#venus signs




Fact: Venus is never more than 2 signs from the sun. Your venus sign is either one of the two signs before your sun sign, one of the two signs after your sun sign, or the same sign. There are 60 sun x venus combos. Here they are:


i’m a/an…

ARIES ☀️ w/ a

aquarius venus: the calm & confident aries

pisces venus: the smooth & soothing aries

aries venus: the fervent & enthusiastic aries

taurus venus: the affectionate & prudent aries

gemini venus: the light hearted & aware aries

TAURUS ☀️ w/ a

pisces venus: the dependent & loyal taurus

aries venus: the powerful & fulfilling taurus

taurus venus: the loving & alluring taurus

gemini venus: the intellectual & charming taurus

cancer venus: the friendly & emotional taurus

GEMINI ☀️ w/ a

aries venus: the lively & adventurous gemini

taurus venus: the rational & loyal gemini

gemini venus: the fun loving & introspective gemini

cancer venus: the providing & kind gemini

leo venus: the rewarding & lavish gemini

CANCER ☀️ w/ a

taurus venus: the faithful & generous cancer

gemini venus: the relaxed & open cancer

cancer venus: the familiar & sweet cancer

leo venus: the extroverted & exuberant cancer

virgo venus: the direct & introverted cancer

LEO ☀️ w/ a

gemini venus: the flirty & progressive leo

cancer venus: the appreciative & secure leo

leo venus: the dramatic & encouraging leo

virgo venus: the communicative & stimulating leo

libra venus: the easy going & artsy leo

VIRGO ☀️ w/ a

cancer venus: the considerate & reserved virgo

leo venus: the enjoyable & organized virgo

virgo venus: the modest & prospecting virgo

libra venus: the suave & friendly virgo

scorpio venus: the intimidating & private virgo

LIBRA ☀️ w/ a

leo venus: the selfless & empathetic libra

virgo venus: the strict & practical libra

libra venus: the careless & theatrical libra

scorpio venus: the mysterious & possessive libra

sagittarius venus: the rational & compassionate libra

SCORPIO ☀️ w/ a

virgo venus: the thoughtful & precise scorpio

libra venus: the colorful & warm scorpio

scorpio venus: the faithful & imaginative scorpio

sagittarius venus: the independent & carefree scorpio

capricorn venus: the motivated & stable scorpio


libra venus: the philosophical & conscious sagittarius

scorpio venus: the intuitive & trusting sagittarius

sagittarius venus: the idealistic & hopeful sagittarius

capricorn venus: the earnest & grounded sagittarius

aquarius venus: the hyper & energetic sagittarius


scorpio venus: the evasive & emotionally driven capricorn

sagittarius venus: the free & passionate capricorn

capricorn venus: the wise & pragmatic capricorn

aquarius venus: the simple & delighted capricorn

pisces venus: the sensitive & doting capricorn

AQUARIUS ☀️ w/ a

sagittarius venus: the lustful & experiential aquarius

capricorn venus: the calculated & rational aquarius

aquarius venus: the youthful & clever aquarius

pisces venus: the sympathetic & inspired aquarius

aries venus: the heartfelt and honest aquarius

PISCES ☀️ w/ a

capricorn venus: the intelligent & subtle pisces

aquarius venus: the ecstatic & worldly pisces

pisces venus: the gentle & optimistic pisces

aries venus: the fiery & intense pisces

taurus venus: the steady & creative pisces


Aries: Lets get right to it, sultry, seductive, straight forward, spontaneous.

Taurus: good food, gentle music, Nice aromas, sensual, a classic seduction.

Gemini: love letters, Humour, Conversation, stimulated intellect.

Cancer: To show vulnerability and sensitivity in Conversation, good food, emotional connection, gentleness.

Leo: Theatrics, burlesque, performances, loyalty, affection.

Virgo: Cleanliness, subtle seduction, intellect, nothing spontaneous. 

Libra: Charm, Literature, Gentle conversation, good manners.

Scorpio: dark, erotic conversation, secrets, nothing superficial, games of power and control. 

Capricorn: Straight forward, discretion, sensuality, be classy. 

Sagittarius: Have fun, travel, variety, Freedom, humour. 

Aquarius: intellectual conversation, be fun, detachment, speak on the phone/computer, use of technology.

Pisces: Imagination, intricate fantasy, escapism, compassion.

- This would work in combination with your Venus sign also. 

