#5 seconds of summer imagine


This second part was requested by @bvbygxrl​.

A/N: The is the second part to this. I highly suggest you read that first, otherwise it won’t make any sense. I used the song “Everything I didn’t say” by 5SOS, because that song fit the vibe.

Pairing: OC Stevie Joan Lee & Calum Hood

Words: 800

Warning(s): swearing, mentions of drug use, angst (I guess)?

The performance in Amsterdam was the worst Calum had ever place. His fingers started hurting during the soundcheck and during the actual concert they had started to bleed. While the other guys went out after, Calum dragged himself to his hotel room and flopped himself on the bed. He just started sobbing but it soon turned into crying, and that’s what he did, he cried himself to sleep. After that night, its what he did most nights. Fans had started to notice that he’d changed. He had bags under his eyes, they were always bloodshot, he looked skinnier and most of all he didn’t look like himself.

Neither did you. You stayed in most days, only leaving when you had to buy groceries. Your friends started to worry about you. After two weeks your new routine hadn’t changed that is when your friends decided to hold an intervention. It was clear that you either needed to get back together or that you needed to get over him. A night out, dancing, was what they had decided on. They dragged you out of your bed, helping you in the shower, making you feel human again. They put you in a dress and heels, put make-up on you face and did your hair. You did a couple of shots at home before taking to the clubs.

That night you really enjoyed yourself. You drank, danced and flirted with some people. They always say that in order to get over someone you need to get under someone else. It is such a cliché, but it is also very true. You took home a girl and a boy that night, however the next morning you felt more like shit than before the night out. You decided to get a make-over, so you called your friends again. You changed your hair and got you nails done, you even got a spray tan. Slowly you started to feel like yourself again, the strong independent woman you made yourself to be. However, it seems that when the universe feels like a woman is becoming strong, it feels the need to break her. And so it did… not even a week later. You got a call from one of your friends saying that you needed to come to her house. You called your driver and got there as fast as you could.

“SJ, you need to see this”, one of your friend said before pushing her phone in your face. There he was, looking like … utter shit. Good, you thought to yourself, at least he isn’t feeling any better than me. “This isn’t their original setlist. This song they only added today.”

“I wish I could rewind all the times that I didn’t show you what you’re really worth”, Calum’s voice sounded through the speakers. “I wish I could’ve made you stay, and I’m the only one to blame. I know that it’s a little too late, but this is everything I didn’t say.” You felt tears running across your cheeks. He was singing this to you, even though you weren’t there, you knew he wrote that song for you. It held so much emotion, you felt it through his voice.

“I hope you know, for you I’d sacrifice to make this right.” The song ended. Not much later your phone rang, you checked the caller-ID, it was Calum. Had he run off stage and called you right away? You decided not to give it another thought and you answered.


“Stevie, is it really you. Thank fuck, you answered. I hope you saw the video, I wrote the song for you. I know I messed up but like I said I’d sacrifice anything to make this right. Just say the word and I’ll come home.”

“Oh Cal. I loved the song, thank you…” you stopped for a moment, “I think you should stay on tour. It is what you love.”

“I love you more, Stevie.”

“How about I come visit you and join you on tour?” You suggest, already imagining kissing his lips and feeling his arms around you.

“Are you sure. I mean, you hate touring. I thought you hated it because of your father.”

“I know and I do, but for this to work we both have to sacrifice. I’m sure yours will come soon, but this will be mine.” You decide that nothing should be keeping you apart, especially not your father’s image from back in the day.

Buy me coffee

This was requested by anonymous.

A/N: I tried my best to research everything, but I am almost sure that I got some details wrong. I really tried and I hope you like it! I also remembered that I watched “The Dirt” and I totally forgot about that.

Pairing: OC Stevie Joan Lee & Calum Hood

Words: 1k

Warning(s): swearing, mentions of drug use, angst (I guess)?


Even before you were born, the world already knew who you were. You are named after rock stars just like your younger brothers, Stevie Joan Lee, daughter of the famous Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson. Growing up you stayed away from the spotlights, people knew of you, but they didn’t know who the real Stevie Joan was. You tried to stay out of your father’s crazy lifestyle and for a while it worked. That was until you took a liking to a famous Australian based band called 5 Seconds of Summer… and to be even more specific a bass player called Calum Hood.

