


Matthew is sitting on the edge of the windowsill, clutching a battered green walkie talkie to his chest, when he realizes that he might have a problem.  

A five foot seven problem with a crooked smile and braces.

“Breaker 1-9.  Birdie, come in Birdie,” the walkie talkie rumbled to life and Matthew almost dropped it.  “Do you have your ears on, over.”

“I thought we agreed my handle was Eagle One, over.”

“Birdie is cuter, over.”

“You’re full of crap,” Matthew said, even as he flushed.  “Over.”

He could almost see Gilbert shrug on the other end.  He knew it would look casual, easy, and just a little bit cheeky.

“I’m still right.  Over.”

Matthew huffed and leaned further out the window but the street was empty.  

“You’re still full of crap.  And you’re late.  What’s your 20?  Over.”  

“I’m still on Springfield, over.”

“That’s three blocks away!”  Matthew readjusted himself.  “I’m going to get caught, over.”

“Then lower your voice, over.”

“I’m going to get in trouble,” he hissed.  “Over.”

“I’m coming, I’m coming.”  He could hear the crackles and pops of interference as Gilbert hurried.  “Start climbing down and I’ll be there to catch you.  I promise.  Over.”

“I don’t need you to catch me,” Matthew grumbled, tucking the walkie talkie in the front pocket of his oversized jacket and reaching for the tree branch outside his window.  

The truth was, he probably did need Gilbert to catch him.  His bedroom was on the second floor of his modest suburban home and the tree did not have any branches lower than eleven feet.  Even if he hung off the lowest branch before letting go, he would still fall five feet and twist his ankle.  Again.

He pulled himself into the tree and started climbing down anyway.

Matthew had more than one problem, really.  He had several and all of them had something to do with his best friend.  Gilbert made him reckless.  Gilbert made him do things he would never dream of doing on his own.  Like sneak out at midnight on a Thursday.  

Gilbert chipped away at his reservations and made his knees weak when he smiled.  He made him stutter and trip over his own feet.  He made him blush.

Matthew was a mess when Gilbert was around.

But Gilbert also made him laugh.  He made Matthew feel smarter and stronger than he actually was.  He made Matthew feel like he could do anything if he put his mind to it.  

Gilbert believed him when no one else would.  

He always believed in him too.

Matthew did not understand where his unwavering faith came from but it made his heart ache.  It made him want to be there for Gilbert.  No matter what.

Even if that meant climbing out of his window on a school night.  

Matthew focused on shuffling along the branch before lowering himself to the next one, and the next one.  It was hard work and the rough bark of the tree scraped the palms of his hands.  He was sure there were at least a dozen leaves tangled in his hair.  

He turned to look down when he heard Gilbert approaching.

“It’s about ti-”

The branch underneath him suddenly snapped with his shifting weight and he was falling, falling, and oh, shit, this was going to hurt so much and he was going to be grounded for a month if he did not end up in the hospitaland…

Gilbert caught him around the legs with a quiet ‘Oof!’ and then he was falling again, forward this time, into his arms.

He landed on top of Gilbert.

“I, uh, are you okay?”  He whispered a little too loudly, leaning back and looking for injuries.

Gilbert blinked up at him for a moment before a slow smile spread across his face.  The moonlight glinted off his braces and, oh, Matthew knew he was still in trouble.  He had always thought braces were ugly and embarrassing until Gilbert came to class with a mouth full of metal last year.  

Now they made his stomach tighten uncomfortably.  

“I promised I’d catch you,” Gilbert hummed lazily.  “Over.”

Matthew glanced at the walkie talkie in the grass to his left.  Gilbert must have thrown it when he ran to catch him.  

“You’re so full of crap,” Matthew snorted before he could not stand it anymore and he ducked down to press his lips against Gilbert’s teeth.  His braces were warmer than he had imagined but, then, Gilbert was kissing him back and it was awkward and uncoordinated and a little bit perfect.  

He never wanted it to end but he eventually pulled back to study his best friend.  His ears were bright red and he looked a little dazed but he did not seem upset.

“I think I like you.  Like, ‘like like’ you,” he said.  Gilbert slipped his hand into his back pocket and squeezed.

“10-2.  I’m reading you loud and clear.  Over.”

Matthew knocked their foreheads together, a little too hard, before kissing him again.  

“Over and out.”

For my favourite person on her birthday. Happy birthday, Maplevogel!  You said you wanted a domestic piece so I hope this counts.  A little bit of sharing and caring and patience.  

Inspired by the song ‘Depth Over Distance’ by Ben Howard.

Depth Over Distance

The hinges on the door squeaked in warning as Canada pushed it open.  The house was stale and dim but he could hear the ‘click, click, click’ of an oscillating fan in the distance.


He slipped out of his shoes and dropped his suitcase on the worn hardwood.

“Gilbert?  I’m home.  Where are you?”

He squinted into the kitchen as he passed and sighed at the pile of cardboard boxes and garbage. The stove was blackened, the coffee pot was filled with noodles, and the sink was stacked with unwashed dishes.  

He knew what that meant.

