#arthur shelby headcannon



  • You grew up with the Shelby family after your father’s death. He worked  for the Shelby’s and when he was murdered by an enemy, Polly took you under her wing. 
  • Through your teenage years, you were especially close to Ada and you two confided in each other about every little thing. This doesn’t change as you get older.
  • You and Ada are best friends and she is the first one who clocks onto you and John hiding feelings for one another. 
  • “Just tell him, Y/N!”
  • “I can’t, Ada, there’s no way he feels the same!”
  • “That’s the biggest load of shit I’ve ever heard. He looks at you like you hung the bloody stars!”
  • You spent a lot of time with John as a teen, getting into trouble, drinking and smoking, running rings around Polly and running wild around Small Heath. 
  • Polly bollocked John about it to no end and expressed her disappointment in you too, but you two just couldn’t stay away from each other. There was nobody else in the world that made you feel like the weight of the world had been lifted from your shoulders the way he could - he made you feel genuinely happy.
  • On your 18th birthday in the summer, John steals a bottle of whiskey and you both get drunk out in the fields watching the stars and talking about anything and everything. 
  • You rode out there on horseback but since you were too drunk to ride back, you end up falling asleep under the stars curled up next to John. 
  • When you wake early the next morning, the sheer magnitude of your feelings for him hits you like a freight train. 
  • He wakes up shortly after you and when he sees you propped up on one arm staring at him with a particular twinkle in your eye, he wastes no time in kissing you. You both laugh about how hungover you feel and how it was probably the worst first kiss ever, and then you both panic about the beating you’re both going to receive from Polly when you get home. 
  • It doesn’t take long for John to propose after that, and you don’t hesitate in saying yes. 
  • Polly acts like she’s annoyed about it but deep down she couldn’t be happier for the two of you; part of her hopes that you’ll be able to reign him in a little bit. 
  • Of course this doesn’t happen since the two of you are just as fiery as each other. 
  • Your wedding night is a wild one, that’s for sure. It’s surprising that anyone even remembers it the next morning. 
  • You, Arthur, John and Michael are the worst, it’s actually quite funny to watch. 
  • You literally go off the rails.
  • Consecrating the marriage is amazing, to say the very fucking least. John treats you like royalty up until you tell him not to…
  • “I won’t break, you know. You can be a little rougher than that.”
  • He doesn’t need you to say anymore than that. 
  • Even after being married for some time, you and John are still loved up. 
  • You’re always holding hands at family meetings.
  • You sit in his lap whenever you get the chance. 
  • Anyone would think you were still teenagers.
  • You literally cannot keep your hands off each other. 
  • Sometimes you steal his hat and wear it which he thinks is the cutest damn thing ever.
  • And the sex… well.
  • You ‘christen’ every room in your house. Hell, you ‘christen’ every surface.
  • He’s always murmuring crude comments in your ear at inappropriate times because he loves watching you squirm.
  • When you eventually have children, they are just as wild as their mum and dad. Polly never misses the opportunity to let you know that you only have yourselves to blame for producing such raucous children. 
  • He loves watching you be a mother to his children.
  • You like to argue about who the fun parent is, but it’s definitely John.
  • You’re always knocking Tommy down a peg or two, which he actually really respects. He thinks you’re just what his brother needs, and he’s right. 
  • You and Arthur are cut from the same cloth, and when you get together it’s a given that there’s going to be trouble. Nights at the Garrison with him almost always end in a wicked hangover because you’re constantly trying to out-drink one another.
  • You understand the nature of John’s work but it does get lonely sometimes when he’s always away or coming home late.
  • But he never fails to make it up to you.
  • He spoils you incessantly - jewellery, books, fancy dinners, expensive champagne… anything you want. Name it and it’s yours. 
  • Being married to John is literally a dream.
  • There’s never a dull moment.
  • There’s never any room for doubt where his love for you is concerned because he tells you whenever he gets the chance.

- !

You learn that John was actually the one behind one of the best birthday presents you’ve ever received, which leads to a sudden revelation…

It might have been the booze, or maybe you were simply drunk on life, but you could honestly say that you were happier in this moment than you had been in a long time. Longer than you could even remember, in fact. You told Ada so as you downed what could have been your fourth or fifth Scotch whiskey, beaming underneath the warm lights of the Garrison.

