

Life imitating art, imitating life

Hello Darlings!!

Just before surgery, a local trans artist - Briden Cole Schueren, invited me to participate in an art project for stonewall. 14 out “loud and proud” columbus transpeople assembled for a group photo meant to show our strength, solidarity and visibility.

(Among other things).

This photo, was then used by another artist - Rae Senarighi - for a painting. Both works will be displayed at Stonewall Columbus now through June 15th, 2019 as part of a group show of trans/nb artists called; “beyond the binary.”

I have 3 pieces on display.

AND then I found out that I get to be on a float for pride.


But seriously, Im so HONORED (and humbled) to have been included in this piece of Stonewall history, and to be part of what is hoped to be better community relations, moving forward.

If you’re in or near Columbus, do come check it out!