Venus signs aesthetics (12/12): Pisces venus“The last sign of the zodiac, the Pisces spirit is mysti

Venus signs aesthetics (12/12): Pisces venus

“The last sign of the zodiac, the Pisces spirit is mystical and ethereal. Although Pisces energy can be hard to contain (after all, the ocean is boundless), Venus absolutely adores dwelling in this sign. In fact, Venus is considered “exalted” in Pisces, meaning that in this sign, Venus is functioning at its highest vibration. Pisces Venus finds beauty in absolutely everything and is particularly drawn to creative pursuits such as music and art. For these lovers, romance is deeply spiritual.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (11/12): Aquarius venus“Aquarius energy is progressive, offbeat, and aloof. A

Venus signs aesthetics (11/12): Aquarius venus

“Aquarius energy is progressive, offbeat, and aloof. Accordingly, those who have Aquarius Venus find pleasure in nonconformity. In fact, for the Aquarius Venus lover, the ideal partnership cannot be defined, because Aquarius Venus refuses to describe their interpersonal bonds through societal conventions. Naturally, Aquarius Venus also gravitates towards eccentric, free-spirited, and rebellious individuals. When it comes to love, this Venusian placement lets its freak flag fly.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (10/12): Capricorn venus“Capricorn is the boss of the zodiac, and those with

Venus signs aesthetics (10/12): Capricorn venus

“Capricorn is the boss of the zodiac, and those with Capricorn Venus are always seeking their proverbial daddy. Although Venusian energy is tempered by Capricorn’s signature stoicism, this planet finds its erotic outlet by experimenting with power dynamics and role play. Because Capricorn abides by the “all work and no play” mantra, people born under the Capricorn Venus get off on pushing these limits.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (9/12): Sagittarius venus“Sagittarius is associated with travel, discovery, a

Venus signs aesthetics (9/12): Sagittarius venus

“Sagittarius is associated with travel, discovery, and philosophy. Fittingly, when the planet of love occupies this sign, Venus’s gaze shifts from romance to rodeos. People with Sagittarius Venus are drawn to explorers, nomads, and daredevils. Adventure is a huge turn-on for these fiery lovers, but nothing excites Sagittarius Venus more than a good sense of humor. Sagittarius Venus love to be entertained, so laughter will always be their number one aphrodisiac.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (8/12): Scorpio venus“Scorpions are shadow dwellers, and similarly, celestial

Venus signs aesthetics (8/12): Scorpio venus

“Scorpions are shadow dwellers, and similarly, celestial Scorpios derive their dynamic power from the unseen realms. When sensual Venus occupies this sign, it is enchanted by intense, mysterious, and karmic bonds. Scorpio Venus loves anything with a dash of danger, so those born under this elusive sky crave deep, erotic intimacy that illuminates from the inside.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (7/12): Libra venus“In addition to Taurus, Venus also governs Libra, so Venus

Venus signs aesthetics (7/12): Libra venus

“In addition to Taurus, Venus also governs Libra, so Venus is extremely comfortable working with Libra energy. However, while Taurus Venus is all about physical sensuality, Libra Venus is much more cerebral. Symbolized by the scales, Libra is obsessed with balance, harmony, and symmetry. Fittingly, Libra Venus people are total aesthetes. Those born with this placement love indulging their exquisite style and taste within their partnerships. Simply put, Libra Venus needs to be in a relationship that looks good.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (6/12): Virgo venus“Virgo Venus people love to problem-solve, and fittingly,

Venus signs aesthetics (6/12): Virgo venus

“Virgo Venus people love to problem-solve, and fittingly, seek a partnership that is based on reciprocity. Virgo’s earthy energy is practical and organized, so when fused with sensual Venus, this placement is wooed by thoughtful acts of service. Small and subtle gestures make Virgo Venus’s heart aflutter. For these sweet lovers, there is truly nothing more romantic than when their closest companion lends a helping hand.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (5/12): Leo venus“Leo governs the heart, and fittingly, those born under the

Venus signs aesthetics (5/12): Leo venus

“Leo governs the heart, and fittingly, those born under the Leo Venus sky are true romantics. Regal and generous, Leo Venus loves to worship (and be worshiped by) their partners. This fiery Venus idealizes the concept of a “power couple” — after all, Venus Leo is constantly seeking its co-ruler. For Leo Venus, a partnership is personal, because they see it as a reflection of their own identity. So, when this sign feels rejected, proceed with caution, as lions can also be extremely ferocious.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (4/12): Cancer venus“Cancer, symbolized by the crab, protects its soft interi

