#artifical intelligence

‪Harmony looks like she’s ready for Coachella. Excessive glitter and all.

‪Harmony looks like she’s ready for Coachella. Excessive glitter and all.

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This Tuesday feels like it should be a Friday.

This Tuesday feels like it should be a Friday.

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lady-owl:Quando il gioco è finito, il re e il pedone vanno nella stessa scatola.Cortana as she appea


Quando il gioco è finito, il re e il pedone vanno nella stessa scatola.

Cortana as she appears in Halo 4

About time I finally finished and posted this. If you’ve stopped by my deviantART front page any time in the last 2 years, you’ve probably seen the cropped unfinished version of this as a link button. I started it back in December of 2013, back before I had CSP, so 95% of this was done in PS 5.0 (1998 old ass version).

I figured with the Halo 5 hype and wanting to finish up several of my Halo related projects that have sat around in limbo for awhile, that I’d finish the remaining details on her (mostly her patterns, and I redid her nose and defined her hair) to post her specifically for today.

Oh, you didn’t know today was Cortana’s birthday? November 7, 2549 (11/7).

~ Reblogging some of my older Halo fan arts in celebration of Halo Infinite ‘s launch - Dec. 8th, 2021.

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At the core of the artificial-intelligence program AlphaZero was an algorithm so powerful that you c

At the core of the artificial-intelligence program AlphaZero was an algorithm so powerful that you could give it the rules of humanity’s most studied games and, later that day, it would become the best player there has ever been. James Somers investigates how the A.I. program mastered gameplay. 

Read the full story here. 

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