#applications closed

Hello again fellow Undertale fans~!Thanks again for all the support for this project but I have anot

Hello again fellow Undertale fans~!

Thanks again for all the support for this project but I have another update for you all.

Now that the cap for both zines and their waitlists have been reached, I’m proud (and a little sad) to announce that APPLICATIONS ARE OFFICIALLY CLOSED. Please refrain from sending in applications at this time. If for some reason I burn through the waitlists I will make another announcement that applications are reopening but at this time I am no longer taking anymore.

That being said, those who have received an email notifying them of their secured spot in the zine, expect a final confirmation email with more information soon.


With all the traffic my blog has been receiving I decided it would be more efficient to create a separate space for all information concerning the Undertale zine. You can check out the new blog HERE. All further updates will be posted here and so will a list for FAQ. Please direct all questions pertaining to the zine project to either my email ([email protected]) or this new blog from now on! Also as artists begin submitting entries and posting previews online, this blog space will be used to promote said previews~!

Thats all for now but please pass this update around and as always


Post link

Thanks everyone who applied. Everyone who sent an application will get an email within the next week.

If you do not receive an email by May 27th, contact me at swimon(at)topazcomics(dot)com

Thank you to everyone who applied, applicants will be notified through email on May 30th with more info!

swimonzine: swimonzine:Swim On 6: Coastal Waters - A Shark zine for charity applications are OPEN



Swim On 6: Coastal Waters - A Shark zine for charity applications are OPEN

Apply Here

Swim On is a yearly charity zine dedicated to shark preservation. All proceeds the zine makes go directly to Shark Savers

The zine will go up on gumroad for $1+

Previous Swim On zines can be purchased at


Submission Guidlines

-must be 6”x9” (1800x2700px) at 300dpi JPG or PNG in RGB

-a shark must be the focus of the piece (humans & other animals are allowed to be present)

-must be a full completed piece, no doodles on blank white paper will be accepted

-traditional and digital artwork, and comics are all accepted

-you are welcome to submit more than one piece

-only new pieces will be accepted, please do not submit a piece that you have made previously

-lesser known species are encouraged!

-no anthropomorphic sharks

-no nsfw content (including gore, death, blood - this is a G-rated zine)

Complete zine schedule
Applications close June 13th 11:59EST

If you have any questions about the zine, applying or submitting you can contact me at:
[email protected]

Apps close tomorrow, June 13th at 11:59PM EST! 

Let’s draw sharks together!

Applications are officially closed. Thank you to everyone who applied. I’ll be emailing and announcing the artists in the next few days!

Post link

Thank you to everyone who took the time to apply! 

Our final count is 311 applications, which means that the mod team is going to be very, very busy with reviewing over the next two weeks! Look for emails to go out on November 24th!

Thank you again to everyone who applied, the work we’ve seen so far is marvelous. 

Aaand applications are CLOSED! ✨

The mod team would like to extend a wholehearted “THANK YOU ” to everyone who applied & shared - we can feel the excitement & we can’t wait to move forward with the project!

Emails will be sent out April 15-17!
Please look forward to it!
