#how could i


i have no inui drabbles :0 </33

WinterIron, T, ficlet - Established relationship, humor, animal transformation

Another spite ficlet for @saganarojanaolt, once again loosely set in the Curse You, Bucky! ‘Verse

If you’re curious to know why I’m doing this or how to get a drabble of your own, come on over to my tumblr or hit me up on discord (riotsongs#3153)!


“Oh, Ducky-y,” Tony calls, trying and failing to fight down his laughter, “dinner is served, come and get it!”

He stares expectantly at the empty kitchen doorway, but it remains empty.

“C’mon, you can continue pouting after you eat,“ Tony insists, but the doorway remains empty. "Bucky! Steve went out and got this food just for you. He agonized over it, don’t be rude!”

There’s another long beat of silence, and then Tony can hear approaching footsteps in the form of a faintslap-slap-slap.Laughter immediately begins bubbling up in his chest again and it takes everything Tony has to shove it back down so Bucky won’t go pout under the furniture again. The quiet slap of webbed feet gets closer, and Tony shakes with barely repressed laughter, and then finally a grumpy duck appears in the doorway.

Tony tries to control himself, he really does, but Bucky just makes such an adorable, angryduck. Tony may not know much about ducks and other waterfowl, but he’s pretty sure that even for a duck Bucky is still bulkyand instead of making his overall grumpy disposition more intimidating it just makes him more adorable, even Sam had admitted it. Even the metal wing is just precious,and clenching his jaw shut tightly still doesn’t stop the obviouslaughter building in Tony’s chest, escaping as snorts and wheezing gasps for air.

He’s not sure if mostducks can glare, but Bucky certainly is as he quacks unhappily and turns to slap-stomp away.

“No no no, I’m sorry!” Tony calls around badly repressed giggles, “I’ll stop please come back! You’ve been a duck for daysand you have to eat,honey!”

Bucky stops, but spends a couple seconds staring longingly down the hallways before he turns and reluctantly waddles his way into the kitchen. By the time Bucky reaches him Tony has mostlygotten himself under control, but he almost loses it all over again when Bucky looks up at him with an impossiblydisgruntled expression.

“I know you don’t want to eat on the floor,” Tony says, willfully fighting down more snickering, “so I’m going to pick you up now, but if you beak me again I willbe unhappy about it.”

It looks like Bucky is seriously considering biting him, but in the end he lets Tony move him up onto the counter and only smacks Tony with his non-metal wing a little. Bucky then has a long stare down with the food before actually taking a bite, and Tony smiles helplessly through the entire process.

“You don’t have to be sogrumpy,” Tony reminds him, “Strange says as soon as he gets back into town he can fix you up. Probably.”

Bucky quacks angrily at that, but at least he’s eating.

“Oh, my poor grumpy Ducky,” Tony says with a huff that’s just barelynot a laugh, and then has to slump against the counter and tuck his head down when Bucky shoots him a narrow-eyed look. “Thanks for diving in front of the magic blast for me,” he says as soon as he can get the words out, smiling up at Bucky again, “this one is totally on me.”

Bucky quacks again, looking a little less angry, and when he pecks his fingers against Tony’s hand he does it gently.


I would rather not go back to sleep right now but maybe next time… next time I’ll just stay close to you, alright?