Canada squared his shoulders and marched up the staircase with his heart in his throat. Kumajirou was sitting outside their bedroom door with his nose scrunched up in displeasure.  Canada tapped him on the head twice before pushing the door open.

The hinges seemed to screech even louder than before in the silence.

“Gilbert?  Are you in here?”

“No,” the bundle of blankets on their bed replied.  

“Are you sure?” Canada asked, sitting down on the edge of the mattress.  Prussia had drawn the curtains but he could see piles of clothes and more unwashed dishes scattered around the room.

“No,” the blankets repeated.

Canada bit his lip and tried not to laugh.

“No, you’re not here?  Or no, you’re not sure?”

Prussia peeked out from under the covers and blinked at him.

“…  Both?”

Canada chuckled, he could not help himself, and reached out to smooth his tousled hair.

“Bad day, then?”

“Bad week,” Prussia pouted, but he leaned into his hand.  “I missed you.”

Canada hummed in understanding.  He had missed Prussia too.  But he knew that it was more than that.

“Are you going to get up?”

“…  I don’t want to get up today.”

Canada clucked his tongue and nudged Prussia until he scooched over.

“Then move,” Canada said.  “I want in.”

Prussia raised the corner of the blankets and Canada slithered underneath.  He wrapped his arms around Prussia and pressed wet kisses to his shoulder and collarbone.  

Prussia clutched the back of his suit jacket.

His hands were shaking.

“I’m sorry you had a bad week,” Canada mumbled against his skin.  “You should have told me.  I would have come home sooner.”

“I know.  That’s why I didn’t tell you.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“Yeah, but I’m youridiot.”

Canada smiled even though he felt like crying.

He left Prussia alone the next day, and the day after, but he opened the curtains on the third day and laughed when Prussia hissed at him.  

He set a mound of pancakes on his lap and pushed the maple syrup into his hands.  

“It’s time to get up.”

“I don’t want to get up.”

“I know.  But you’re going to do it anyway.”

“Why?  What is the point?  Nothing is going to change.”

“Well, I’m going to change the sheets.”

“You’re an ass. That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

“Mm,” Canada agreed, and kissed him on the forehead.  “Yeah. But you love me and I asked you nicely so you’re going to do it anyway.”

“You’re trying to guilt me.”


Prussia watched the maple syrup soak into his pancakes.

“I’ll still be depressed, y’know.  I can’t just turn it off.  It doesn’t work that way.”

“I know.  But you’ll be depressed in the kitchen.  Or the den.”  Canada cut into the pancakes with the fork in his hand and raised a piece to his lips.  Prussia snatched it from him with a snort.  He laughed. “A change of scenery might be good for you.”

“You’re mean,” Prussia muttered as he chewed.

“If I was mean, I wouldn’t have brought you pancakes.”

“Where do you think nations go when we die?”

Canada looked up from his novel.  Prussia was sitting cross legged in front of the fireplace.  He was hovering over the flames, a little too close to be comfortable, and the fire cast interesting shadows across his face.

“What do you mean?” Canada asked even though he knew what he meant.  

“When we die. What do you think happens?”

He hummed.  

“I always thought we just sort’a…  Stopped.”

Prussia smiled when he turned to look at him but it was strained.

“That’s not reassuring at all.”

“I’m sorry,” Canada said, and he was.  

“No, it’s okay,” Prussia pressed his hands closer to the fire as if he wanted to feel something, anything, even if it hurt him.  Especially if it hurt him.  “You’re honest.  I like that about you.”

Canada marked his page before slipping out of his armchair.  He crawled across the hardwood and settled next to Prussia in front of the fireplace. He did not touch him, but he could have, and that was enough.

He stared into the flames too.

“…  Are you scared?”

“That I might disappear like Germania?”  Prussia forced his hands even closer.  “No. Yes.  I don’t know.  I don’t know why I haven’t yet.  I just keep… Waking up.  Everyday.  And I don’t know why I’m here.”

Canada chewed on his bottom lip.

“…  I’m glad you are.  Here.  With me.”

Prussia glanced at him.

“…  Me too.”

He almost sounded surprised when he said it.

Canada looked up when Prussia knocked on the doorframe and Gilbird ‘cheep, cheep, cheeped’ from his perch on the faucet.


He was submerged under a mountain of bubbles in the bathtub but he was still self conscious, somehow, when Prussia opened the door.  His face was mottled and red and he wondered if Prussia had heard him blubbering. He wiped at his eyes.

“I don’t want to disappear.  You know that, right?  I don’t want to leave you.”

Canada huffed but it came out as a hiccup instead.

“I know.  I do, I do, I know.”

“I love you. You’re my home.  This is exactly where I’m supposed to be.”

“What if… What if you don’t get a choice? What if…”  Canada hiccupped, again, and scrubbed furiously at his eyes. This was not about him.  What he wanted.  Or needed.  He was not the one who…  Who…  “What if you…”

“Then I’ll hold on tighter,” Prussia crouched down and grabbed his hand before he hurt himself.  “And I’ll never let go.”

