


pairings: multiple jjk/tr/hq men x f!reader

warnings: NSFW; 18+ MINORS DNI; spanking, hard dom!men, punishments

notes: woke up this morning thinking “hmm i wanna be spanked my draken and iwa,” thus this post was made. reblogs are appreciated! and shoutout to my beta-reader @christeningsakusa. also shoutout to @suyaluvs for the draken agenda tn <3

mmm thinking about hard!doms who are sticklers for rules and discipline. rewarding you when you behave but punishing you when you don’t. he performs an array of punishments to teach you your lesson, but his absolute favorite is spanking you until you’re babbling apologies and begging for him to stop.

you’re splayed out across his lap— he believes it’s the only proper way a misbehaving slut should receive her spanking. he flips your skirt up and slides your panties down to your ankles, giving him complete access to your ass— he likes to watch the fat jiggle every time his palm makes contact with it. your ass stings with each impact; the flesh is hot to the touch.

he makes you count each spank too, and if you mess up, you have to start at the beginning all over again. sometimes it seems like your punishment is never ending, and you secretly hope that if you cry prettily enough for him he’ll take pity on you— he never does though. how will you ever learn your lesson if you can just cry your way out of being disciplined?

he’s always sweet after though— palms gently massaging the sensitive flesh and lips leaving soft, lingering kisses on your skin. these little moments with him are your favorite; the way he can so easily switch personalities fascinates you, but you know you’ll never fully understand it. the sweetness only lasts for a few seconds though, because soon he notices the way your thighs subtly rub against each other.

“did getting spanked make my baby needy now?” he hums, a smirk spreading across his face. how cute, he thinks to himself. of course a little slut like you would get turned on from being disciplined.

“bet you’re soaked down there. if i ran my fingers against your slit they’d be fucking glistening,” he teases. “don’t worry, sweetheart, i’ll help you out— but only if you behave from now on. sound like a deal?”

although you eagerly nod your head and agree to his arrangement, he knows you won’t actually follow through. he knows you’ll break your promise the next day, back on your bullshit and acting like a spoiled, entitled brat. yet he still indulges you, punishing and disciplining you all over again because you’re not the only person who enjoys it— deep down, he does too.

draken, IWAIZUMI, daichi, hanma, ushijima, nanami, sakusa, KISAKI, getou, meian


My boobs are great but the heart behind them is even better.



Yes I re-read my own fics because I wrote them for ME

Wish that bitch would update though.


i love small joys so much!!!! yes i love my coffee in my favorite mug!!! i love the sun spilling in the window!!! i love the wind on my face!!! i love my blanket over my lap!!! i love the clouds in the sky!!!! i am seeking joy in every moment!!!!


whats yalls ultimate fave character. like years have passed, interests have come and gone, yet theyre still here. mines ellie williams


Okay someone asked me earlier “Hey CT, you study the occult for a living, off the top of your head, what’s the most popular form of the occult in today’s world?”

Pseudo-nutrition. Bar none. A massive amount of the fad dieting world goes beyond simple misinformation and ignorance and full on into a systemized non-scientific theory of anatomy and nutrition that 100% qualifies as magic. If you replace the term “toxins” with “evil ghosts” half of these blogs would sound like sumerian curse tablets.

yoruus:if the sky is pink and white


if the sky is pink and white

Post link


Every writer has that one story that they don’t even intend to write down anymore, but that is forever stuck in their brain.


new tumblr people if you have a blank blog and you only like stuff but never reblog anything people are going to assume you’re not a real person and block you



I’m sorry but Levi Ackerman is not daddy like y'all think, he’s not the big sexy dom that brat tames you and spanks you and does the whole aftercare thing

He is the man that uses a ton of coupons at the grocery store and hates self checkout and watches people from out his window with arms crossed cause they keep cutting across his perfectly trimmed yard

And cause I don’t want people to think I’m picking sides, Zeke gets mistaken as homeless often, lives in Grisha’s basement and has black lights and posters, is the neighbor you see watching you out his window constantly cause he’s nosy, and has toilet paper stuck between his butt cheeks


me when ppl ive literally never heard of have me blocked:


Sakusa’sawkward. He offsets that with a blunt attitude and a dry sense of humor, more than happy to come across as a jerk instead of an awkward little dork. He likes to stuff his hands in his pockets and recoil shamelessly when someone enters his bubble. He uses sarcasm to counter obvious questions. When Bokuto asks him if he showered when clearly, he just stepped out of the bathroom, steam following his way out as he has a fluffy yellow towel wrapped around his waist and hair in a headband, Sakusa deadpans.

With the driest tone ever, he says, “No, Bokuto. I was actually teaching my dog how to roll over in there. Sorry for taking so long.”

Sakusa is content with his well maintained reputation and even happier when his teammates are satisfied in participating in a one-sided conversation with him, but you, you have him doing the silliest of things.

He likes to show up at your door when you say you’ve had a long day at work with a bashful smile and lukewarm takeout. He’s not one for greasy foods, but the oily sheen of your smile helps the noodles go down easy. And Sakusa likes to keep his days off to himself, but if you text him and ask him if he wants to go to the gym with you, suddenly he’s free for the rest of the day.

He wishes, he really wishes, that he could be blunt around you. He’s tired of inadvertently admitting his feelings by light tugs of your sleeves and awkward calls of your name. He wants to pull you by the collar of your shirt, shake you once or twice while his hair bobs against his forehead and yell, “Look at me! Look at what you’ve done to me!”