“It’s been a weird couple of years,” You said. “But it finally feels like things are returning to some semblance of normal.”
Ada snorted. “Normal? When is anything ever normal around here? We’ll see how long it lasts.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re always so bloody pessimistic. Honestly Ada, why are you always looking gift horses in the mouth?”
“Maybe because I know my brothers, and I know that nothing good ever stays that way where they’re concerned.”
“You can say that again.” A very drunk Polly retorted, sidling up next to the two of you at the bar.
You glanced at her, taking in her dishevelled appearance and the way she was swaying on her feet. “How much have you had to drink, Polls?”
She held her head high, nose in the air. “None of your concern.”
You spotted Tommy across the pub and he gestured you over. “Ada, make sure Polly stays on her feet.”
“You know I will, Y/N.”

You couldn’t remember life before the Shelby family, and you likely wouldn’t remember a life after them because you knew there wouldn’t be one. The Shelby’s were your life - your kin - and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You had never known another mother aside from Polly since your own had died in childbirth, and your father - who had worked for the Shelby’s towards the end of his life - had been killed in an entanglement with an ‘enemy,’ as Polly had explained. Since the age of thirteen you had grown up in close quarters with Tommy, Arthur, John and Ada under Polly’s diligent care and while it had been an unusual childhood, you wouldn’t be who you were without it. Now, at the age of twenty nine, you lived in your own house (a birthday gift from Tommy) and spent most of your days helping Polly with the books when you weren’t writing your own. Words flowed steadily through your blood to your heart and kept you alive; you were in the process of publishing your first novel.

Tommy and John were sitting together in a booth by the front doors watching the grand reopening and taking it all in. They usually kept to a private room while at the Garrison, but right now they wanted to see their success materialising right in front of them. Drink in hand, you took the seat next to Tommy and followed his line of sight.

“Brilliant turnout,” You remarked. “But it’s very…”
“Gold?” Tommy inquired, the ghost of a smirk on his face.
“That’s one word for it…”
John burst out laughing. “Fuckin’ awful, ain’t it?”
You downed your whiskey. “I might’ve gone with a different colour scheme,” You snickered. “But it looks great.”

Tommy pulled his packet of cigarettes and a box of matches out of his inside pocket and offered you one. You gladly accepted and let him light it for you before he did the same. John was smoking a large cigar, regal as ever as he leaned back in his chair like he didn’t give a fuck - because he didn’t. Your stomach lurched when he caught you staring and responded with a wink. Ever since you were teenagers, you’d had a soft spot for John Shelby; if it wasn’t for the fact that Polly had forbidden any of her nephews from pursuing you romantically and your embarrassing lack of guts, you would have pounced on the opportunity to be with a man like John. There had never been anyone else for you and you highly doubted there ever would be, but it didn’t matter because it didn’t seem as though he reciprocated your feelings. Besides, Polly would never go for it. She’d have John’s head on a spike before she let him anywhere near you - in that way, at least.

“How’s the writing coming along?” Tommy asked.
“Don’t even talk to me about that,” You huffed. “Writer’s block is going to be the death of me.”
John frowned. “Thought you’d finished writing your book?”
“The first one, yes,” You explained. “Need to chase up the publishers, actually.”
Tommy raised a brow. “Need me to have a word?”
You appreciated the Shelby’s help - all of it, no matter what it was in regard to - but this was something that you wanted to do on your own. “No, it’s okay. Thank you though.”
“So if you’ve finished the book, what’s the problem?” John pressed.
“Well, I want to write another one, but I’m stuck for ideas.”
“You could write about us,” John grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. “Bet you’d sell thousands of copies. Millions, even. You can put my picture on the cover.”
You took a long drag of your cigarette. “Why would anyone want your ugly mug on their bookshelves?”
“Oh, Y/N,” John exclaimed dramatically. “You wound me!”
“It’s a good idea though,” You said. “Writing about you lot, I mean.”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” You laughed. “You do occasionally come up with some decent ideas, John.”
Tommy stared at you. “That’s gotta be a joke.”
“Piss off, Tom.”
You smiled at John. “Maybe I’ll do it. Maybe I’ll write a book about growing up with the Peaky Blinders.”
Tommy finished his drink before standing up. “As long as you split the royalties.”
And with that, he was gone, off to talk to some guests. John took Tommy’s seat next to you. “You wouldn’t ‘ave to, really. He’s just taking the mick.”
“I know,” You grinned. “But he did buy me a house, so maybe I’d give him some of the credit.”

