#prism magic zine

louciferish: Title: As the Prophecy ForetoldAuthor: @louciferishPairing: Gen (background victuuri)Wo


Title:As the Prophecy Foretold
Pairing: Gen (background victuuri)
Word Count: 4,410

One moment, Phichit was on a dingy nightclub stage in front of a smattering of desperate locals and disinterested tourists, about to perform his penultimate trick: making himself disappear.

The next, he was in a lush forest clearing, surrounded by a ring of mushrooms, and three strange men dressed like something out of a storybook illustration, all staring at him in rapt fascination.

“I don’t think I’m in Bangkok anymore, Toto,” Phichit whispered. They were solid last words, which was good, because that’s when he passed out.

written for @yoimagiczine

[Story Here]

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bassymphonies: Magic is in the airMy final piece from the @yoimagiczine! Probably one of my favourit


Magic is in the air

My final piece from the @yoimagiczine! Probably one of my favourite art pieces I’ve done to this day, so I’m glad i get to share it with you all

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hullo! we’re finally allowed to share our works for @yoimagiczine and here’s my piece with necropmancer!yuuri, nekomancer!yura, death!victor and pets!

in this au yuuri brings back plants from the dead, his family is specialized in plant magic and yuuri helps when there’s a disaster and all the crops are dead or when super rare tree has just died. he brings them back! love them plants!
yura is specialized in cat necromancy because they have 9 lives so it’s ok to bring them back and yura loves cats. obviously.
victor is Death, was yakov’s apprentice before becoming fulltime Death when yakov retired.

please don’t forget to check the other artists and writers’ works, they’re amazing!!

nikiforoov: With both hands, Victor fans out the cards face-down. “Pick a card.” Yuuri does, taking nikiforoov: With both hands, Victor fans out the cards face-down. “Pick a card.” Yuuri does, taking


With both hands, Victor fans out the cards face-down. “Pick a card.” Yuuri does, taking a moment to memorize it. Victor then closes his eyes in a way that is obnoxiously showy. “Put it back.”

He feels the tips of Yuuri’s fingers ghost over his as he does. He tries not to jolt from the current that runs between them. Like lightning. Like passion. Victor shuffles them again, and pulls the card off the top: the Ace of Spades. “This yours?”

Yuuri meets his eyes with a slight smile. He takes the card, flipping it back and forth over his fingers with practiced ease. “Nope,” he says after a minute.

“Nope?” Victor drops the cards from shock. He hasn’t gotten this wrong since he was a kid. A ten year old can master this; it’s little more than a party trick.

Yuuri steps into his space with his head angled towards his lips. His fingers brush down the collar of Victor’s shirt. “Two of Hearts, actually.”

finally!! my art for @yoimagiczine​ !! part of collab with the most incredible @sinkingorswimming​ whose amazingly magical fic a drop of the real mccoy can be found here!! the uncensored versions of the are can be found embedded there as well ~

leftover sales are currently ongoing, make sure to check them out on etsy!

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Magic lingers in every breath he takes, and Victor hates it. The carnival around him is bursting with life, interwoven with magic in a way that one could hardly separate one from the other, and it’s beautiful. It is. But still, Victor would rather be far, far away from here, if it was up to him.

Alas, it isn’t. Not entirely, at least.

Despite his reluctance, he agreed to accompany Chris tonight. Had he known that he will find himself at the mercy of wild magics with his friend nowhere in sight, he would have reconsidered. But that, that is just wishful thinking — Victor is here, he is lost, and he isn’t happy about it.

He isn’t any happier when a man manifests at his side out of nowhere. It’s hardly a surprising thing in a place where people crowd, but one that still comes off as odd, and startles Victor plenty. After all, he’d swear on his magic that the man wasn’t there a second ago. And if he wasn’t there, there could be only one explanation for it.


Dark hair obscures half the man’s face, while the other half is hidden behind a mask. Victor cannot look at it closer, not in the sparse torchlight, but also for the lack of time. Because, as soon as the man appears, he bows richly before Victor, who, in turn, blinks in surprise but can do nothing else, for the man lifts his hand then and snaps his fingers — all to spark a glowing blue rose from his very palm.

It’s magic, Victor knows for sure now. He can feel the static of it on his skin: cold, but electric like thunder.

“A beauty,” the man says in a voice oddly hushed among the noise of the carnival. And yet, it still reaches Victor’s ear as if it was whispered straight into it. “For a beauty.”

He offers the rose to Victor, who — damn him — should know better than to accept it. The instinct of the body is too hard to fight, though, and it’s only when he’s already holding the flower, does he realize his mistake.