He wants to point at his cheeks that are profusely rouge in your midst and he wants to show you his fitbit, at exactly 7:12 yesterday morning, when he received a good morning text from you and his heart rate shot up to 110.

You drive him crazy and at the same time, you polish his edges. Even his teammates notice the effects of his adoration for you. Even with a mask on, he gets teased every time he pulls out his phone to open a text you sent. Atsumu has demoted him from a prickly sea urchin to a modest starfish. Him? A starfish? Do you see what you’ve done?

He’s finally had enough of his rampant emotions, and upon parking in front of your apartment after a ‘friendly drink at the bar’, decides to take matters in his own hands.

“Thanks Kiyoomi.” You say, flashing the smile that unknowingly visits him in his sleep. “I really needed that. Work sucked so bad.”

He nods, as usual, because he never willingly participates in conversations like this, but he holds your gaze. There’s so much more that he wants to say but he can’t seem to pull the plug.

You turn over, leftovers crinkling in your lap as you pick it up and reach for the handle, “Okay. I’m going to head inside now.”

“I had a really great time.” Sakusa blurts out, a sudden desperateness. He doesn’t want this to end. He never does.

You gape at him for a moment, slowly muttering out, “I had a great time, too.”

“No, I mean I always have a great time with you.” And Sakusa turns in his too seat too, stretching the seatbelt across his chest, “Anything.”

He shakes his head, incredulous. You drive him mad. “I literally love doing anything with you.”

“Me too.”

“You don’t get it. I like you.”

The bag drops back into your lap. “You like me?”

“No, I’m actually the tooth fairy that’s been trying to make it up to you since I accidentally shorted you a hundred yen for one of the teeth that you lost.” He snorts. It’s obvious. It’s so, so obvious how utterly in like he is with you, but looking at your gape maw and frigid stature, he’s guessing you never knew. “Of course I like you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought you would have noticed? Didn’t you think it was weird how much I wanted to hang out with you?”

You smack your forehead when you link all the pieces of evidence together. “I thought you were being nice! Like new year, new Kiyoomi.”

Sakusa instantly recoils at the thought. “No, never. I have been the same since I was five. New year, sameKiyoomi.”

A beat passes as the both of you digest his words.

“Wait,” Sakusa says. He realizes, maybe he is different. He’s changed and you’re the reason why.

“New year, your Kiyoomi.” He confesses with a wobbly heart. “If you’ll have me.”



About this collab

 There are many reasons I’m putting this collab together. I hit another milestone (4.7k), I’m taking a hiatus soon so I can comfortably work on my many upcoming series, I want more spicy series to read… the list goes on. Please take a look below!


Theme  — Series

 Writers: Have you had a series idea waiting in the wings that you need an excuse to finally begin, or are you already writing a series? Maybe you even started one a ways back and took a break, but you think it’s time to pick it up again. Well alright then.



i.You must of course be 18+ to participate and your age must be easily visible somewhere on your blog.

ii.As my blog is 18+ with a majority focus on N-SFW/DC content in what I write and read, I am limiting entries to those categories.

  • With that said, nothing is off limits (except the obvious no pedophilia/bestiality) but you must make sure everything is tagged correctly!

iii. One entry per person/blog.

iv.Preferred Fandoms are AoT, BNHA, HQ, and JJK, but if you have an idea or existing series for another fandom, I will include an “Others” category.

v.Art/Fanart is still acceptable if that’s your creation of choice! Just like any other series, if you have or are planning 3 parts or more, you’re welcome to join.

vi.There will be no limit on character entries, so whoever you want to write for is accessible!

vii.To enter, send in an ask with the below included. Please state writing or art!

  • Fandom
  • Character x [type]!reader (OC’s welcome!)
  • Genre (n-sfw/dc)
  • Main theme(s)
  • And (if you have it) a title & short summary/synopsis, if not a TBA will be noted. Try to keep it in the 100 word range.

viii.Upcoming and ongoing series only!

ix.Reblog the collab post after acceptance!

x.Since series are a little more in depth, if at any point you need to change or add any details to the masterlist, just dm me and I’ll be happy to do so!

xi. The whole series does not need to be completed before tagging the collab! A single chapter submission is enough!

xii.There is no due date! But for those of you who need structure, let’s say June 31st. Simply tag me in your first/next work and use #onceuponatimecollab in the tags.


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Brattamer CEO Meian in suits, that’s it, that’s the tweet




Youareformallyinvited... to join Ji’s collab, “to have and to hold.” Whether you’re the wedding planner who’s secretly in love with the groom, the jaded singer who caught the eye of the maid of honor, or the one saying “I do” at the altar, this collab is open to everything wedding related.

Pleasekeepinmind... this collab is 19+. Age must be on your blog to join. All genres, including dark content, are welcome but please tag them appropriately. Characters must be aged-up adults. This is open to writers and artists. If writing, please make sure your work is at least 300 words. They can be fics, headcanons, scenarios, whatever! There is no max word count but remember to use the read more feature if it exceeds 300 words. This is a multi-fandom collab and repeat characters are allowed.

Savethedate...from May 1 to October 31, 2022. Please note that your wedding doesn’t have to fall within this time range but you should post your work between these dates. If you can’t, just let me know!

RSVP... send me an ask that includes the fandom, character, and if it’s a spring/summer (sfw) or fall/winter wedding (nsfw, dc)

ex. TR + Imaushi Wakasa + winter wedding

Once tagged, reblog this post. Make sure to also tag me and use #tohaveandtohold on your submission. Happy drawing/writing!


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