#art from iris


Like father, like son, like axolotl

Collage of the cursed-content witch

With knowledge obtained from forbidden arcane libraries, they decided to use their newly-gained cursed powers for…writing. And delicious onion recipes. Can’t forget about those.



Back when I still ate onions on a daily basis, an occasional thing would happen with the onions where, seconds away from the knife, they would shed all the pride they had and stare up at me with the biggest, buggiest, wettest eyes known to onionkind.

Of course, I regrettably still ate them, but the pattern of behavior spread to the rest of the onion crop. Now I prepare onions blindfolded.

I’m not joking.

It’s game over for me if they do this

“Make peace…not onion soup…”



Oh dear, what has upset our friend so?

irisgoesgardening:(Headbangs to the absolute magnificence that is the Chrono Story guitar solo)Here irisgoesgardening:(Headbangs to the absolute magnificence that is the Chrono Story guitar solo)Here irisgoesgardening:(Headbangs to the absolute magnificence that is the Chrono Story guitar solo)Here irisgoesgardening:(Headbangs to the absolute magnificence that is the Chrono Story guitar solo)Here irisgoesgardening:(Headbangs to the absolute magnificence that is the Chrono Story guitar solo)Here


(Headbangs to the absolute magnificence that is the Chrono Story guitar solo)

Here it is! A piece that is inspired by the gorgeous artwork from this PV. Tasked with collecting the world’s Numbers, Yuma embarks on a journey towards perfecting his existence. If I were to follow Chrono Story’s PV, this would also mean that the antagonist’s various forms (Vector, in this case), would also be drawn. That is most definitely a project for the future.

A high quality version of the GIF can be viewed here. If you wish for the 1920x1080 version, that will most likely come in video form after Vector’s forms are drawn (and I don’t know when that will be)

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Ever since 2016, I have been haunted by this image.
