#weird dreams


I had a dream, this one had a song. I forgot most of it almost immediately but I remember that it was a villain song about cannibalism, it was fairly close to 2 “the cog is dead” songs, its instrumental was closest to “burn it down” and its vocals were closest to “the death of the cog”. I also remember a bit of one lyric “-knives on my rack!”. the first thing I thought when I woke up was “damn, that was a good villain song”, the next was “damn, I just forgot that entire villain song”. I dimly remember the singer being all polygonal, paper white, clawed hands, tusks, and they may-or-may-not be eyeless. they had clothes but I can’t remember them. if anyone tries to remake it that is just FINE by me.

It was a game similar to kerbal space program in that it was about making and flying spaceships. Everything was normal until they left the atmosphere. Space looks like it had been razed and the starting “planet” was a vaguely stalagmite-shaped shattered chunk. The top (where the launch site was) was a piece of the planet’s crust with the bottom having some kind of space station-city hybrid and one of the sides was lush and green, seemingly having grown on after the shattering. The vessel then flew down to this place and landed in a river. The area was a thick rainforest with deep, wide river networks that streaked on for miles. In the river were dunkleosteus and giant wobbegongs that could eat the vessel whole.  Also the moon was another, slightly smaller chunk.

cool as shit

I had a dream that was some soulslike game. I remember it beginning with the main charter landing on a puddle of oil on an otherwise normal landscape. That ended quickly with the land In all the other shots being grey and dry with lakes, rivers and oceans of oil. Another shot shows a boardwalk-type area with enemies resembling hunchbacked greyskined mummies with staffs that seem to be some kind of spellcaster and these one-legged elderly hunchbacked giant carrying sacks of gold on the backs with one hand and holding a cane with the other. Another scene showed some kind of boss or miniboss on a rickety pier on the oil sea simply called “foul” which resembles a young female one-legged hunchback giant without the gold bag. It just seemed to be flailing wildly.

Weird Doctor Who fact about me

I had a dream like long before I watched Doctor Who (started watching in 2017 but I actually wanted to watch it since 2007 but couldn’t because it wasn’t available in my country, and I think I had that dream in 2015 or something) in which 12 told Clara Oswald, who just asked if she could stay forever with him, that her name was written on the thing on which the trains’ schedules are put in a train station, and she couldn’t bail out of it, and had to “die” and Clara said “okay then. This is a goodbye, you stupid old man. I’ll miss you”

And that’s how I decided I had to try again to watch Doctor Who

Had a dream last night where I walked into an olde timey bar and saw a separate version of myself talking to some guy in a hat. He leaned in and said something and my other self replied knowingly, “Ha, you don’t need to tell ME about the industrial revolution, pal. I was there.”

I mean.


I’ve been having this reoccurring dream during that state between being awake and falling asleep. It always starts with me standing in the middle of my bedroom in the dark. I look into the standing mirror and see this figure standing behind me in the corner. It’s hard to discern details, but it looks pretty corpse-like with papery skin peeling off like wallpaper. It looks like more shreds are coming/floating out of where it’s eyes should be? It’s just standing there unmoving, stiffly upright and facing me. Whatever it is, each time I look behind me, it’s not there, and when I look back in the mirror, it’s there standing closer to me. Look behind, not there, look back, it’s closer, look behind, not there, look back, closer still. It gets to the point where I continuously stare at it, hoping that my gaze will keep it still, as I back up through the bedroom door to run the hell away. I close the door, shut my eyes in hopes that avoiding seeing anything reflective will save me, and blindly make my way out.

Bonus: One time when I was more lucid, I tried to turn the dream around to be more positive by asking if it needed help. It didn’t answer, it just continued to stand there unmoving. So I asked it if it had a name. Then this incoherent noise blasted in my head that sounded like someone had turned a TV on and was changing channels really fast. The noise didn’t stop until I woke up.

