#are queue working bard or bardly working


edvard: i invented a device for talking to people across great distances, he staged a public demonstration where he used one to beat a horse to death!

edvard: and now everyone thinks they’re unsafe!

prudence: oh no merilwen’s got a hot dad!

merilwen: don’t be weird about my dad prudence

dob: i use message to tell merilwen that we’re all crushing on her dad

dob: prudence, don’t you have like a sort of magic eyeball on a stick?

prudence: …do you mean the ancient discipline of clairvoyance?

egbert: surely there’s something more to this than ‘that man in the stocks stole the gem’

johnny: oh i couldn’t possibly say, my boy…

johnny: certainly not after just one tinny…

dob: amelia, i have a great plan.

dob: lead us to the gem that we know is here! that he alledgedly stole (that we know is here!) ((we know)) and then, come with us to horatio. and then, we will use our Various Magics to create, having seen the gem, (we can only do this if we’ve seen the actual gem) a fake gem! and then we’ll present the fake gem to him and if he’s like “aha! got the gem at last suckers! i never loved you bye!!!” then we’ll know he was false!

dob: and we’ll kill him.
