


hey can we stop the rhetoric of aro ppl having some kind of “special” love for their friends that’s extra love bc we don’t experience romantic attraction bc that’s?? kinda shitty especially to aro ppl who feel there’s something wrong w/ them for not loving their friends in place of a romantic partner


Hey given its Pride Month, shout out to all aces and aros that didn’t have a single clue they were ace and/or aro until they were in their twenties or older.

You’re all valid.

Figuring this shit out is hard. I’m still figuring out my gender out. I’m so ace and a hopeless romantic I have no idea if I’m aro or not.

Don’t worry about guessing wrong. Don’t worry about changing your mind. It happens! Not everyone’s gender and sexuality is obvious to the self. Sometimes the answer is obvious and sometimes you got to go on a quest for self discovery.

There’s nothing wrong with taking your time to work yourself out.

Also, there’s nothing wrong with deciding you don’t like labels and would really rather just be acknowledged as not straight.

Just a reminder that asexuals, aromantics, and agenders are great. They are always on top of their A-game!

Hey given its Pride Month, shout out to all aces and aros that didn’t have a single clue they were ace and/or aro until they were in their twenties or older.

You’re all valid.

Figuring this shit out is hard. I’m still figuring out my gender out. I’m so ace and a hopeless romantic I have no idea if I’m aro or not.

Don’t worry about guessing wrong. Don’t worry about changing your mind. It happens! Not everyone’s gender and sexuality is obvious to the self. Sometimes the answer is obvious and sometimes you got to go on a quest for self discovery.

There’s nothing wrong with taking your time to work yourself out.

Also, there’s nothing wrong with deciding you don’t like labels and would really rather just be acknowledged as not straight.