You and John were quiet for a long time, just enjoying each other’s company while people watching. Polly was dancing with a fellow that looked to be at least fifteen years younger than her, so Ada clearly hadn’t done a very good job watching her. You understood why she was off the rails tonight and you felt sympathetic for the woman who had practically raised you; finding out your son was alive and well but not being allowed to see him must have been a particularly agonising kind of torture, but you understood why Tommy was keeping the address from her. There were so many ways it could all go wrong. Your thoughts were with Polly while you nursed your next drink, and when John finally broke the comfortable silence, you had to ask him to repeat himself since your mind had been elsewhere.

“I said, Tommy never bought you that house.”
“You really need me to say it again?”
You had no idea what he was talking about. “What do you mean, Tommy didn’t buy me the house?”
“Well, he sorted out all the paperwork and all that, but I picked it. And it was my idea.”
You recoiled. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He shrugged. “Dunno. Just seemed right that it should come from Tommy.”
“But it wasn’t,” You felt strangely emotional upon hearing all of this. “It was from you. Thomas shouldn’t get the credit for everything, you know.”

John smiled sadly and you had to swallow the large lump that had formed in the base of your throat. When he looked at you like that with his wide, blue eyes it took everything in you not to lean over and kiss the man senseless. As much as you hated it, you understood where he was coming from; Tommy was the face of the company and the Shelby family overall. It had always been that way and it didn’t look like it would ever change.

But he didn’t deserve to get the credit for this.

“I love my house,” You muttered. “It’s perfect for me. Down to the bloody door frames.”
“I knew you would. That’s why I picked it. Who do you think got the bookshelves stocked? And put the typewriter on the desk?”

That did it. You stubbed out your cigarette and grabbed John’s hand, dragging him outside rather forcefully. The noise from the pub faded to a dull murmur as the door closed behind you both, and you realised suddenly that you were still holding John’s hand.

“Y/N, what-”
“Thank you,” You said sincerely. “John, thank you.”
“It’s only a house. But you’re welcome.”

He didn’t understand what it meant to you. You never thought that you would have a place to call your own, especially not after the deaths of your parents. And he certainly didn’t understand that it meant even more now that you knew it had come from him, so you told him all of this as best you could.

You were rather flustered by the time you finished explaining, and embarrassed to say the least. “Jesus, I’m supposed to be a writer but I can’t even get my fucking words out.”
“Y/N, just shut up, will you?”

With a defeated sigh, you dropped his hand and turned to go back inside the pub, but he reached out and grabbed your wrist to pull you closer to him. Your heart dropped into your stomach when you realised just how close the two of you actually were, and when he leant in you could have sworn that you’d stopped breathing.

“Stop thanking me, Y/N. I did it because you deserve it,” He swallowed. “Because I love you.”
“You ‘eard me,“ He smirked. “I love you.”
He pressed his lips to yours and after the initial shock had subsided, you relaxed into the kiss, looping your arms around his neck. “I love you too,” You murmured against his lips. “So much.”

He was looking at you like you were the only person left in Small Heath, like you were the only thing that mattered. But of course he had to go and make a ridiculous comment. 

“Since the cat’s out of the bag, can I move into my house now?”

i wanna do these for everyone but i just feel like Arthur does NOT get enough love, on here and definitely on the show.



