obviously not very good. 

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this is almost a whole year late but in honor of the 70th anniversary of China-Pakistan relations in 2021, I drew China and @ask-pakistan’s Pakistan celebrating together

Some interesting historical notes:

  • Pakistan and China established relations on May 21, 1951 after the end of China’s civil war. The two countries have a uniquely close diplomatic relationship despite having dramatically different histories, cultures, traditions, and beliefs. Their relationship began growing initially due to tensions with India, a shared neighbor, but has since developed far beyond.
  • The two countries share a land border between northeastern Pakistan and northwestern China. The leaders and high-ranking officials of both countries frequently visit each other and often praise their bilateral ties – for instance, Pakistan-China relations have been described as “higher than mountains, deeper than oceans, stronger than steel, dearer than eyesight, and sweeter than honey.”
  • Pakistan and China are currently co-developing several infrastructure projects (roads, highways, railways, ports, gas pipelines, solar farms, hydroelectric power, etc) in a project called the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which is a major part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
  • The two countries call their bilateral relationship “iron brothers” and in Chinese, Pakistanis are nicknamed 巴铁/巴鐵 (pronounced bā tiě) which is short for 巴基斯坦铁哥们 (iron brothers in Chinese).
  • Pakistan facilitated the US President Nixon’s historic visit to China in 1972 and China’s reestablishment of formal diplomatic ties with many Western countries.
Ah yes, South Asians and their talent of emotional black mail.Featuring Nyo!Bangladesh and Pakistan.Ah yes, South Asians and their talent of emotional black mail.Featuring Nyo!Bangladesh and Pakistan.Ah yes, South Asians and their talent of emotional black mail.Featuring Nyo!Bangladesh and Pakistan.Ah yes, South Asians and their talent of emotional black mail.Featuring Nyo!Bangladesh and Pakistan.Ah yes, South Asians and their talent of emotional black mail.Featuring Nyo!Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Ah yes, South Asians and their talent of emotional black mail.

Featuring Nyo!Bangladesh and Pakistan.

This is based on one of our old convos @clover1134​ xDDD

Meanwhile APH India be like:

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