He looks up, panicked, but the man has already turned on his heel. He’s walking away, but the way he walks is like nothing Victor has ever seen. There is a shift to his body, a blur, a softness of magic that almost blends him in with the shadows, and it catches Victor’s eye — the way he disperses his presence and seems to all but disappear.

Should the man not have peered over his shoulder at Victor, maybe Victor would have discarded the flower where he stood and escaped while he still had the chance, but… but he has, and so he didn’t.

Instead, Victor chases after him, intent on giving the rose back. It is a foolish thing to do, but his body moves against his better judgement. His plan is to catch the man, give back the piece of his magic, which pulses in Victor’s hand like the heart of a star fallen to earth.

And yet… and yet, the moment the man enters one of the tents and Victor follows, his plan is ruined. Plans, Victor decides then, are frighteningly useless in the face of unknown magics.

to breathe the name

my prism @yoimagiczine fic is now up on ao3! you can read it here


the full piece written for @yoimagiczine, you can also find it on ao3.

On the birth and lives of soulmates.
Yuuri and Victor meet for the first time as children in times none of us can think back to; day and night, light and darkness, you’d think the meeting nothing special. Wrong.
aka Yuuri and Victor invent the concept of soulmates and fill the night sky with their every touch.

(Once upon a time.)

Cold days like this one chill Yuuri to the bone; tea and blankets don’t provide enough warmth, chased away by the longing whistle of the wind and the clatter of tree branches shooing it away. The thin walls of his family’s tiny wooden house forget how to be a shelter on days like this. But despite this, despite the chill in his limbs and the mist of his breath, Yuuri looks forward to these days; only on days like these does the boyappear.

The unnamed boy; a boy with a lantern and a thick scarf around his neck, and a snowy avalanche of hair. The lost boy, or the searching boy, Yuuri has no idea who he is.

The wind promises another blizzard today, and Yuuri hopes that this time he’ll get to invite the boy inside. On cold days like this one, nobody will say no to a cup of hot tea.

The clock strikes 6pm, Yuuri presses his forehead against the cold window, squints his eyes and wishes he could urge the darkness outside to dissipate and clear out till he can see better—when the boy appears.

As always, he’s surrounded by a beam of cold, white light, as though he’s the moon itself, bathed in such celestial presence that he can’t be a mortal. Even mortals suffer from sadness, though, and the boy’s light seems dimmer tonight, his movements slower and not as excited as Yuuri knows them to be. His lantern flickers in the night among the snowflakes falling around him but he pays them not a single glance. From where Yuuri sits, they look like pellets or darts, so unforgiving in their shooting at the boy.

Normally, the boy dances whenever he appears; he doesn’t walk but rather flows just an inch or so above the ground, jumps into the air and turns and turns and turns and turns—but not today. Something’s off about him today.

Today, he shuffles his feet through the snow with each step. The lantern he usually holds in front of him at an arm’s length is nearly dragged behind now. His feet—Yuuri notices with a soft, disappointed ‘oh’—are firmly planted on the ground.

Suddenly, the boy freezes and turns—and looks straight at Yuuri.

Keep reading


I also designed a glittery pin for @yoimagiczine! There are still some available in the leftover sale, but I’m not sure for how much longer! Knew I had to use the duetto colors as a pop, no matter what the design ended up being–even better that one of them ended up as a glitter.


Here are the pieces I did for the @yoimagiczine! I miss drawing these two so much.


My piece for Prism, the @yoimagiczine some time ago ♥



Dial M for Magic

a collaboration with @thehobbemon@yoimagiczine a while back! Read the fic here

“Here at Dial M we can perform any feats of magic you wish over the phone, at no cost whatsoever for the first 10 minutes. After that, we’ll charge you $0.01 for every minute.”

“You know, you ask for the weirdest things sometimes, Yuuri,” Victor says, the phone between his shoulder and ear, a glass in one hand, and a kettle in the other.

“I thought you liked weird,” Yuuri chuckles, and it’s to Victor’s credit that he holds back the well, I like you that pops into his head. Yuuri adds, “Now: pick a drink.”

“Uh… vodka.” Great, let him think you’re an alcoholic, why don’t you.

“Huh. Well, I sure hope you can hold your liquor, then. Pour.”

Knowing better by now than to protest but it’s empty!, Victor obeys; he’s unsurprised to see a transparent liquid that is probably not water, but is still as in awe as always. He’s been calling on a daily basis for a month now, but no matter how hard he looks, he still can’t see where the illusion lies. At this point, he’s not even sure Yuuri dabbles in illusions anymore. “Yuuri,” he asks calmly, “how are you doing this?”

Victuuri | Magical Realism AU | Romance & Adventure | Rated T | 4.9k

My collab with the wonderful Min ♥ for @yoimagiczine! (Leftovers still going on, get yours while you can!)
