#arthur x morgana x mithian


Arthur/Morgana/Mithian - {while he held you in his arms} [s.l.]

This is it. This is the vid I made a couple years ago to go along with the first part to the fic. I touched it up a couple weeks ago to get ready to post after finally uploading the last chapter to the first part, but it’s more or less the same vid as the one I made in fall 2020. All I did was really change the overlays and fix the coloring, so as far as editing goes it could be better, but I kinda still like it as is. Anyway, if you’re reading the fic, I hope you enjoy this vid to go along with it. And if you haven’t read the fic, but are curious enough to give this a watch, I hope you also like it. Thanks for watching as always. I really appreciate you all.

I’ll leave the summary under the cut. It’s extremely brief as I couldn’t exactly go into detail for lack of space in the youtube description, but I hope it gets the idea across.

Summary: Morgana never expected to fall for her brother, and neither did she expect for him to return her misplaced feelings, and yet he did. After spending the night following his tournament win wrapped in his arms, she likewise did not expect the news their father relayed to them that he had found a bride for Arthur in King Rodor of Nemeth’s daughter Mithian, a girl whom Morgana had befriended as a child in the summer following her and Arthur’s mother Igraine’s passing when she visited Camelot.

Now that she had finally had her brother after years of avoiding him out of fear for the sinfulness of her feelings, it seemed that Morgana was to lose him and to her childhood friend no less, for the moment Mithian arrives in Camelot, Arthur takes a fancy towards her, despite his feelings for his sister. Although Morgana begs Arthur to stand up to their father and call off the betrothal, Arthur, always the dutiful son, does the opposite and proposes to Mithian.

Hearing of her brother’s betrayal, Morgana thinks her worst fears have been realized until she confronts Arthur and he utters to her the ultimatum that he has no wish to continue their secret affair in order to be faithful to his new wife. Morgana leaves his chambers in agony, beset with grief and bitterness toward both her brother and Mithian and it is in this mindset that she watches them become wed.

In the weeks that follow, both Arthur and Morgana adjust to life without each other. Arthur knows he must live with his decision, although he quickly begins to regret it just as Mithian notices a change in him, as he becomes more withdrawn and reclusive towards her.

Morgana on the other hand starts to notice that she feels odd bouts of nausea from time to time and it is one day after becoming severely ill that Gwen calls for the Court Physician Gaius to examine her. Gaius informs her she is not ill but actually pregnant to Morgana’s initial shock and then joy, thinking to herself if she cannot have Arthur, then she can at least have his child, which she vows to keep secret from him. It is here that the first part to the story ends.
