#the arcana visual novel


Event for 14 Feb. for the Russian ask-blog. (Arcana characters kissing each other. My turn)

“Your was-not-kiss was disGUOsting”


- Gimme the hearts!

- Try to take them!

Two-day marathon for Arcana OC ask.

Happy past St. Valentine’s Day!


- Wake up, old buddy! Guest from Prakra came to see ya!

- This… This is…

- I know, that’s too hard to feel emptiness in your heart. Especially when you have ten…

My friends, Eleazar is officially in ask blog!

(Working for two, but I love it!)

Translation: So, what are ya gazing at me? Will ya buy something today or not?

A question?

You got one chance to interest me.

New year’s event for ask-blog with @artistscanallnight (and his great Valdemar)


- Beg you…

Shut up, or I make’ll you a laryngectomy without anesthesia…

Answer for the Arcana OC ask, that I couldn’t finish FROM 2021.

(Guess, which panels are new)

Q: The first dance of your OC with LI.



Took this template from this post and I couldn’t reblog because I’m shy.

Anyway, here’s my arcana apprentice, and I’m going to tag some of my faves.

@scaredy-apprentice@marinmuffins@shepavellann (I know you haven’t been as active in the arcana lately but you’re still one of my favorite blogs) @tea0-0stache@arcanaprentiss@lucigucci@vesuviasfastestcourierand@orochimarustanaccount (maybe this will help with your character design for when you draw them!)

sorry the quality is so bad i fuckin suck at photoshop lol but u get the idea

@vesuvien​ @siren-of-vesuvia​ @murielisnthere​

Describe your apprentice; Hazel Lily

Julian: I’ve never understood why people cared about romance until I had a relationship myself.

Julian: [picks up MC]

Julian: I’ve only had MC for a day and a half.

Julian: But if anything happened to them, I would kill everyone in the room and then myself

A few of the recent CG matchups I’ve done! I haven’t posted on here in a while, so I’m hoping this catches up anyone who was wondering what I’ve been up to!

Grandiose comission for @snikker-doooo!

Their young MC with twin sister.

That’s my first experience with hard background!


Answer for the ask.



Q: Show yourself in different ages.

A: I’ve better show you my dearest Wiggler in her sweet age… But obviously you’re insisting…

10 years old - (Parents/guests): “One day this mansion will belong to you”, “he’s still grieving about his pet?”, “Parents hired him one more tutor?”, “Already a scientist? In his age?”, “Does he still not communicate with peers? - No, they can really harm him while playing”

26 years old - (Father/guests/secular people): “Oh, sir, were you so kind to join the guests?”, “Has he found a bride already? - Nah, still fiddling around with his worms - poor parents…”, “Heartbreaker!”, “I’ve heard he wants to create a vaccine against bone fractures - Nutjob..”, “His mother doesn’t have much time anymore…”

~43 years old: (Voices): “Criminal”, “Unworthy”, “Disgusting”, “Mediocrity”, “Deranged”, “Pathetic worm”, “You’re nobody. Nobody.”

~450 years old: (people in Palace, servants) “Oh, sir praetor!”, “Why did he came here again?”, “Beg you, keep your worms away!”, “How do you endure him? - Although he’s old tattler and a bit eccentric, but we got used to him.”

Commission for lemony_leech on instagram!

I’m still open for commissions! Info below, dm me if interested!

Reblogs sincerely appreciated

Hi! I’m opening five commission slots for full color, detailed frame portraits! I’m aiming this towards Arcana related characters but this applies to all fandoms and ocs!!

Please feel welcome to dm me with any questions if you are interested! (I do work during the day, so if I don’t reply right away please understand!)

➡️ Some additional notes: One character max. Please have VISUAL REFERENCES for ocs. There is a $10 fee if the reference is written description only. Commissioned work is for personal, non-commercial use only.

Reblogs would be sincerely appreciated, thank you so much for your support! I look forward to the opportunity to create beautiful work for you
