#aphmau zane


:: hey zane kinnies, come here and let this laurance kinnie love you please and thanks <3

“I’m doing a PDH and MYS re-write!” the fool said, as he continued to only draw Zanemau art because

“I’m doing a PDH and MYS re-write!” the fool said, as he continued to only draw Zanemau art because he realized how much of a comfort ship and hyperfixation it was.

Anyways, Zanemau on a double date with Ein and Kim, who are very crushing on each other but don’t have the guts to show any PDA

Post link

The Ro’Meave’s have a long line of chronic family health issues.

Garroth is unrealistically tall and has a lot of bone problems, also suffers from albinism, so he may be the funny sports guy, but he’s wearing like 100 layers of sun screen and prescription sunglasses.

Zane uses a can because of joint problems, also wears the mask for more anxiety reasons because of his health problems. Would rather ward off any sicknesses via a mask if people around him aren’t going to wash their hands. Also I feel like he would be allergic to like everything. Can’t eat certain fruits, can’t wear a lot of fancy clothes, absolutely all snot during spring, has only hypoallergenic cats.

The way they knew Vylad wasn’t a full Ro’Meave was because he somehow was one of the only boys without a health problem- /hj

Jesson are cowards #2;

Zane was intended to be emo/alt in some way, and while there should be no gatekeeping of whether someone is “alt” enough, I have decided canon Zane was far from it.

I fully believe MYS Zane would have long messy hair he teases on purpose ever morning. It looks messy as fuck but he loves it like that, and instead of one eye his bangs covers both. And it’s also like borderline kinda a gay person’s mullet.

He does a bunch of eye makeup everyday even if you can’t see it, and he has a good number of piercings.

But every time e goes to work he looks like a “normal” person cause he works too many minimum wage jobs.