  • big up him meeting you on the Garrison 
  • where else does he even hang? the guys an A L C O H O L I C 
  • you’re probably a lot sweeter than him (although thats not really a tall ask i guess)
  • he’s infatuated but your smile, he can’t take his eyes off it
  • you bumble in all innocent and giggly and you’re like a ray of sunshine to him
  • “i don’t think you belong here sweetheart” the whole ‘how did someone like you end up in a place like this’ trope but he’s not eloquent enough to make it sound romantic 
  • when you get chatting, he’s even more drawn in
  • youre a regular from that moment on, and he looks forward to the moment you walk in everyday
  • its all he looks forward too, actually
  • his brothers tease him about his plain obsession
  • but tbh what don’t they tease him about
  • he doesn’t care
  • i think it would take Arthur a while to invite you out on a date
  • the boys nervous 
  • even though he knows you well and is completely comfortable around you 
  • the idea of taking your friendship further both excites and terrifieshim
  • what if you don’t like him that way?
  • why would you?
  • he’s old and past it and a loose cannon
  • and you’re you, you’re perfect
  • Arthur comes up with a plan though (all be it a horrendous one) 
  • ‘I’m just gonna get fucked tommy, its the only way i can do it’
  • Tommy takes it upon himself to not only tell arthur how shite his plan is in detail but to also arrange the date so that his brother can’t fuck it up anymore than he already may have
  • its a double date people!
  • Tommy and Lizzie, you and Arthur, and a meal somewhere fancy
  • Arthur dies a little inside when he sees you in a fancy evening dress
  • (gets an awkward erection too)
  • he can’t take his eyes off you all night
  • he walks you home
  • you give him a kiss on the cheek, leaving the fully grown ass man blushing like a school boy
  • imma throw this out there but
  • loyalist brother?
  • i just feel like he would never cheat once he actually knowslove
  • nobody has ever loved him the way you do, and he’s convinced nobody ever will again so he refuses to lose you
  • the family LOVES you, Polly the most through  
  • she’s cautious at the start, maybe even a little cold towards you 
  • thinks you’re only here for money
  • but then she sees you calm him down from one of his crazy lash outs and she realises that you’re worth your weight in gold 
  • or maybe you’re helping Finn or looking after one of Johns kids? she just needs some convincing that you’re Shelby family material 
  • and now the woman will KILL for you
  • more than that, she trusts you with Arthur and thats something very rare 
  • she’s the person you’d tell first when you find out youre pregnant 
  • Tommy loves you too, a real soft spot for you 
  • John and Finn are just happy you aren’t Linda tbh
  • Ada sees you as a sister 


  • he wants you, a lot
  • but he also adores your innocence
  • hes in a constant internal battle of wanting to make you his but also not feeling good enough to touch you 
  • “How have you not shagged her yet?” - deffo john, and it earns him a clip over the head from Polly for it
  • “i think what our brother is trying to say is that you don’t want to leave the lady thinking you don’t see her that way, gives her time to wander” - this comes from Ada who is ALSO confused as to whats taking Arthur so long to bed you 
  • You’re the one to make the first move, proving youre not quite as innocent as he thought
  • he’s surprisingly submissive
  • don’t get me wrong, he’s headstrong and passionate - sometimes in the bedroom too
  • but he likes it when you take over
  • hes has to be constantly seen as the dominant character in life that when it comes to sex with you, he likes to take a seat and let you take over
  • ‘what did you want me to do then, Mistress? ‘
  • he LOVES when youre on top
  • he likes being slapped 
  • being tied up? LOVES that shit
  • likes being choked too
  • i feel like he could stab you and he’d thank you for it though so
  • he does like to blindfold you
  • i feel like he would try to tease you and just like..cum?
  • like the man just can’t control himself when he sees your body
  • god bless
  • pretends he has stamina, but falls asleep straight after sex
  • literally
  • straight after
  • asleep 
  • snoring 
  • i don’t feel like Arthur is much of a bragger, like he doesn’t candidly discuss his sex life, not even with his brothers
  • you discuss WAY more with Ada and Polly than he would with Tommy or John
  • Goddefinitelynot with John 
  • because sex with you is his favourite thing but he’s also possessive about it, youre all his and he isn’t willing to share those details with anyone, not even his brothers 
  • he adores you more than life itself

if you made it this far then a big fat thank you guys !! 
