


She’s more than what meets your eye. The Creator’s mind made her to distract the mind, even the best of minds blessed with immense self-control. The poised and wise beings look beyond her bewitching looks and the rest lose their mind over her. 

The apsaras choose regal colours like purple and red. Swayamprabha dons the colour white, representing purity, wisdom and the eternal light of knowledge. 

Mortals today scoff at these passionate and beautiful beings of Swarga (heaven) who dance and sing and lure the sages to lust. But is that what are they capable of? To bring a man to lust with their heavy bosoms and slim waists? 

Who is it you see in your temples? The beautiful lady sculpture you just passed by the temple, as you immersed yourself in the beauty of her craftsmanship is embodied by an apsara. The ladies who possess expertise over the arts, the forever inspiration of poets and sculptures, there is a lot more to the beauty they carry. 

Swayamprabha knows that only a handful few see her beyond her pearly white garments and her enchanting looks. She smiles and plays the veena, singing a love ballad of two lovers uniting under a moonless night. The mortals of today’s age may look at shringara rasa in disdain and consider it impure. But, Shringara rasa, the beauty of life, the beauty of art that has stayed strong all these centuries shall never fade. 

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