#artist reveals



hullo! we’re finally allowed to share our works for @yoimagiczine and here’s my piece with necropmancer!yuuri, nekomancer!yura, death!victor and pets!

in this au yuuri brings back plants from the dead, his family is specialized in plant magic and yuuri helps when there’s a disaster and all the crops are dead or when super rare tree has just died. he brings them back! love them plants!
yura is specialized in cat necromancy because they have 9 lives so it’s ok to bring them back and yura loves cats. obviously.
victor is Death, was yakov’s apprentice before becoming fulltime Death when yakov retired.

please don’t forget to check the other artists and writers’ works, they’re amazing!!


I also designed a glittery pin for @yoimagiczine! There are still some available in the leftover sale, but I’m not sure for how much longer! Knew I had to use the duetto colors as a pop, no matter what the design ended up being–even better that one of them ended up as a glitter.


Here are the pieces I did for the @yoimagiczine! I miss drawing these two so much.


My piece for Prism, the @yoimagiczine some time ago ♥



Dial M for Magic

a collaboration with @thehobbemon@yoimagiczine a while back! Read the fic here

“Here at Dial M we can perform any feats of magic you wish over the phone, at no cost whatsoever for the first 10 minutes. After that, we’ll charge you $0.01 for every minute.”

“You know, you ask for the weirdest things sometimes, Yuuri,” Victor says, the phone between his shoulder and ear, a glass in one hand, and a kettle in the other.

“I thought you liked weird,” Yuuri chuckles, and it’s to Victor’s credit that he holds back the well, I like you that pops into his head. Yuuri adds, “Now: pick a drink.”

“Uh… vodka.” Great, let him think you’re an alcoholic, why don’t you.

“Huh. Well, I sure hope you can hold your liquor, then. Pour.”

Knowing better by now than to protest but it’s empty!, Victor obeys; he’s unsurprised to see a transparent liquid that is probably not water, but is still as in awe as always. He’s been calling on a daily basis for a month now, but no matter how hard he looks, he still can’t see where the illusion lies. At this point, he’s not even sure Yuuri dabbles in illusions anymore. “Yuuri,” he asks calmly, “how are you doing this?”

Victuuri | Magical Realism AU | Romance & Adventure | Rated T | 4.9k

My collab with the wonderful Min ♥ for @yoimagiczine! (Leftovers still going on, get yours while you can!)
