
Fantastic Four 400 (1995) . Even the Watchers can Die! . Written by Tom DeFalco Penciled by Paul Rya

Fantastic Four 400 (1995)
Even the Watchers can Die!
Written by Tom DeFalco
Penciled by Paul Ryan
Inked by Danny Bulanadi
Colors by John Kalisz
Lettered by Jim Novak
The Fantastic Four and the Fantastic Force ended up in a war between the Celestials and the Watchers. They split the two teams in order to fight Aron, the Rogue Watcher, to save the Milky Way and to aid the Watchers against the Celestials.
In the end, Invisible Woman managed to destroy Exciter (Exterminator Celestial), right after it had destroyed the One (main Watcher). She then convinced Uatu to help them defeat Aron, which he did. However, as this violated his sacred Oath, Uatu was banned from the Watchers…
#fantasticforce #fantasticfour #thing #invisiblewoman #aron #uatu #celestial #exitar #watchers #kristoff #humantorch #arishem #huntara #paulryan #psilord #lyja #antman #skrull #90s

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About Ikaris

SPOILERS under the cut!


Many of you seem to dislike Ikaris or think he is pure evil, but all I see is a broken man. He was loyal to Arishem for seven thousand years and believed in the mission when he learned the truth from Ajak, but the truth is crushing when you can’t tell anyone and have to lie to everyone you love. He left Sersi so he wouldn’t have to tell her that the world she loves is doomed. Ignorance is a privilege he no longer has.


 Each of the Eternals has built a life that ties him to Earth, but there is nothing for him there, so he doesn’t care about Earth and why would he have built something if he knew Earth was going to perish. And who would react differently if he found out that after 7000 years the mission was useless because his leader suddenly decided to save the Earth. Ikaris is a loyal soldier and is always torn between his duties and his feelings.


Part of me hopes they will bring Ikaris back into the MCU in some way, since as Kingo said they are just fancy robots and I hope Arishem recreates his most loyal soldier, after all the Celestial still has his memories stored. There is still some hope that he will get the chance to redeem himself and that the Eternals will forgive him….

It may be that it wasn’t right of him to have attacked the other Eternals and that he, like Kingo, should have just walked away, but it is his conviction and belief that he is doing the right thing in trying to complete the mission. It’s the kind of conviction Loki had in Avengers 2012; he believed that humanity needed to be controlled, but he was also under the control of Thanos. Ikaris believes that one world must be sacrificed for millions of other worlds, but he is under the control of Arishem and has been for seven thousand years. Maybe Ikaris won’t be liked, but please remember, any character can redeem himself and in the end Ikaris listened to his heart and did the right thing. I think Marvel could have made something fantastic out of his character if they hadn’t let him fly into the sun.

Ajak: Okay, Arishem, I told Ikaris about the plan to hatch another Celestial, destroying Earth in the process.

Arishem: Good, but shouldn’t you tell the rest of them as well? That way, they won’t get emotionally attached to a species that is doomed to die in the first place.

Ajak: I could do that, -sotto voce- but on the off chance that I decide that humanity is somehow more worthy of surviving than the septillion plus species that I’ve already destroyed for the sake of hatching Celestials, I need enough of the team sympathetic to humans that they will betray their prime objective.

Arishem: What was that?

Ajak: Nothing!

I’m just wondering.

In the MCU, does Harry Styles look like Eternal god Eros or does Harry Styles not exist? Like if it’s the first one, did the celestial be like “damn I really like this design I did with Eros”, so the universe agreed to replicate it? Or did Arishem create Eros because he was a Harry Styles fan? What’s the deal here??
