#arrowverse mpreg


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Don’t Steal My Work And Post It On Here Or Other Sites Without My Permission And Credit

Filming one of the seasons of Supergirl Chris Wood’s character, Mon El, was to be pregnant with Kara Zor-El’s  baby.  But what the cast and crew didn’t know was that Chris was actually pregnant, with triples. And as the season went on and Chris reveal the news the season was altered so that Mon El would be having triplet.  And Chris just couldn’t believe how this one thing had changed both the season and the Arrowverse too.  And with the pregnancy continuing and the bigger Chris got the fans were eating it up.

Don’t Steal My Work And Post It On Here Or Other Sites Without My Permission And Credit

Don’t Steal My Work And Post It On Here Or Other Sites Without My Permission And Credit

Back on his home planet, Daxam, Mon-El was a player. And that continued even once he arrived on Earth.  And little did he know having all that fun at the bar and hooking up with many of those who had hit on him would he ever think he would be pregnant.  And yet here he was all most nine months pregnant with his baby.  And yet despite was the doctors at the Department of Extra-normal Operations or D.E.O. had repeatedly told Mon-El, he was once again out helping Kara Danvers aka Supergirl save her city, National City.  And that really irked her.  But she knew Mon-El was going to help her as best he could despite what Kara or her sister, Alex Danvers or the D.E.O. doctors and agents continue to say.
