#armin arlelt hcs


Day 2: Armin

Yay for Day 2! Please make sure you check out @millenialfanfictionaddiction​ and her Haikyuu Secret Valentines!


How you meet

Describing your personality as obsessive would be an understatement. You were a mess of hyperfixations and while that sometimes made issues for certain areas in your life, your career wasn’t one of them. You were incredibly successful and quickly rose to become one of the most sought-after lecturers in your field. At one particular university, there was a wide-eyed student who asked several questions at the end of your talk and as soon as your time was up, he immediately made his way to talk to you. It wasn’t just about the fact that he was interested in your subjects, but he seemed to have the same light in his eyes that you had. Finally, before he had to leave for his classes, you invited him to an opening you had an extra ticket for later that week. He happily accepted.

Where you go on a date

What would be the most exciting place for Armin to go? Obviously it’s the aquarium and you really didn’t realize that when you invited him, but the look on his face when you walked in the building was well worth it. Because it was an opening and not yet available to the public, you both got a personal tour and Armin even got to pet a dolphin. You both ditched the formal dinner and stole a tray of appetizers to eat while you were in the whale room and he talked non-stop about his love of the ocean and science.

Something that goes wrong

Did I mention that you stole wine with those appetizers when you went to the whale room? You ended up making out, getting just past second base when security came in and kicked you guys out.

How they confess

While eating your snacks and watching the whales swimming, Armin realized he was doing most of the talking and got quiet, apologizing for overdoing it. You told him you didn’t mind and he got a look in his eyes and leaned forward, placing a light kiss on your lips before getting shy and turning back to the whales.

What gift they bring you

Armin sees the purpose of giving flowers and chocolates and something you would actually use, but the thing he doesn’t like about those gifts is that they aren’t personal enough and they don’t explain how he really feels. So his gift is a personalized card for you where he fills every open space the card has with the things he loves about you and the way you make him feel. Seriously, the freaking sweetest.
