#aries ♈️



Aries: the beginning of the cycle-the most raw, untamed, excitable, impulsive and uncut energy. Energy in need of direction. Fresh eyes

Pisces: the end of the cycle-the sum of all energy, the energy that transcends all existence, pandoras box. Felt it all eyes

arsonice: ARIES MOONnothin’ can put out your firearsonice: ARIES MOONnothin’ can put out your firearsonice: ARIES MOONnothin’ can put out your firearsonice: ARIES MOONnothin’ can put out your firearsonice: ARIES MOONnothin’ can put out your firearsonice: ARIES MOONnothin’ can put out your firearsonice: ARIES MOONnothin’ can put out your fire



nothin’ can put out your fire

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An ode to ARIES

As spring begins so does Aries season. Who else can find the will to break through the frost and bask in the warmth and breathe anew, besides Aries. They are reborn. It takes courage, determination and strength to be a Aries. Like a baby, there is a innocence surrounding the thought of babies but their journey to start life comes with great strength and will power and the ability to act on sheer creative impulse. Breaking out to find light, to find life. Flowers start to bloom, the sun shines longer. Seemingly dead trees start to grow green again. Representing the beginning and all the energy needed to begin that comes from Aries.


aries: venus vs. mars


  • aries venus is more romantic. they aren’t quite as “all guns blazing” as their martian siblings, and while they enjoy the chase of a new romance, they want to be swept off their feet from time to time too. they aren’t the most sentimental lover, but they are passionate, lively and romantic
  • they are less confident than aries mars. venus in aries isn’t a shy, docile placement; they are bold, adventurous and sometimes even pushy. that being said, they don’t quite possess the same brash, larger-than-life bravado that aries mars does. they are just a little softer around the edges
  • they are more easily bored. aries mars is a little more driven and determined, while aries venus, although they do like to chase and be chased, wants results at some point. they can’t, and won’t, chase a dream forever


  • aries mars is more dominant. while both placements can captivate and conquer the room, aries mars is just that little bit more commanding. mars being domicile in aries makes them incredibly powerful, and you can feel the energy radiating off of them when you meet one
  • they are less patient. they are cardinal, and really embody the martian spirit, which is drive. they have a certain spark that allows them to start new projects, dream up big ideas, and enter new chapters of life swiftly and easily. their lesson really lies in learning to restrain themselves, and practicing patience
  • aries mars is more controlling. both signs enjoy games, but mars in aries likes to win. they like to be the master, not the puppet, and can easily get frustrated and confused when they meet their match, resulting in power struggles


  • both placements are playful. I’ve said it before, but aries is something of a hunter. they enjoy both the hunt and being the hunted, as a change of pace is fun for them. this love of games and challenges takes many forms, but you’ll almost always see it shine through if you observe an aries venus or mars
  • they can both be impulsive. this trait is often especially apparent with aries mars, as you’ll see it show up in more areas of day-to-day life, while with aries venus, it often appears in relationships more than anything else. because their biggest strengths lie in starting things, they can sometimes struggle to see things through to the end, because when times get tough, they can easily jump ship and move onto the next big thing
  • both placements are powerful. they are easy to spot in a group, because they are incredibly animated, strong and daring. they have this bright, slightly abrasive vibe that is almost addictive to be around, and they radiate energy. their fighting spirits really shine through too, making it easy to discover them during hard times
  • they both love hard. they are strong, happy-go-lucky and passionate, and this is especially true when it comes to love and relationships. they fall in love incredibly quickly, and deeply too; they aren’t shallow, despite how they can seem at times. their love is pure, honest, and straightforward, just like they are


Sun in Aries: Personality first 

Moon in Aries: PASSION 

Mercury in Aries: Honest to a fault, fast lane brain 

Venus in Aries: Love at first sight 

Mars in Aries: It’s about conquest, winning, leaving a mark, exerting energy as power 

Ascendant in Aries: A spark called I, me, my 

konvalia: zodiac moodboard: aries( i am badlands, red dust, war-torn. / i am torn. i am torn )konvalia: zodiac moodboard: aries( i am badlands, red dust, war-torn. / i am torn. i am torn )konvalia: zodiac moodboard: aries( i am badlands, red dust, war-torn. / i am torn. i am torn )konvalia: zodiac moodboard: aries( i am badlands, red dust, war-torn. / i am torn. i am torn )konvalia: zodiac moodboard: aries( i am badlands, red dust, war-torn. / i am torn. i am torn )konvalia: zodiac moodboard: aries( i am badlands, red dust, war-torn. / i am torn. i am torn )konvalia: zodiac moodboard: aries( i am badlands, red dust, war-torn. / i am torn. i am torn )konvalia: zodiac moodboard: aries( i am badlands, red dust, war-torn. / i am torn. i am torn )konvalia: zodiac moodboard: aries( i am badlands, red dust, war-torn. / i am torn. i am torn )


zodiac moodboard: aries

( i am badlands, red dust, war-torn. / i am torn. i am torn )

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aries season

welcome to aries season! you are coming coming face to face with all your insecurities and things you thought you could not face and overcoming them with fearlessness and ambition. aim high in your pursuits, that big dream go for it, be daring and know that unbelievable things can happen this season. it’s time to let you inner child out the bag. have fun again. see the world as your playground of endless opportunities and that you are the god that makes them happen. lean into that endless confidence. don’t worry about seeming arrogant or selfish. stay self focused and motivated. assert your voice in conversations. start new hobbies and projects. get a tattoo. dye your hair. be who you’ve always wanted to be. you are free of anyone’s expectations or rules. do things because you want you, no one else can say otherwise. fight for your beliefs. do away with limitations, even if it’s your own self limiting beliefs. it’s time to accept exactly who you are and celebrate that. the sun is exalted at this time and thrives in aries. you want to be your truest self. have gratitude for your life and the amazing person you are. be mindful of being too impulsive or aggressive and think things through first.
