#brat tamer meian in my life right now



pairings: multiple jjk/tr/hq men x f!reader

warnings: NSFW; 18+ MINORS DNI; spanking, hard dom!men, punishments

notes: woke up this morning thinking “hmm i wanna be spanked my draken and iwa,” thus this post was made. reblogs are appreciated! and shoutout to my beta-reader @christeningsakusa. also shoutout to @suyaluvs for the draken agenda tn <3

mmm thinking about hard!doms who are sticklers for rules and discipline. rewarding you when you behave but punishing you when you don’t. he performs an array of punishments to teach you your lesson, but his absolute favorite is spanking you until you’re babbling apologies and begging for him to stop.

you’re splayed out across his lap— he believes it’s the only proper way a misbehaving slut should receive her spanking. he flips your skirt up and slides your panties down to your ankles, giving him complete access to your ass— he likes to watch the fat jiggle every time his palm makes contact with it. your ass stings with each impact; the flesh is hot to the touch.

he makes you count each spank too, and if you mess up, you have to start at the beginning all over again. sometimes it seems like your punishment is never ending, and you secretly hope that if you cry prettily enough for him he’ll take pity on you— he never does though. how will you ever learn your lesson if you can just cry your way out of being disciplined?

he’s always sweet after though— palms gently massaging the sensitive flesh and lips leaving soft, lingering kisses on your skin. these little moments with him are your favorite; the way he can so easily switch personalities fascinates you, but you know you’ll never fully understand it. the sweetness only lasts for a few seconds though, because soon he notices the way your thighs subtly rub against each other.

“did getting spanked make my baby needy now?” he hums, a smirk spreading across his face. how cute, he thinks to himself. of course a little slut like you would get turned on from being disciplined.

“bet you’re soaked down there. if i ran my fingers against your slit they’d be fucking glistening,” he teases. “don’t worry, sweetheart, i’ll help you out— but only if you behave from now on. sound like a deal?”

although you eagerly nod your head and agree to his arrangement, he knows you won’t actually follow through. he knows you’ll break your promise the next day, back on your bullshit and acting like a spoiled, entitled brat. yet he still indulges you, punishing and disciplining you all over again because you’re not the only person who enjoys it— deep down, he does too.

draken, IWAIZUMI, daichi, hanma, ushijima, nanami, sakusa, KISAKI, getou, meian