Venus signs aesthetics (4/12): Cancer venus

“Cancer, symbolized by the crab, protects its soft interior with a tough exterior. In order for these celestial crustaceans to open up, they need to feel safe and secure. Accordingly, nothing is more rewarding to a Cancer Venus than building a relationship based on trust, loyalty, and protection. Just as the crab carries its domicile on its back, Cancer Venus is happiest when building a partnership that feels like home.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (3/12): Gemini venus“As an air sign, Gemini is all about communication. Likew

Venus signs aesthetics (3/12): Gemini venus

“As an air sign, Gemini is all about communication. Likewise, a Gemini Venus is drawn to information like a moth to a flame. Expression is critical for the Gemini Venus soul, so those born under this chatty sky find pleasure when pursuing their curiosities. Moreover, since Gemini also is linked to local community, for Venus Gemini, there is often no distinction between friend and lover — in fact, Gemini Venus prefers the ambiguity. Hey, it’s more fun that way.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (2/12): Taurus venus“Taurus is governed by Venus, so these combined energies

Venus signs aesthetics (2/12): Taurus venus

“Taurus is governed by Venus, so these combined energies blend harmoniously. As an earth sign, Taurus loves to indulge its five sense through luxurious fabrics, enchanting aromas, and gentle caresses. Although Taurus Venus’s are extremely romantic, they also know how to advocate for what they want. Taurus Venus needs a relationship that’s rooted in reality — if this sign feels unsupported, they will seek comfort elsewhere.“

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Venus signs aesthetics (1/12): Aries venus“Aries are strong and mighty warriors. Even Venus — the mo

Venus signs aesthetics (1/12): Aries venus

“Aries are strong and mighty warriors. Even Venus — the most sensual planet in the sky — is no match for the fiery energy of an Aries. When Venus occupies Aries, it thrives on competition: They simply love the chase. People with Aries Venus adore flirtatious romances that are defined by physical touch, exciting spontaneity, and (of course) some playful bickering to keep the flame burning. “

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How the Venus Signs Show Love

Aries- They’re very flirty signs, they often are very impatient and rush into things because they’re impulsive. They love to be in relationships even if it’s bad for them. Even if they’re mistreated they stay because of how much they love, love.

Taurus- They crave physical touch, it’s their love language. They express their love through touch. They’re very romantic and don’t rush into relationships at all. They mainly prefer being single and are independent. They know when to settle. Also, taurus rule the throat. Take that as you will.

Gemini- They’re kind of “awkward” when it comes to relationships. They don’t like settling, and they’re just don’t like talking about emotions or feelings. They as well dislike confrontation so it’s hard for them to someone they like them. But once they’re comfortable, they’re very passionate lovers. They mainly show affection through sarcasm and jokes.

Cancer- They’re very shy which makes them hard to be in a relationship. It’s easy for a Cancer Venus to develop feelings because they have unrealistic standards and just think a lot. They’re very passionate and loyal people though. Once a cancer venus truly loves you, you’re the only person who matters. They show their love by words and comfort.

Leo- They show their love through compliments. They love to give and receive compliments. Love is the most important thing in their life, so they are very loyal people. They have high expectations as they love attention and affection.

Virgo- Virgo venus get turned off very quickly. They are quite a critical partner, but they love endlessly. They’re very picky, so if they choose you, you’re special. They love to show their lives through hugs and cuddles. They’re very warm around those who they love and would do anything for them.

Libra- They show love through being kind and caring towards you. They will show you they care about you. Libra venus is known as the sign of love. They’re naturally very flirty and romantic. They prioritize communication and want you to be treated amazing.

Scorpio- Scorpio venus is a very physical sign. They’re very known for being intense in bed and just passionate lovers. But scorpios deeply need connections with people’s souls. They love to know every inch of you. They are very willing to commit and express love through intimacy and pleasure.

Sagittarius- They in general, hate commitment. A relationship is definitely not their top priority and they’re extremely independent. They express their love by devoting time to you and joking around. They love laughing and be close with the people they love most. Relationships with sagittarius venus are very fun ones.

Capricorn- They are very cautious when it comes to love. They don’t immediately jump into a relationship, they definitely are the type to test the waters first. Capricorn venus are very prone to be cheated on because of how hard it is for them to let go. They show their love through spending their time with you and taking you out on dates. They love to show off the best sides of them.

