#arthur fleck fanart


Arthur and Harls (requested on insta)

I have mixed feelings about this one, I tried out a slightly different style and not sure I’ll stick with it. It did help me discover more about my program and its tools which is always appreciated since I usually tend to stick to what I am familiar with The proportions feels a little bit off and there is something about Arthur that is bugging me…but then again I really find them very adorable so ‍♀️

“Really?” Jack squinted his eyes at him in disbelief. “You’re asking how I’mdoing?”

“Yeah, I mean…,” Arthur hesitated and glanced at the small red mark on Jack’s cheek. A bruise had started to form around it and it looked a bit swollen. Looks painful, he thought as he swallowed hard, forcing down that familiar tingling in his throat. “They did hit you pretty bad. I’m really sorry, you didn’t have to-”

“Ah, don’t worry about it.” Jack cut him off and shook his head, leaving two little locks to fall down over his eyes. He ignores them. “What about you? How is your nose?”

“B… Better, yeah.” Arthur touched it a little as if to check if that’s even true. It was still a bit sore but not too bad. No worse than he has had it before. “I uh…I want to thank you again. Well-… more properly…for stopping them.”

“You really don’t need to.” Jack stiffly shoved his hands into his pockets but something changed in his eyes. “I’m just sick of people like them. Rich assholes, thinking they can just get away with anything-” He stopped himself. His frown relaxed a little and he ran his tounge over his lips. “Forget it. I’m sure anyone would have done the same.”

Now that was just a bad lie. Arthur wasn’t very good at reading people but that one was obvious even for him. “They wouldn’t.” He mumbled and also shoved his hands into his pockets where his fingers found his lighter and cigarettes. He started to fiddle with them as he tried to collect his thoughts. “Anyways…are-…are you free on Friday evening?”

Jack raised an eyebrow at him but nodded.

“I will be doing one of my first shows then.” Arthur smiled shyly but Jack just stared at him in confusion. “…I mean, I do stand-up comedy!” He then quickly added and Jack’s expression softened again and he gave a small smile.

“Yeah? That sounds cool.” The big scar on the left side of his cheek curved slightly as he smiled. It didn’t really look bad, it suited him somehow. In a way, it was even beautiful, Arthur realised and his ears suddenly felt hot.

“Yes… you’re welcome to see it! I’d treat you a beer! Or we could…eat something after? If you’d like of course, I understand if you don’t-“

"All that sounds great!” Jack interrupted him again and chuckled. "You just let me know when and where?”

“Yeah!” Arthur cracked a big, excited smile. “I’ll see you around.”
