#are you looking



For the Grishaverse Reverse Mini-Bang 2021, run by @grishaversebigbang, and with stunning art created by @wqemzz-blog - click here for her incredible illustration of Kaz and Inej!

Captain Inej Ghafa has returned to Ketterdam for the first time in three years. In all that time, The Wraith never docked at Berth 22 for more than an afternoon, and the crew never strayed further than the harbour front.

Could she have stopped by sooner? Absolutely. Did she choose not to for entirely business-related reasons? Absolutely not.
She has no idea what her friends will make of seeing her again after so long, least of all Kaz. But there is hope - hope that in that time, he will have grown as much as she has. That he will be the kind of person that she can share a pot of tea with without a thought of how he might feel about her.

Because Inej isn’t done with being a pirate yet. But it doesn’t mean she wants to be at sea forever.

I had the best time getting to write thisfic based on the idea proposed by Emma.So much of a good time, in fact, that I overwrote it by around 4k words in the end… This is the much more civilised 2k word version - the full iteration of the story will be posted on my AO3 at some point in the future (currently still the same version as here), but this significantly neater version will remain on my Tumblr for good.I really hope that you like it, and check out @wqemzz-blog for all your beautiful art needs!

Link to the fic on AO3: ‘Hope is the thing with Feathers’

And available to read below the cut here:

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