

Good wood - beautiful cabins in even more beautiful surroundings. I’m lucky enough to have been to Patagonia, a truly sublime part of the world, just a shame I didn’t know about ‘Aka Patagonia hotel’, which is located on a rural site north of Puerto Natales, a Chilean port city in southern Patagonia. By Chilean architects studio Larrou.

Good wood - clean lines, full of natural light and a general air of calm… love this build in Manhattan Beach, California by San Francisco’s Blue Truck Studio.

Good wood - even if you can’t do so in reality, just imagine escaping to ‘El Casa Cosmo’s’ in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. It’s just like therapy… Oh and if you can be patient, you can hire the place on AirBNB when we get to go out.

Good wood - this beauty is a modern take on the classic Italian mountain cabin, so thank God for modernity, as this is stunning. Aptly named ‘The Mountain Refuge’ by Italian architects Massimo Gnocchi and Paolo Danesi.