Aquarius- This venus is very child like and usually have playful relationships. They don’t like showing affection nor their emotions when it comes to relationships. They can come off as cold. Their relationships can mainly just be short little flings. But when they love someone and see a future, they will stay with them as long as they can. They show their love through their words as aquarius venus are incredibly smart with their words.

Pisces- This venus is clingy. It’s hard for them to let go. They’re kinky individuals and are sensual. They often create a false image of the person they love or have feelings for because of their day dreams. They love VERY hard. They’re very in tune with their emotions, and their partners emotions. They show their love through showing how much they care about you and deep conversations.



hey guys!!! Ik I’ve been inactive but I really wanted to do another survey that combines psychology and astrology. This time I was thinking about flirting and how different placements in the chart all rlly play a part in flirting and I wanted to see what kind of trends with specific elemental placements I would get in these flirting related questions (applying to the ascendant, venus, mercury and mars). Which placements generally are more confident about their abilities in flirting? Which elements feel more comfortable doing some types of flirting rather than others? Which feel that there flirting styles are much different over text or online than their real life approach? This is not an ultra scientific survey with promised perfect accuracy, I’m not a professional in any way I’m simply doing this for entertainment and because I find the topic really interesting and I know you guys have too when I’ve postedthem before!! So please if you could take the time to take this survey it would be so awesome!!! once I get a sufficient number I will post my findings for everyone in case you are interested! Sending loads of love and light ❤️✨ here’s the link again!!!


- A s t r o l o g y n o t e s - p a r t 5

■ mars in pisces love to have a good time when having sex so it’s very common for them to throw some jokes here and there. They really adapt to whatever their partner is into. Out of all the signs, these ones love to give way more than receiving.

□ venus in sagittarius are afraid of committment. They just want to have a good time and are attracted to those who are as free as themselves. Once in a relationship, they are devoted for as long as love and excitment lasts.

■ aries moon are such sweet hearts. They have this fun child-like energy that fire signs have but with an extra touch of anger and impulsiveness.

□ capricorns and leos are actually very alike and that’s why they either love or hate each other. Never in between. They both want power and love to take the lead.

■ you usually resonate the most with someone who has the same moon sign as you!

□ pisces and gemini risings are the type to look like everyone which makes it very easy or very hard to spot them.

■ gemini risings have a baby face.

□ capricorn venus/mars have a hard time getting into relationships bc their mind is already set to something they want or like. Very stubborn when it comes to love.

■ Leo venus loves being praised. They can never date someone who makes them feel ordinary.

□ mars in pisces would literally love you and still leave you. They’re always afraid of how much they can feel for someone, they run away from it. It’s scary to think it can never be mutual.

■ virgoes are so willing to serve it’s c r a z y !

□ one’s moon sign it’s always reflective of the relationship they have with the mother.

■ Taurus love the idea of ‘closure’. They can never end something by ghosting, there’s always a goodbye.

□ aries moon really don’t fck with many people, they do their own thing and have a hard time making new friends (even tho they are well liked)

cancer, leo & pisces placements are the worst ex’s to have! Cancer can never seem to let go, Leo cannot stand you leaving them and will make everything in their hands to make you love them always, and Pisces will literally be the embodyment of karma.

□ another venus / mars in sagittarius. When in love, they will start making future plans with you! They would tell you about a place they want to visit with you, or include you in family gatherings or tell you about their family. They don’t like to open up as much about private things so when they do… they’re yours (for a little, enjoy it while you can)

■ venus in scorpio has high standards because they meant to love forever. This is why jealousy is they’re whole theme but don’t think they can not be players.

□ venus in gemini are not only smooth talkers but they have the ability to adapt to any preference! Everyone has fallen or will fall for this placement at least once in their life, be cautious.

■ Moon in aquarius people are great leaders. People always seem to follow them and trust them very easily!


• Venus Signs •

Hyunsuk, Jaehyuk, Yedam & Haruto

■Venus in Gemini: they’re into someone who’s outspoken and extroverted. Or it can be someone quiet and reserved as long as they can hold a conversation. Mental stimulation is key and having great sense of humor is very important as well. They’re the type to love making their s/o laugh. They get jealous easily and have a tendency to be possessive. Are more into long-term relationships. Fashion style - they like wearing things that are trendy and rather colorful.