You swore on your life that you would never fall for an artist or even someone famous, seeing how your dad was. You loved that he got to do what he loved, but you hated how he was rarely home or how hard the rock star life was on his health. On the other hand, you went to school and tried to live as normal of a life as possible. You fangirled at concerts and fantasized about meeting 5sos. However, you could easily let your dad’s team call someone and have it arranged but seeing that you wanted to live a normal life, it stayed a fantasy. You know the guys from 5sos are big Mötley Crüe fans and a meeting could easily be arranged, but you didn’t want your dad interfering with your life and interests. You weren’t much of a spoiled brat, you paid for a lot of things yourself because you are a strong independent woman for fuck’s sake.

In 2019, you went to yet another 5 Seconds of Summer concert, your friend got the tickets for the two of you, and you couldn’t be happier. The tickets were general admission, meaning you were waiting in line way before the concert even started, so you could get to the front and admire Calum from up close. You had done this before by multiple of their concerts and every time you were more in awe of how gorgeous he was. It may sound absolutely weird as can be, but you were in love with him. Not the fangirl in love with him where you faint. No, I’m talking the whole butterflies in the stomach, can’t think straight when you see him, type of love.

That night you and your friend had made it to the front near the spot where Calum would be later on. What happened next felt like a fairytale or a fan fiction. Calum saw you and danced with you all night (him still on stage obviously) and invited you backstage after the concert. It wasn’t until you introduced yourself as ‘Stevie Joan’ that he realised you were Tommy Lee’s daughter. You exchanged numbers, three days later he asked you on a date, and you have been dating each other ever since. You never really got used to his lifestyle, it was far less crazy than your father’s, but it was crazy nonetheless. You joined him on tour whilst he was in America, during his visit to other countries you kept close contact.

You received a text from him saying that he was in Amsterdam with a photo attached of him smoking with the guys. You texted him back that he should be careful and that you missed him. After that you received a photo of them with a lot of girls, you weren’t blind you knew they had groupies and Calum had promised you that he would never do anything with them. However, this night you felt like something was different, he still hadn’t replied to your text saying that you missed him and the girl in the photo was a little too close to Calum to just be friendly.
Instagram was the best for your own FBI investigation to whom this girl was. As soon as you typed in 5 Seconds of Summer more photos popped up from this night and from the nights before according to the timestamp underneath the photos. You know you shouldn’t have, but you began to read the comments.

“Good to see Calum finally enjoying himself”

“He should dump his girlfriend, she’s holding him back”

“He is only with her because of her father”

“I bet they aren’t even really dating”

Could that be true? Was he really dating you because of your father? What would he get out of it, more fame? You went insane that night. You tried calling him multiple times, but he never answered any of them. You tried to call Ashton as he was the only one you were close too besides Calum. He didn’t answer either, but you did get a text from him saying that he was sorry.

That night you went to bed and cried yourself to sleep. The next morning you did something you never thought you would do, you called your father. After speaking with him, you packed all your stuff from the flat you and Calum shared in LA and left to go to your father’s house. You welcomed you with open arms as you fell into them, sobbing. You really thought Calum was the one, but it turns out he wasn’t.


Calum went crazy in Amsterdam. He had seen the pictures that were taken last night, and he feared the most. He tried calling you so many times, he had even called your brothers, but they wouldn’t tell him anything. He couldn’t sleep in his own bed on his own, so he went to Ashton’s room. Ashton tried to console him but just like you had, he cried himself to sleep, but not before he saw Ashton send you a text. Was it really over?

Buy me a coffee

Hello boys, girls and non-binary folks,

I have now added a tab where you can enter requests… apparently I hadn’t done that yet. Send in your requests and be nice to everyone!

Happy monday! xx

A/N: Loosely based on the film “To all the boys I’ve loved before” as requested by @teehxk

This is part eight of a series and the final part

Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader

Word Count: 727

Warning(s): swearing

After the talk with my big brother, I felt more comfortable but I still couldn’t really think. My mind was as cluttered as my room. So I picked a playlist from Spotify and decided to clean my room. And I don’t mean the ‘oh, look what I found. This is from 5 years ago’ cleaning, I mean the taking everything out of the closet and drawers and Marie Kondo the shit out of it. During this massive cleaning spree, I thought it would be a great idea to take a walk. I drove myself to the beach and spend almost an hour there, the sand felt so great between my toes and the sound of the waves crashing really calmed me down. I hadn’t been to the beach for so long, I forgot how much I loved it. Then I drove myself home and organised the rest of my room.

