#asdfghjkl hello new power



The damned thing discorporated. It would have been awfully handy to know it could do that before it had up and vanished on him. Kain crouched slightly, on high alert, but all too soon it was behind him - he wouldn’t have realized it if he hadn’t heard Minako shouting at him.

He lashed out with his sword, but like so many of the Dark Kingdom’s minions before it, this creature didn’t care about pain. It grabbed him and he hissed in a mix of pain and fury.

Then the dizziness hit, and he realized he was being drained. If he didn’t get free quickly, that was going to be a problem… he could still fight, but he was going to be compromised.

“Kain!!” she run towards them and started punching and kicking the monster but it wouldn’t even move. It was getting stronger while he was getting weaker.

What now? 

Was she just going to stand there and watch this monster drain the love of her life too? Was she just going to give up now or run away?

“Stop, please.. please don’t kill him.” she pleaded, but of course the creature wasn’t going to stop anytime soon, not until there was not even one drop of energy left.

She clenched her fists together, closing her eyes.. memories of her past life came rushing to her; how she met him the first time, how they danced together at a ball on the Moon, how they both were annoyed with their Prince and Princess sometimes for not listening to them. All those beautiful memories came back to her and she wanted to make new ones with him.. with him, their friends.. here on earth, on this planet that she loved so much. 

But for that, she had to fight, she had to protect this planet, and Kunzite. So, no.. she couldn’t give up now. She wasn’t going to lose him again.. never! 

“I SAID STOP!” she called out and opened her eyes, the monster pausing for a moment just to turn its head to her and to see that a bright, warm yellow light had engulfed her. 

She wasn’t sure why or how.. but she could feel the warmth of his love, she could feel how badly he wanted to protect her. It almost felt like she could hear him talk to her, she could hear his voice calling for her and without her noticing, the sword he had with him had disappeared and appeared right before her. She looked at it rather confused but something was telling her to grab it.. 

and as she did.. she knew exactly what she had to do. 

“VENUS ETERNAL POWER, MAKE UP!” The yellow light around her only shone brighter, blinding the monster as she transformed into her new form. 

A new power was born from the sword Kain brought with him to protect her.
