#asdfghjl its reis fault lmao



Kain made a little sound at the delicate kiss, his hands curling around hers, feeling her gloves and the strength of her under her usual softness. His lady was a warrior, when she had to be.

He had the sense to avert his eyes from her Love and Beauty Chain attack, correctly remembering how bright her energy always was. He was no longer accustomed to the sight of energy… something that might have to change.

He watched the gathered energy drift away like tendrils of smoke, and badly wished it had just come back, because he still felt dizzy and ill from the loss of it. But it was never so convenient, was it?

Venus turned to him, then, beaming brightly and blessedly oblivious to how he was feeling, and he smiled warmly to try and keep it that way. “We did, yes. You did an amazing job, Venus… but perhaps we ought to discuss this elsewhere? Are your friends still near? They need to be on alert.”

He hadn’t wanted to meet them again so soon, but… this took priority.

Venus was all chirpy and smiley, in fact she couldn’t stop smiling and checking herself out in her new eternal form, even her love and beauty chain attack was more powerful than it used to be before but Kain’s worry brought her back to reality. 

“Ah, right.. we need to tell the others. I left earlier because i had to go work but i will have to cancel that. The others should still be at the temple.” she told him and took his hand once again. “Wait- are you sure you are ready to meet them yet? After all.. i know its sudden.. I would understand if you wanted to wait a little longer. I could go by myself, Kain.” 

She didn’t want to suddenly force him into this.. its been years and she knew exactly how he felt about meeting the others and as much as she wanted him to meet them all, she still wanted to make sure he was ready for this. 


A familiar voice called out for the Soldier of Love and she turned around, surprised to see the whole squad walk over to them. Rei looked worried and she knew immediately that the raven haired girl might have felt a new negative energy around and came to check it out. “Guys..” she muttered then looked over to Kain to check on him first. She could see that her friends were confused about her standing before them as Sailor Venus and.. of course right next to ‘Kunzite’. 

“Oh my god.. is this-” Usagi gasped. 

“Yes.. it’s him.”