It took me two whole days to clean and organise my room how I wanted it. During the second day, Kyan stopped by to apologize.
“So you didn’t really love me?” he asks.
“Well, I always thought you were attractive, if that makes it any better, but I believe I was more in love with the idea of dating my brother’s best friend”, I explain to him.
“Do you love Ashton?” Of all the things he could’ve asked me, he had to ask this and truth be told, I didn’t really have an answer.
“I don’t know. I thought I was, I mean we were so good at acting. Sometimes I pretended that it was real, that he actually loved me. It’s so strange really, I send all of those letters and I never got a love letter back”, I chuckle and look at Kyan.
“Maybe you just never noticed.” After this commend, he just leaves and I am flabbergasted. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I walk back to my room to finish the cleaning when I notice the old shoebox sitting on my desk. I open the box and inside I find all the notes Ashton has ever send me. It dawned on me what Kyan meant by “maybe you just never noticed” because all of Ashton’s notes where in fact small love letters. I didn’t think anything of them at first, some I had never actually read, simply because we were pretending and there it was, a note written with a different colour pen and the date written above it from a few days before the ski trip.
I looked over to the clock on my wall, five thirty-five Ashton was still at basketball practice. I quickly freshen up and change my tracksuit for something a little more attractive. Then I run down the stairs and yell at my dad that I might be home for dinner around seven. As I step into the car, my nerves start to kick in.

I make my way to school as quickly as I can, while still following the rules, of course, we wouldn’t want a speeding ticket when I have to declare my love. As soon as I arrive at school, I don’t even bother parking the car, I just stop the car and run as fast as I can to the basketball court.

“Luke! I yell across the field, “have you seen Ashton?!”
“I think he went to the dressing rooms, because we’re already finished for the day”, Luke replies and I make a B-line towards the changing rooms. As I walk in calling for his name, I feel like Hilary Duff in that Cinderella film with Austin Ames, where she delivered that bad-ass speech.
Suddenly, I see him, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair still wet, surrounded by a few of his mates. I don’t think about it twice, walk right up to him and kiss him on the lips.
“I love you too. I am so sorry that I didn’t realize it sooner, it’s just that Cam was fucking with my mind and I didn’t know if I co-” and right there and then he stops me and kisses me on the lips. (honestly to be honest the biggest cliché ever but eh it’s not so bad when it’s you getting kissed)
“So what now?” Ashton asks.
“No more contract, no more weird ass situations, just honesty and us.”


Hiii guys,

So this was the final part, I want to thank you guys for being so patient with me, school and internship have been killing me slowly… but yeah anyways I hope you enjoyed the series. And request for blurbs and one short are always open.

All the love, me xx.

A/N: Loosely based on the film “To all the boys I’ve loved before” as requested by @teehxk

This is part seven of a series.

Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader

Word Count: 781

Warning(s): cursing

After sleeping on Ashton’s shoulder for most of the bus ride and eating the candy he had gotten me, I actually felt a lot better than I had this morning. But oh boy that was about to change quick.

“I think it’s so cool that you came on the ski trip this year. And so brave of you to let your boyfriend sleep in someone else’s room. You’re so trusting, I remembered that about you.” I look at her confusingly. “Oh shit, I dropped it”, she says and grabs something from the parking lot. As she comes back up, I see a dangling silver charm in her hands. More accurately it was my silver charm that I had given to Ashton for save keeping a few nights before.

“Where did you get that?” I try to act cool, but I can feel my throat closing.

“Oh, Ashton gave this to me. Isn’t it the cutest?! Well.. say hi to your dad for me.” And she walks off with a smile. Right when she leaves, Ashton walks towards me.

“Are you ready to go?” He asks with a smile on his face. I almost forgot that he promised my dad he would take me home.

“Did you go to Camreigh’s room last night?”

“Uh yeah.. but it was nothing.”

“And you gave her my charm?” I can feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.