■Venus in Pisces: he likes who he likes. Usually falls for the wrong people and might have multiple crushes. But once his heart is set on someone, he won’t go anywhere, which is very sweet but also very dangerous since the other person can take advantage of this. Gets easily jealous and most of the times it’s all in his head. Is more into the cutie pie type. Fashion style - simple but never basic, pastel colors really fit him.


■Venus in Taurus: loves stability and routine. He could still have a crush on someone he liked 5 years ago. And it’s never going away. But is always down to meet new people and set new expectations. Is into someone who’s protective and caring. If they can cook is a plus. Someone that gives their all to him. More on the introvert side. Someone that would listen to him tell the same story like it’s the first time. Fashion style - comfortable but stylish, earthy tones suit him the most.


■Venus in Libra: picky. Very picky. Is a hopeless romantic and flirts without even trying but his expectations are set up quiet high. He’s attracted to someone who’s reserved and funny. Great manners. Someone with a pretty delicate voice is attractive to him. Someone that reciprocates his love. Fashion style - trendy but casual. Knows how to dress, might even want to dress his s/o.


■Venus in Aries: someone that can keep up with his energy is attractive. It’s so obvious when likes someone. He gets all touchy and stuff. Someone not too loud, not too mean but a little bit of a savage. That he can protect but is also independent. That understands his passion and is supportive. He can get easily jealous if provoked. Is into the fit/sporty type. Fashion style - bright colors, especially red, look great on him.


■ Venus in Cancer: would love someone that’s hard working, independent, selfless and mature. He’s extremely devoted to his s/o and absolute hates whoever doubts it. He’s attracted to confidence. Someone that can give him emotional support when he’s feeling down. Someone that he knows will be there, right next to him, in the morning. Fashion style - comfy. Over-sized, sometimes not even matching clothing.


■Venus in Capricorn: he likes people that he can look up to. So whoever he likes is someone he truly admires. Someone mature, most likely older. He needs someone that can lead him because is too scare to take the first step. Would spend years staring at his crush from afar. Is probably already thinking about settling down, getting married, having kids. He can become obsessed with people easily. Fashion style - something that makes him look older, dark tones, a little casual.


■Venus in Leo: confidence is highly important. He wants that one person everyone else wants too. Someone that’s well dressed most of the time… hair and make-up done, some jewelry. That’d be his ideal type but realistically, no one looks good all the time. Once he understands that, he’d find beauty in someone who listens to him. Someone that only has eyes for him because he can get insecure sometimes. Gifts become a way for him to express his love and loves receiving as well. He’s not afraid to speak his mind, if he wants you, he’ll let everyone know. Fashion style - something that fits nicely to his body.


■Venus in Aquarius: he likes mysteriousness and intelligence. Someone goofy, playful but an introvert. That’s not afraid to change their hair colour/style. That’s not afraid to stand up for themselves and others. Someone that won’t ever judge him and encourages him to be himself instead. Someone that understands he wants to be alone sometimes and respects that. He’s not afraid of commitment, he’s afraid of committing to the wrong person. Fashion style - anything or everything black. Bold.

more random observations

hey, it’s me :-) I haven’t had time to make the detailed posts I want to, so here are some things I’ve been noticing in my studies lately

