#artist au

 Title: Bingo 3: Electric Three-galooRating: GWord Count: 1,700Warnings/Tags: fluffSummary: @onereyo

Title: Bingo 3: Electric Three-galoo

Rating: G

Word Count: 1,700

Warnings/Tags: fluff

Summary:@onereyofstarlight requested: Artist AU looks fun and Virgil is the obvious pick - maybe an AU where Kip Harris is an artist instead of a firefighter and Virgil’s about to meet his No. 1 Art Hero? Or if you’d like more of an AU prompt - the bros aren’t bros but they’re all taking the same painting class at the local art center and this is where they meet!

@anyfandomfluffbingo fill: Artist AU

Virgil pulled at the collar of his shirt for the thousandth time and swallowed. He wiped his sweaty palms against his pants and chanced a glance across to the other side of the gallery. The man he was wanting to talk to was still busy deep in a conversation. Virgil couldn’t work up the courage to insert himself into the discussion, so was stuck glued to the spot next to his own art.

Kip Harris had been Virgil’s biggest artistic inspiration since he had first seen one of his pieces. He had just been a kid, and his mom had taken him to an art gallery on one of their days out together. The rest of his brothers weren’t interested in that sort of thing, so whenever his mom wanted to head out for some art supplies or go to a gallery, it was always just her and Virgil.

When Virgil had laid eyes on that piece of art on the wall, he had been captivated by the man’s use of colours and simple details that could change the meaning of the whole picture. Each painting of his held a story, but you could only see it if you looked close enough.

It was something that as soon as Virgil got home, he had tried to replicate. Although he could never get his style down accurately, it did go on to influence Virgil’s own style in the future.

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