“Woah where is this all coming from? You just don’t understand the situation. Let me just drive you home and explain.”

“No. We’re done, in every way possible. And I would rather walk home”, and I start to walk away from him. To be honest, I kind of expected him to come after me and try to change my mind, but he just let me walk.

When I got home, I realized something had changed around the house. There were actual Christmas lights in the living room and there was a decorated Christmas tree in the dining room. Then I turned around and saw Ryver with his arms stretched out. I busted into tears and ran into his arms, I didn’t even realise how much I had actually missed him until now.

Right in the middle of watching the Perfect Date, there is a knock on the door. I tell Ryver to keep the movie going and make my way to the door.

“We need to talk.” Are the first words that I hear before I have even seen who it is. I look up and see that it is actually Ashton. I point to the front lawn and step out of the door before closing it. As Ashton tries to explain the situation, I am getting more and more angry and tired of everything. When I ask him to leave and he doesn’t I hear a voice behind me.

“She asked you to leave.” It’s Kyan.

“Oh my god, this isn’t about me or Cam at all this is all about you still being in love with Kyan.” And there it was. That stupid sentence that would have been shot to the ground by me seconds later, but no … Ryver had to be outside and heard Ashton.

“You’re in love with Kyan?” I had never heard my big brother sounds so sad and vulnerable at the same time and it broke my heart right there and then.

“LEAVE, BOTH OF YOU. NOW!” I yelled and ran after Ryver. “Ryverrr, please let me inside!” I yell as I knock on his door repeatedly. “Please, you have to let me explain. There is nothing going on!” Suddenly the door swings open and I almost hit Ryver on the head with my fist.

“I am so sorry Ryver. Honestly, I …”

“Don’t apologize. I don’t hate you, I could never. I just thought that you were trying to date Kyan now or something and I just got upset”, he says and opens his arms. In all honestly, Ryver and I were never really the ones to fight with each other. I think it’s got to do with the fact that we’re only 2 years apart which makes us a lot closer to each other than with Weston.

“How could you think I could ever do that to you?”

“I don’t know. It’s just that I have been so far away from home, and we don’t talk as much as we used to. What was I supposed to think.”

“The reason why we don’t talk much is that I was lying to every single person in my life. And I just couldn’t lie to you.”

“I love you, baby sister. Now let’s clean up this mess you made.”

A/N: Loosely based on the film “To all the boys I’ve loved before” as requested by @teehxk

This is part six of a series.

Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader

Word Count: 663

Warning(s): idk they kiss, if you are grossed out by the description I am sorry not sorry.

After Clive told me that Ashton might be waiting in the hot tub for me, I couldn’t not check it out. So I put my coat over my slip dress and went outside. I was freezing but it would probably be worth it.

“All by yourself out here?” I asked him, already knowing the answer because unless there was someone holding their breath underwater which is highly unlikely. Ashton looks up and then looks down at the water, finding it more interesting than talking to me. “So are you ignoring me now?”

“Oh right, I am the one ignoring you. You’re the one who didn’t want to sit next to me on the bus while we’re supposed to be a couple. You’re the one who didn’t want to go skiing with me. You’re the one ignoring me. And now you’re saying that I am ignoring you? Funny.”

“Woah there, cowboy. What’s with all the hating on me? It was good that you sat next to Cam because you wanted to make her jealous and get her attention and that’s exactly what you got.”

“Yeah right.” Is all I got from him, so I decided to get a little closer. I walked to the other side of the hot tub and sat on it, with my feet dangling in the water. “For someone who has such good grades, you can be so dense sometimes.”

“What?” Honestly, to be honest, I am very lost at this point.

“I wanted to sit next to you, Y/N. I even got that candy that you like so much.”
“But the store that sells that is all the way across town.”

“Yeah, so if I went all the way to buy them. That must mean…” He trailed off, looking at me to help him finish that sentence.

“That you really like that candy too?” I knew I was wrong and I was only partly joking, hoping that he would actually say what I wanted him to say.

“Gosh, you are impossible.” At this point, I took off my coat and got into the pool in my dress. “Oh, you’re coming in… in your dress?”