  • sun in the 7th house/sun opposite ascendant is a dangerous placement for someone to have, as you might risk becoming overly dependent on your relationship status/your partner and co-dependent dynamics. you discover yourself through relationships, but always remember that the knowledge remains even when your partner is gone and you’ll always have yourself.
  • neptune in the 8th people have no boundaries. point blank. it might even be something you’re not aware of, but people can easily take advantage of your energy and suck the life out of you. please analyze your relationship dynamics more closely.
  • sun conjunct north node people usually have a big ego since they know they’re on this planet for a reason, there’s no “oh why was I born” shit. the danger is leaning completely into the sign they’re in and ignoring your south node completely. balance is power.
  • being a capricorn moon, i have a famous love for my fellow saturn-ruled aquarius moons, but the closer i get the more i see how different we are. repressing my feelings is a conscious thing for me; i know i’m an emotional wreck but people do not, and i’m always mistaken for a stone-cold bitch (not something I try to change though). aquarius moons, though… you guys project such a friendly/open (not exactly warm or intimate) exterior and people often mistake you as more emotional than you really are. you try to rationalize emotions rather than feel them, as inwardly, unlike me, you’re pretty detached and cool.
  • moon-pluto (conj/square/opposite) aspects please seek therapy to help you deal with all of that, i’m begging you. living is better than just surviving.
  • moon conjunct/trine mars have a terrible time saying sorry because they always feel right about whatever they do, good or bad. they might know they’re on the wrong, but they somehow rationalize their actions and align it with their emotions.
  • moon opposite chiron is a bottomless pit of need. there’s an empty feeling you don’t think will ever be filled. that’s because your emotional wounds/traumas are extremely slow to heal and you can’t ignore it, so you end up focusing on it the wrong way. make that extra effort to be vulnerable, please, it’ll all work out.
  • ascendant conj lilith/lilith in the 1st people are extremely self-conscious; you might be obsessed w your looks or attitude. this aspect gives you a magnetic energy which attracts all kinds of people, some who are bad for you. don’t run away from this or your sexuality; it’s a part of you. just be careful.
  • having a conversation with a scorpio mercury is like “wait… i just vented for 2h and learned nothing about them”. you’re not the person who interrupts your friends just to say “i know, because when that happened to ME,” and we love it, but we also want to know how you feel.
  • i love the ability people with mercury in the 7th have to always stay detached in relationships and think them through (or at least you think you can).
  • virgo venuses/venus in the 6th, there’s nothing wrong with you. you deserve just as every bit of happiness and kindness as everyone else. you don’t have to be lesser than your partner or to have them just tolerating you. i know me saying this won’t mean shit but you need someone who will tell you this while looking into your eyes, and if you don’t: fuck them.
  • wherever your sun is placed is where you are most likely to seek affirmation of your own personality/feel most like yourself: sun in 11th might only feel seen when they’re being seen by their friends: in the 7th that might only happen with their partner; in the 4th, they might only feel real at home; in the 10th when at work or being seen by the public, etc.
  • libras will always have that ultimate need for peace/no conflict even if it’s a single placement, it’s always there. the problem is that they put themselves in situations there’ll be inevitable disagreements and so they’ll be the ones to smooth things over and look like the peacekeepers/manipulators. i have a libra friend with an aries moon so she’ll always need a little conflict to feel safe, but whenever we call her out for it she’s like “me?? but i would never do that, i just want us all to get along!” and it just makes her look bad.
  • scorpio venuses are so secretive even about their crushes and likes, i mean… they love talking about sex/kinks in general terms, but when you ask their own experiences it’s literally crickets. i understand there’s a lot of trauma in that area, but you guys won’t heal until you let others in.
  • virgo mars are unbelievably controlling, to a level that shocked even me, a virgo sun. you guys need to let some things go, please, there’s no way you can control everything happening around you or be prepared for everything.


ps: this post refers to this Venus placement alone; the house, other sign placements + aspects to Venus will obviously affect it.

© Possesses a deep inner restlessness. Their fundamental question when relating is “Who am I?”.

© They relate to and understand themselves through a reactive process. This means that they constantly put themselves (or think about it) through experiences that lead to self-awareness and self-knowledge. This is a perpetual process since Gemini is a mutable sign.

© They’re constantly asking themselves “What does this mean¿ If I do this, what will I learn¿ Do I really believe this¿”, which in itself is a kind of restriction so they won’t allow EVERY experience to change them.

© These people may go through periods where they’re seeking all kinds of experiences, taking all classes, reading all kinds of books & movies, etc. They eventually get sick of it, though, since they need time to process all they just experienced.

© That’s why Gemini Venus are usually not straight since they have an intense inner curiosity and want to experience as much of themselves and life as possible, relating to others very openly (I have 3 bisexual friends with this placement).

© They’re attracted to anyone who symbolizes new experiences or knowledge. They ask good questions and are great communicators. Their key skill is drawing people out of their shell.

© Since Gemini is an air sign, these people associate feelings = whatever they’re thinking. They understand their own and others’ feeling nature through intellect. They gotta know where you’re coming from, mentally, to understand your intentions.

© Sexually, these people may at least give the impression of being open to all sexual possibilities. They may be specially interested in phone sex, sexting, or just talking through sex (as long as it doesn’t get too emotional). This mental orientation induces a certain detachment from the sexual experience, which could create frustration from more emotionally oriented partners.

© They should be more discriminate in their experimentation since not Every experience will contribute to their self-knowledge. Through self-analysis, they can learn much more about themselves than through outside experiences.
