#asger jorn

Drame Romantique from the serie Silkeborg Suite, 1953-70Asger Jorn

Drame Romantique from the serie Silkeborg Suite
, 1953-70

Asger Jorn

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Maja Lisa Engelhardt (b. May 2, 1956) is a Danish artist, known for her work in Danish churches, including one of the very smallest, Lodbjerg Kirke, down the road from where I live.

Engelhardt trained at Det fynske Kunstakademi in the late 1970s and has lived in France since 1981. Her husband, Peter Brandes, bought Asger Jorn’s villa in Colombe, outside Paris, and they live and work there.

Her work is often abstract landscape painting, as in this canvas from SMK:

Vej gennem landskab, 2000 - acrylic on canvas (SMK)