Last night I dreamed that one of my teeth had come out of alignment and basically turned sideways, and I had to go to the dentist and the way they fixed it was they set you up at one of these machines

And then while your family stands around you and watches, they knock your tooth back into place by shooting one of these at your face, with enough force to knock you unconscious

It was an interesting experience.

I had a dream last night that I was house sitting in France for a lovely lady named Molly while she was out on holiday with her kids. She had a vintage mint colored muscle car that she parked outside of her house that I was admiring while looking out her front window and as I did, a tall man pulled behind it and parked his car, then proceeded to walk by and whistled at the muscle car. I poked my head out the window and said “Sir, can I help you???” but he ignored me. 

He then said to himself “I bet I can open this up real easy.” took out something in his pocket, jiggled with the door lock and proceeded to just hop in the car and drove off??? I ran out and kind of stood there as he peeled around the corner in shock. I thought about calling the owner but thought TIME WAS OF THE ESSENCE and called the police instead.

The french operator on the other line was very patient with me and I explained that I was a foreigner housesitting and that my client’s car was just stolen and she responded with “SACRE BLEU! We must fix this at once, time is of the essence!” and I was like THATS WHAT I THOUGHT!! and I think I fell in love with her a little.

Anyway the guy’s car that he abandoned for the Muscle car was still there and I read the license plate and all the info I could find on it for the operator. I guess this is where a gap forms in the dream as some dreams do as maybe during that detective montage I left the house and sleuthed around and then came back to find that owner had returned!! And that the car was also sitting innocently back in in front of her house.

The operator lady was still on the phone with me this entire time and she was just as confused as I was. When I ran inside the house looked like it was ransacked, with broken glass all over that I distinctly remembered sidestepping. I thought someone had robbed the house, but Molly, the owner came flouncing out as if nothing was wrong. I asked her what happened and how did she get her stolen car back. But she was really dismissive like I was crazy and said there was a note in the car that explained everything. The operator on the other side listening was very suspicious at this point and was like ‘maybe that carnapper was her husband, mon dieu.’ and that this was all some elaborate test or setup to see how good I was of a house sitter.

Anyway, I woke up trying to find that note that explained why the fuck any of this happened. Sorry for wasting like five mins of your morning for this mildly unsolved mystery. But shoutout to that French operator who was my detective partner that entire dream.

(Featuring howl as a stand in for me and my friends)

I had this bizzare dream a couple weeks ago about me and my friends suddenly being on this weird island with lots of winding hills, stone stair cases and broken walls surrounding the cliff tops seeing out across the whole land. We saw a giant, and I mean cosmic levels of big, colosseum in the middle of the island with a very still but definitely alive black creature in the middle of it, it appeared to be sleeping but looked to be some sort of lizard but all you could see was the body and tail.

It was a whole entire city completely bustling with people quickly running around gathering things. We found out that in order to get off the island you had to defeat the creature in the colosseum so many would “prepare” before going in to fight. It was so stupid because there’s no way in hell you could kill it 1v1 in a fucking colosseum but people tried anyway all day and night. Obviously, no one had beaten it and the punishment for “surrendering” or somehow escaping the colosseum alive, you would loose your memories. This drove a lot of people insane as they would forget everyone they knew and loved.

Near the end of my dream I remember standing on a balcony with some other people and watching a man wading through the ocean ripping out pages of a book and throwing them into the sea, crying. A person next to me said his loved one had gone to fight and lost their memories of him so he went to fight only to suffer the same fate.

Honestly this was one of the most coherent dreams I’ve ever had i every remember the majority of what happened still.

Recall back around 4th or 5th grade getting a Precious Moments bible from a family member who was a Southern minister, n me grams lending me Stephen Kings ‘It’ since I loved, & still love reading. In her defense, she never actually read the book.

Switched back n forth reading them. When 'It’ got too scary would switch to the Bible hoping it was less so, and it was totally boringly, zen during those many begets, until the stories sometimes seemed more horrifying than Kings.

