#are you ok


a couple nights ago I had a dream that necrobutcher from mayhem was in my house, and I was super nervous and unsure what to say to him because he hadn’t even introduced himself to anyone, so I awkwardly asked “are you necrobutcher from mayhem?” and he said “yes, sadly” and shook my hand. necrobutcher are you ok, what does this mean

Missing the mutuals that stopped responding

New painting

Are you ok?, 2022



this is mingus, they’re one of the nost tedious projects i’ve ever done and also one of my favorites

i love looking at the tags on this post because most of them are just like wow what a colorful friend! and then there are the people who know what a french knot is who are freaking out


One of the best reactions from a publication’s twitter account for Parasite winning Best Picture at the 2020 Oscars (Academy Awards)
