

5:10 PM & i’m folding another sunset under my tongue,
its hues bleached out by the cold into cotton-cloud pale.
& it goes like this every year, coming back to this frost 
to watch ice braid itself clear into my hair, & every year
this season is a little less cold than memory tells me, 
but the air is still taut with it. still springing away 
from every breath that wants to draw it in. here, 
the stars whisper flicker-faint, only showing their faces 

if you strain your sight beyond the city’s ice-spire heights, 
their frozen illumination. when you learn to worry enough 
about forgetting how we hold on to warmth, instinct 
guards against that loss with fierceness. but i know

i talk too much about forest fires for someone 
who’s never witnessed a conflagration. so this time, 
instead, i’ll tell you about the ice-storms that used to 
come between snowfalls. how the force of their winds 
snapped branches as easy as icicles, twisted woodlands 
into crystal-palace halls that glittered even in the dark. 

& the moon has slipped now beneath the curving night, 
but its sickle-beam weaving still holds the velvet coat
of the sky together. every white stitch saying just wait 
a little longer
, reminding me i still want to tell you 
about never understanding how to trace the gleam 
of constellations. & how i want to try again. & about 

those rarest of winter sunrises, the ones that drip 
peach-juice vivid: the horizon offering its dawnbloom
over & over, like a glimpse of all the love-letters ever 
written to light. i still want to climb up to see the sky 
made a saltshaker, every ice-white star plummeting 
to earth in flaring promise. & love pooling in the melt 
of each landing, warm enough to draw all the world 
into growing again.

q.l. | for @femmelovely​ <3
