#arcana valdemar


New year’s event for ask-blog with @artistscanallnight (and his great Valdemar)


- Beg you…

Shut up, or I make’ll you a laryngectomy without anesthesia…

This trade I couldn’t finish for such a long time…

But now it’s done!!

For great @nicadilly!

Hey everyone!!!

I’m not dead!! I am happy to announce that I am back to this beautiful hellhole after taking some time for my health. I will try my best to get back into the flow of Vald asks but I am currently OBSESSED with Nicky Valentino from Mix Hydra’s fictif app so…if any of you are interested, PLEASE send asks about him úwù

Sketch full of love to Courtiers.

I can’t stop imagine them while listening “Little Big” songs.
