

A decades old arachnophobia never quite leaves me

I can often brave many poisonous creatures

With a trusty cup and a wide napkin to fling them back to nature

But some will be too large even for me, too fast for my comfort

The inner ape overpowering, telling me to not risk a bite while asleep

While the logical, civil side vibrates as its pillars crumble

The stick no longer becomes a hand but now a sword

And the spider falls faster than Icarus

Yet I see its curled corpse shrivel and cast it away

How much smaller it seems in this light

How much worthier of an opponent it is

It’s a fearful creature and a terrified one

Facing off with a Goliath that stares constantly with immense size and speed

A life meant to eat thanks to a crafty mind and creative silk spinning

To thrive in darkness as both predator and prey

To be cut down by a glorified ape acting like a god

 pride spiders - nonbinary, pan, trans, aro, ace, lesbian, bi, genderfluid, gay/pride pride spiders - nonbinary, pan, trans, aro, ace, lesbian, bi, genderfluid, gay/pride pride spiders - nonbinary, pan, trans, aro, ace, lesbian, bi, genderfluid, gay/pride pride spiders - nonbinary, pan, trans, aro, ace, lesbian, bi, genderfluid, gay/pride pride spiders - nonbinary, pan, trans, aro, ace, lesbian, bi, genderfluid, gay/pride pride spiders - nonbinary, pan, trans, aro, ace, lesbian, bi, genderfluid, gay/pride pride spiders - nonbinary, pan, trans, aro, ace, lesbian, bi, genderfluid, gay/pride pride spiders - nonbinary, pan, trans, aro, ace, lesbian, bi, genderfluid, gay/pride pride spiders - nonbinary, pan, trans, aro, ace, lesbian, bi, genderfluid, gay/pride

pride spiders - nonbinary, pan, trans, aro, ace, lesbian, bi, genderfluid, gay/pride

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Spotted another leggy wanderer on my way home.
