#apollo talks 〜∇〜



95% of the time i’d rather stuff my entire fist in my mouth than ask anyone for anything


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url change! boosts are appreciated <3

i went to go get food after work but they made it so hot that i have to wait to eat it. i’m so hungry

it’s raining very hard outside and i am drenched

g’morning. hope everyone has a good day today

writing a fic: cool, awesome, would recommend

coming up with a name for said fic: hate, ew, i’m going to cry

if i wrote something for uramichi oniisan would y’all read that?

gonna answer the thirsts in my inbox too btw. i just need to remember how to type words

you guys are all so nice to me :,) genuinely thank you for being the sweetest peeps out there. hope you’re all having the best day

i have no inui drabbles :0 </33

*cries in ageless blogs stop following me*
