#aphmau laurance



made this for an aphverse discord server

:: hehe lookie lookie

:: hey zane kinnies, come here and let this laurance kinnie love you please and thanks <3

whoreance: hello whoreance followers have a silly lil meme :: i love this silly little meme


hello whoreance followers have a silly lil meme

:: i love this silly little meme

Post link

confession rejection

a short story (fanfic) by gayrance

laurance wasn’t going to let anything stop him now. he had been working up the courage for a week. he was finally going to confess his feelings to aphmau.

he dresses warm, appropriate for the cold, snowy weather outside. he makes his way out the door, phone in hand. he’s texted aphmau to meet him in the park near their neighborhood.

he’s determined, marching his way through the snow like a man on a mission - which he is. the mission is to tell aphmau that he’s in love with her. laurance is so close to doing it, he’s almost there.

making his way through the snow is easy for him, since he’s warm all over, inside and out. his heart pounds in his chest. when he finally gets there, he’s nervous, anxious even, but he doesn’t let it get in the way. he has to do this, he can’t keep it to himself any longer than he already has. it’s now or never.

he sees her, finally, standing in the snow. the white beanie on her head matches the snowflakes in her hair. she’s looking around as the falling snow clings to her purple sweater, gray pants and white scarf. she pauses before bending over to tie up the laces of her left purple boot with white gloved hands. she’s beautiful.

his heart, which was pounding so hard that laurance worried it would pop out of his chest, seemed to skip a few beats. time seemed to slow and then stop, but only for a minute. he really was in love.

laurance was now close enough to call out her name. “aphmau!” he shouts, jogging over, nearly tripping over a pile of the snow on the ground. he manages to catch himself before he falls over.

aphmau giggles at him. that giggle will foever be music to his ears. he’s memorized it, replaying the sound in his head whenever he feels like he needs to. her little laugh brightens up his day.

he laughs now. “hey, i hope i didn’t keep you waiting long,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “hi, laurance! don’t worry, i haven’t been here long.” aphmau smiles up at him.

that smile is everything to him. he would do anything to see her smile everyday for the rest of his life. he would do anything for aphmau anyway.

he smiles back at her. “good, good.” he falls silent, wondering how he should tell her. laurance really didn’t have a plan, he just knew it had to happen.

“so, what did you need to talk to me about?” she asks, tilting her head to the side ever so slightly, her beautiful, long black hair falling over her shoulder.

laurance wants to run his fingers through her hair someday. he pictures them sitting on the sofa in her house, watching some romantic comedy on the television together, him running his fingers through soft locks of black hair while she smiles at him rather than watching the actual movie or show.

before he gets too far into his daydream, he reminds himself why he called her out here, why he’s here. snapping out of it, he laughs nervously.

he begins. “aphmau, you’re such a good person. the way you care for others, helping them whenever you can, however you can,” he pauses, taking a deep breath. “you’re so kind. it’s inspiring. you’ve always made me feel like i can do anything.” he takes her gloved hand in his own bare one. “i’m in love with you, aphmau.”

aphmau’s smile drops and she carefully takes her hand from his, eyebrows furrowed in thought as she frowns. laurance knows what’s about to happen, but he has to hear it from her. he needs to hear it.

she sighs, obviously unhappy with having to do this. she speaks slowly, as if that will make his heart hurt any less. “laurance, i- that’s sweet but i’m just not … into you… not like that… i-i’m flattered, but i’m sorry.” she says, looking away. the fact that she’s avoiding eye contact with him makes it all so much worse.

he has to get out of here. he’s holding back his tears, trying not to cry infront of her. he has his reasons for this. he’s quick to say something before he leaves. “oh, um, it’s fine, don’t worry about it. i’ll, uh, i’ll see you around?” he forces himself to smile for her. she looks concerned but just nods.

he turns on his heel, walking as fast as he can to get away from the situation, to get away from her. it’s not because he wants to, he really wants to stay, but he’s too emotional to do that right now. he waits until he’s out of her sight, or at least until he can’t see her when he turns to look over his shoulder, and then wipes the tears that are already falling.

laurance’s face is warm from the tears when they begin to stream down his cheeks, but then his face is cold from the winter wind blowing in his face. he’s crying in the snow, and he feels awful. he has to make it to his house as soon as possible.

when he gets to his own place, he’s already taking off his scarf, jacket, and sweater off at the door. his body is hot but his heart feels cold. he’s still crying, vision blurred from the tears in his eyes. he holds onto the railing as he climbs up the stairs.

he goes to the bathroom, taking off the short sleeved shirt that’s over his long sleeved shirt. he feels like he’s suffocating. he feels like he can’t breathe. he takes off the long sleeved shirt too.

“oh, irene…” laurance sobs, looking at himself in the bathroom mirror. he runs a hand through his short brown hair, which is slightly damp due to the melted snowflakes in it. he turns on the sink and splashes some water into his face, trying to calm down.

it doesn’t work. he can’t stop thinking about the conversation. aphmau’s expression after his confession is still fresh in his mind. he doesn’t know what to do.

laurance stands infront of the mirror for a minute, leaning on the bathroom counter, listening to the water run. he turns off the faucet, deciding he’s just going to put on his pajamas and go to sleep for as long as he can.

he knows he’s only avoiding the problem by doing so, but he doesn’t care about that at all right now. laurance shuffles to his bedroom and sits on the bed. he kicks off his shoes after he unties the laces, not caring where they land in his room. he shoves off his pants in favor of some fuzzy green pajama pants and slips on a white oversized shirt with some random artist’s name on it - he stole it from garroth.

his eyes hurt from crying, and the tears have stopped coming even though he still feels like he has to cry more. laurance thinks he’s cried all his tears for the time being. he falls back onto his bed, a sigh escaping him.

laurance ends up staying at home in his room for almost a week. people have tried to text him, call him, and even stop by. he doesn’t answer his phone or the door. he can’t bring himself to face anyone.

he listens to the same few sad songs on repeat, singing along with them as they play at full volume. he mumbles the lyrics to stay with me by sam smith. “why am i so emotional,” he sings the lyric and then sighs. he’s quiet for a minute before picking up again. “oh, won’t you stay with me, ‘cause you’re all i need…” he hums the next part of the chorus, and then falls silent once more.

this is going to be the hardest rejection of his life. he’s been rejected before, but it’s never hurt this bad. he really is in love with aphmau, which is why he feels this way. he’s going to do his best to get through this though. laurance just needs some time.

:: the urge to write about laurance being in love but his feelings not being returned is so strong

Tumblrs kinda dead but here’s some laurmau at least for Valentine’s Day
