#ashton irwin


A/N: Based on Worst of you by Maisie Peters

Pairing: Y/N & Ashton Irwin

Word Count: 635

Warning(s): mentions of cheating

You had been dating Ashton ever since high school. Everyone was jealous of your relationship because it was so pure and full of love. You were very supportive of his band that he joined.

While you went to college to study law and crime, Ashton’s band started to take off. You were so busy with school and he was so busy touring the world that you rarely saw him. You guys talked on the phone though whenever you could. It became harder and harder but you still loved him so much. When Autumn break began, you bought a plane ticket to go see him. When you landed, however, he wasn’t there to pick you up from the airport. And when you arrived at the hotel, he didn’t show you the love that you were expecting.
So you two went out for dinner that evening before the show and he asked how you were and how school was going. You went on and on about classes and how you made new friends but you got the feeling that he wasn’t really listening to you, although he swore that he did. You didn’t mind, you were just so happy that you could look at him without pixels.

After the concert, all the guys went out and you went along with them. You enjoyed spending time with them and seeing Ashton so happy. The entire evening however you were on your own. At the beginning of the evening, Luke and Michael held a conversation with you but then their girlfriends showed up and you were on your own. You had Ashton but he was talking to his friends all evening. It was okay though, I mean you weren’t on stage. You didn’t see what was happening tonight and you were sure that it was a necessary conversation. The break flew by and you didn’t spend as much time with Ashton as you had hoped but you understood that the band, the fans and the tour came first. After all, you were the one on the break, not them, their life continued.
He didn’t drop you off at the airport, you got there by taxi instead. He was too busy writing the new album. He did give you a kiss on the cheek and you felt like a high schooler again.

The calls after got worse and worse. You would only fight and argue and you let him win every time. Your friends told you that you should break up with him and that this wasn’t a healthy relationship anymore but you couldn’t do that to him. He wasn’t there to say it to his face and you couldn’t bear to do it over the phone or via text message.

A couple weeks later a friend sent you an article. It showed Ashton hugging another woman, on another picture he was kissing her. It wasn’t like the kiss on the cheek he had given her, he was full-on snogging the girl. You were so angry and sad that you stayed in your bed for 4 weeks. The thing is you were more angry at yourself that at Ashton because even though he kissed her, you still wanted to taste his lips and kiss him and have him tell you that he loved you.

A month later, you were better than you were before. Still hopelessly in love with Ashton but better. You decided to take it to twitter. Instead of addressing the rumour that you and Ashton had broken up, you drafted something else.
“Another night, another dotted line, I sign my heart away to you, some call it foolish, guess I’ll call it art.”
And with that, you decided that it was over between the two of you. You realized that all the time he was away, you were just making up excuses for his actions and you were done.