“Yeah, I didn’t really expect this and I didn’t bring a bathing suit… so yeah.” I slowly moved through the water towards him and stopped right before him. He lifted me up and put me on his lap with my legs on either side of him. I was a little hesitant at first but then I look him in the eye. His look gave me permission to hold his face and my mouth slowly attached to his. Our lips moving ever so slowly and it was the best kiss I had ever had. I opened my mouth a little and let his tongue slip into my mouth. We stayed in the hot tub for a very long time, kissing, cuddling, more kissing. Until we felt that it was getting too late. We got out and both walking back to our floor, right before we parted I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on the lips yet again.

“Good night”, I whispered.

“Good night, baby girl.”

The next morning it was time to leave again and everyone was getting ready for the bus ride back. When I stepped onto the bus people started clapping and cheering. I looked behind me to see if anyone was there, but when I didn’t see anyone I realized they were clapping and cheering for me. I couldn’t remember that I did anything to deserve it so I just let it slide and walked to Ashton. Still feeling a little uneasy about the whole situation happening a minute ago I decided to ask him if he told anyone about last night, but he told me that he hadn’t told anyone and that this is just the way people react to couples. And because I never went before I decided he probably knew it better and let it go.

A/N: Loosely based on the film “To all the boys I’ve loved before” as requested by @teehxk

This is part five of a series.

Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader

Word Count: 739

Warning(s): swearing

On Thursday I was talking to Kyan. He was the only one I had to talk to, not that he knew the relationship with Ashton was fake but still.
“I am so angry at myself that I didn’t see it coming.”
“I really don’t know what to say, other than… it fucking sucks. I am sorry.” The school bell rings and I see an angry Ashton making his way towards us.
“I gotta go.”
“Shall I wait?”
“No, you better not.” I tell him goodbye and grab my bag before walking towards Ashton.
“Why were you talking to him. What people will say when they see my girlfriend talking to Kyan,” he says bitterly.
“Oh, what about when they hear how Cam is basically begging you to take her back.” I tell him and laugh at how typical this is.
“You are spying on me now, huh. Is that what this is?”
“Yeah, sure make this shit about me.” I angrily storm into an empty hallway and keep walking. “I honestly didn’t think this would go on for so long. I mean me and Kyan are fine. Cam is jealous, we should call it quits.” Ashton looks at me, shock written all over his face.
“You want to break up with me before the ski trip? It’s in the contract.”
“Only if we were still together.”
“We are still together. You’re just pulling out because you are scared.”
“Why would I be scared?”
Ashton shrugs, “you tell me.” And he was actually right. I am scared because I started liking him a long time ago, heck I love him even and it’s just a matter of time before he dumps me and runs back to Camreigh. But there is no way that I am going to tell him that, so I negotiate.
“I will only go if Clive goes.” Clive, my childhood best friend who I had the biggest crush on, the one that actually turned out to swing for the other team. We turned out to be even better friends after we cleared the air.

On Friday Clive and I sat on the couch in my living room, in a deep discussion about the ski trip. Clive was very much against it and wanted nothing to do with it, but on the other hand, he also wanted me to go for the sake of bringing Ashton and me closer together. I tried to convince him not to go so I didn’t have to go and it wouldn’t turn into some sticky situation that no one could get out of.
But sadly on Monday, we were sat on the bus. Ashton tried to convince me to sit next to him, but being the scared little chicken that I was, I ended up sitting next to Clive who fell asleep on me in the first 10 minutes. Ashton kept looking back at me, while he sat next to Camreigh who tried to get his attention every second of the trip.

Once we got there we all gather around in the ski lodge.
“I’ll see you on the Black Top, Ashton,” Camreigh says before suggestively adding, “last one down, is buying.” Ashton looked at her before looking and me and then quickly started talking to his friends.
“Go to your man,” Clive says and starts pushing me towards Ashton.
“What no, I don’t even know how to put on the boots. I brought books  so I can read in my room and enjoy the snow from the comfort of my room.” Clive rolls his eyes before grabbing his bag and walks towards our room.
Instead of reading I actually told Clive the truth about me and Ashton. That we have been pretending and he was totally shocked.
“Are you sure that you are just pretending? ‘Cause I can tell by the way that he looks at you that he likes you.”
“How does he look at me?”
“Like you a sexy little Rubics cube. He can’t really figure you out, but he has a lot of fun trying.”
“It doesn’t matter anyway. He is still so obsessed with her and it makes me sick.”
“Uhu, look at the facts here. He came up with the fake dating idea. You came up with the no kiss rule and you constantly try to break it off. Say all you want but he is probably waiting for you in the hot tub right now.”

