#arent they neat









Please list them in the reblogs, along with (approximate) alignment, class, and race! I’m making charts for Science.

I’ll start.

Duran, Human Barbarian, NG: Woodcarving, hiking, and botany.

Faust, Tiefling Paladin, CG: Reading and writing poetry, reading romance novels.

Vallorik, Dragonborn Druid, LG: Baking, weaving, and storytelling.

Lyle, Halfling Bard, NE: Card games, improvised acting, and solving/creating riddles

Kevin Goodberry, Lizardfolk Druid, CN: Gardening, cooking, and maintaining the stables.
Skamos, Tiefling Warlock, NG: Reading, practicing the mandolin, and strolling through the local market.
Veit Stonefist, air genasi monk, CG: Knitting, competitive arm wrestling, and talking to bar patrons.

Countess Faine of Felonia, Fire Genasi Paladin, LN: Reading, writing inspirational speeches

Ushra Dragonslayer, Human Ranger, NG: Helping people, teaching kids

Misriel, Woodelf Monk, CG: playing the lute, praying

 Disappointment, Halfling Warlock, LE: writing books, having an audience

Jas, Half-Elf Lich Artificer (Gunsmith)/Rogue (Assassin) /Warlock (Fiend Pact), CN: Tinkering, a good book, various hobbies throughout the ages, devising new places to keep his phylactery.

Gajinko “Jin” Chikage, Human Battle Sorcerer, NG: Magic, Doodling

Malakai Deimos, Tiefling Wild Magic Sorcerer, CN: playing the Rebec, charming others.

Nekraphane “Nek” Baerne, Drow Elf Fighter (No Archetype yet), N: Gambling

Nadaar of the Sea, Dragonborn Paladin (Oath of Vengeance): Fishing, displays of strength for the amusement of crowds.

Vuk Marin Hayes, Variant Human Gunslinger (Gunsmith Trail): Card tricks/games, tinkering on guns with the mad scientist PC when drunk.

Asleif, Human Tempest Cleric, Chaotic Neutral: getting into bar fights, being overly suspicious of anyone who has even the slightest chance of being a necromancer, trying to be the Mom Friend but failing miserably. Also she’s pretty good at sailing

Ragnel, pacifistic dragonborn fighter: singing, playing his lute, telling stories, cooking
Andor, half elf street magician without magic: Performing, sewing, working on his performance, card tricks
Bradley, human rogue: whittling, writing, hunting

Adriana, Corporate Socialite: Parties, cooking, devising diversification strategies, Casual Matrix Usage, relaxing at all
Seres, Hodge-Podge Engineer: Excessive Sex, violence, long motorcycle rides, drugs
Poly, “Freedom” Fighter Sniper: Target Practice, Exercise, writing diaries, maintaining her weaponry, star gazing.