Oh the interesting ways my brain made sense of all that! Such vivid, memorable dreams, night wanderings (or oft was so told) n feelings, n experiences!

Not sure if having a night-light made it better or worse?

Lying on your stomach, only able to open your eyes n look around. Feeling this weird buzzy, vibration in your noggin, n then you notice the sensations of being grabbed by the ankles, and slowly dragged towards the end of your bed, and you can just lie there, heart thumping, wondering what’ll happen when you reach the end. N what does the thing that’s holding you looks like?

Or feeling helpless whilst feeling like you’re being lifted up in the air, and then feeling yourself crash back onto the bed.

Trying to escape a dream by sitting up and feeling arms grab you from behind and pull you back into it, and then you actually sit up in a panic finally wide awake n realizing it was a dream in a dream.

The creepy whispering n occasional words heard.

Feeling the scream trapped in your throat n remembering the dream that caused it.

Scaring the crap outta yourself cuz you woke yourself up with your own screams, but the dream is gone.

Dream control therapy classes would’ve been nice to take as a younger human. Would’ve been like the dream master from earlier on.

At least now in the older years learned some skills to avoid, get out of, or to change the course of a dream.

So last night I dreamt that I had this bsns portrait session and it started out really well and then stuff started breaking a lot and all my coworkers started just..moving shit into my room for a movie? While I was working! and my papers were ripping in half for no reason and I was obviously freaking out and one of them was like CHILL and I just yelled “NO! I’m still in session and you guys are In My Way!” And they were not sympathetic, saying “girl, you’re having the worst session ever and you have to accept it because it’s Friday the 13th” and I was like “THATS what day it is?!” And I turned to the guy, who was wearing this red suit the whole time, and had cool dark hair, and I was like “So you’re the Devil! I get it.” And he laughed and started quoting Neil Gaiman in a deep voice and I was like “nice” and then I gave up on his session and we just watched the movie and ate popcorn.

Told him we could finish the glamour shots at another time and he better not screw everything up next time because I was making him look awesome

I just had a dream where instead of lilith dying Mammon died instead and basically everything was the same except for the fact mammon wasn’t MC’s descendent but was carrying mammon’s soul inside them… Great dream really.

cant stop thinking about that dream where i dated taylor lautner and he wasnt that hot but he fucking treated me right

March 27, 2022

Dream last night:

Had a dream that kind of felt like it either had a group of 3 - 5 vampires or spies (or something like that). MC of the dream ended up falling for one of them. She tried taking a picture of him with her phone, played it off when it made a noise as fidgeting with something else or changing the volume or sounds.

(For some reason, it didn’t save the picture.)

They ended up taking her home. A bit of a sad goodbye, and she actually believes it’s the last she’ll see of them.

I can’t recall if there was a goodbye scene between the two or not, but I wanted to say yes. Then the group leaves.

(He does like our MC too.)

Fast forward and MC is just living life. She still thinks about the one she fell for, but she is still moving on with her life.

A party of some sort occurs, and MC had put a lot of work into putting it together. She gets a shock when the group returns and shoes up at the party. Happy reunion there.

I think there was a bit of a message about your value isn’t determined by what you can do or give to others that they shared with MC?

Either way, happy end. And a good ending for MC and the one.

And I swear to you that I keep thinking that the one/ML looked something like this:


… but I can’t remember exactly what.

(Images from (1) The Villainess is a Marionette and (2) Attack on Titan.)

Last night I had a dream that I was breast feeding a young fox. So here is a beautiful image of Tori

Last night I had a dream that I was breast feeding a young fox. So here is a beautiful image of Tori Amos nursing a piglet.

Post link

a couple nights ago I had a dream that necrobutcher from mayhem was in my house, and I was super nervous and unsure what to say to him because he hadn’t even introduced himself to anyone, so I awkwardly asked “are you necrobutcher from mayhem?” and he said “yes, sadly” and shook my hand. necrobutcher are you ok, what does this mean