Canada snorted.

“That’s not how it works.”

“Of course it is.”

“It is not.”

“It is.”

He could feel a smile tugging on his lips and he hated Prussia for it.  He loved him for it.  He hated him.  

He loved him.

“You’re an idiot.”

“I’myour idiot,” Prussia agreed.  “Now move.  I want in.”

“You’re still dressed!”

“Psh,” Prussia waved him off.  He pulled himself up and stepped into the bathtub.  His socked feet landed on either side of his legs as he sunk to his knees.  His wet clothes scratched against his bare chest as he wrapped himself around Canada under a blanket of bubbles.  “When has that ever stopped me?’

Canada started laughing, then crying, and then he could not stop.

Prussia threw the curtains open and jumped up and down on the mattress.  Canada moaned and tried to smack him.  Prussia pushed a bottle of maple syrup into his hand instead.

He opened his eyes and blinked at the pile of pancakes in front of him.  

Prussia kissed him on the forehead and grinned.

“It’s my turn to take care of you.”

megantronofficial: It seems to be that time again where Supanova Brisbane is just around the corner!


It seems to be that time again where Supanova Brisbane is just around the corner!

My Line Up for this Year is as follows;

Friday-Humanformers Whirl-spoopycops’ version [ScubaCops]

Saturday-2PAmerica ( Nyotalia 2PAmerica also likely )

Sunday- Revolutionary War America ( Nyotalia Version Likely )

It is possible I’ll swap around characters and have one on a different day but this is the jist!

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ziashetalia:枫Pixiv ID: 61607646Member:6137981 - Sainker※Posted with the artist’s permission~Please


Pixiv ID: 61607646
Member: 6137981 - Sainker

※Posted with the artist’s permission
~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist’s art~

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Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3Credits:@richient Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3Credits:@richient Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3Credits:@richient Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3Credits:@richient Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3Credits:@richient Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3Credits:@richient Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3Credits:@richient Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3Credits:@richient Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3Credits:@richient Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3Credits:@richient

Commission’s dump from last month! Thanks to everyone as always for the support x3


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Happy Halloween (in April) from your local, friendly (?) Italian ghost!! Also have two extra version

Happy Halloween (in April) from your local, friendly (?) Italian ghost!!

Also have two extra versions of it-

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Quick post just to say that I got some Hetalia merch boxes and am now selling what’s left do you can go pick out some stuff if you’re interested!!

Here the link on my shop —> https://www.etsy.com/listing/863345435/aph-hetalia-original-merch-hetalia?ref=shop_home_feat_2

 ✨SHOP UPDATE✨Kinda small- but it’s what it is nwn;; all that I managed to rush before a small ✨SHOP UPDATE✨Kinda small- but it’s what it is nwn;; all that I managed to rush before a small ✨SHOP UPDATE✨Kinda small- but it’s what it is nwn;; all that I managed to rush before a small ✨SHOP UPDATE✨Kinda small- but it’s what it is nwn;; all that I managed to rush before a small ✨SHOP UPDATE✨Kinda small- but it’s what it is nwn;; all that I managed to rush before a small ✨SHOP UPDATE✨Kinda small- but it’s what it is nwn;; all that I managed to rush before a small


Kinda small- but it’s what it is nwn;; all that I managed to rush before a small con I will be attending to on my city this weekend!

  • Encanto stickers!! Post the drawings little ago and now you can get the smols uwu
  • More pins!! This time with aguas frescas theme because it’s a battle over here for which one is better-
  • Couple more stickers of starters, Hetalia, cats and Helluva Boss uwu

Well, that’s really all! Hope you guys enjoy them and, if you’re interested on anything, feel free to check out my shop here!

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It’s that time of the month-Commission’s compilation!! This time with lots of couple becIt’s that time of the month-Commission’s compilation!! This time with lots of couple becIt’s that time of the month-Commission’s compilation!! This time with lots of couple becIt’s that time of the month-Commission’s compilation!! This time with lots of couple becIt’s that time of the month-Commission’s compilation!! This time with lots of couple becIt’s that time of the month-Commission’s compilation!! This time with lots of couple becIt’s that time of the month-Commission’s compilation!! This time with lots of couple becIt’s that time of the month-Commission’s compilation!! This time with lots of couple becIt’s that time of the month-Commission’s compilation!! This time with lots of couple bec

It’s that time of the month-

Commission’s compilation!! This time with lots of couple because of Valentine’s day last month uwu

Hope you all enjoy it! And if you’re interested on a commission, you can see more info here!


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Gereng Titanic au

Pic 8: Drawing, Part 1

Gereng Titanic au

Pic 7

Gereng Titanic au

Pic 5: First class party

More Gereng Titanic

Pic 4


Germano Week 2022

Day 8: Free day

a few days late but I finished it between my school assignments.


Germano Week 2022

Day 7: Musicals

Of course I had to do more of the Anastasia au.


Germano Week 2022

Day 5: Rivals to Lovers

Germano/Anastasia au


Germano Week 2022

Day 4: Pirates and Mermaids

I based this one on the mermaid and priest from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