A/N: Loosely based on the film “To all the boys I’ve loved before” as requested by @teehxk

This is part four of a series.

Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader

Word Count: 957

Warning(s): none? I guess

When we left the diner I felt like I had really upset Ashton, so I invited him over for movie night the next day. While I was waiting for Ashton to come, Kyan suddenly showed up at my house.
“Can we talk please?” I give him a nod and step outside. I notice that Kyan was angry, also the phrase “I can’t believe your dating Ashton Irwin!” helped with that realisation. When he said that, I became angry to. How dare he say something like that. Was it so hard to believe that Ashton and I were dating? That someone like me could date someone like him?
“Look if you just came here to be angry and to be rude, then I am gonna go back inside”, I say and walk past him.
“No, I – Wait… please?” I stop and face him. “Did you mean what you wrote in the letter?”
“I – I don’t know, okay. That was a really long time ago. It was a mistake, you should have never seen it. And please whatever you do, do not tell Ryver.”
“He is not even talking to me! So you don’t have to worry about that.” I let my head fall down, not wanting to look him in the eyes and see that he’s hurt.
“Look, I am sorry. Maybe you should leave”, I say and turn back to the front door.
“So this is it then. Ryver breaks up with me, you are dating Ashton and suddenly we can’t be friends anymore?!” I just gave him a sorry look and went inside. What a great person I am, I heard two guys in two days.

3 pm rolled around and Ashton showed up. We sat on the couch with my little brother and some popcorn we had popped.
“Why are we watching this movie again?” Weston whines.
“Because Ashton has never seen it before.” I have never seen Weston turn around so quickly, with shock written all over his face.
“Are you for real?! How can you have never watched the Hobbit?!” Ashton just shrugs.
“I don’t know, I just never went to the cinema when it came out.” Weston looks at him like he grew three heads, sighs and turns back to the TV.
“Oof, Kili is so hot. If he was taller…” I say and Ashton looks offended.
“I am way better looking than that guy.”
“Uhuh, sure,” Weston says and not long after they have a pillow fight/wrestling match. I watched them as I started thinking. I really hope Weston is not getting too attached to Ashton, we should have never involved family in our fake dating phenomenon.

And yet here I was, two days later, at the dining table of his mother. His little brother and sister were whispering to each other and his mom went on and on about how nice it was that I could be here and how she already liked me better than his last girlfriend. We talked about my brothers, how only my dad was in the picture and how my mother passed away. She went on telling me why Ashton’s father was not in the picture and I could tell that it bothered him, not only him but also his siblings.
Dinner went by quick and before we knew it, Ashton and I were cleaning up. I sat up on the kitchen counter as I watched him sweeping the countertop.
“Is it weird? Not having your father around?” I straight up asked him. He walked over to me and leaned against the counter beside me.
“I mean, not as weird as it used to be. It’s just that sometimes I walk around the house and there are no pictures of him anymore and I just miss him. But then I start to think about his new family and I just get so angry that I am happy that he’s gone.”
“You don’t mean that. You can be angry at him and still miss him.” He just nods.
“You must miss your mom a lot.”
“Every day.” I sigh, “but it happened so long ago. And sometimes when I do my homework or doing whatever and I think about our family. I just forget that it wasn’t always just us and our dad and I feel so guilty.” I stop and look at him for a second. “I actually never told anyone that.”
“I mean I get it. I mean it’s not the same but you know.”
“Yeah. It’s nice to talk to someone about this, who understands you know.” He just nods again and moves closer. My heartbeat quickens and it seems like he is about to kiss me, but then he moves away from me. And I think about our rules… the no kissing rule was rule number 1. I can’t believe that I was the one who came up with that rule and wanted to kiss him so badly. Everything between is felt so natural and good that I let myself believe that what we had was real.

A few weeks later I sat underneath the bleachers eating the best fried chicken in the whole world when suddenly I heard Ashton and Camreigh.
“You never have time for me anymore, Ashton. You are always with her.”
“What you expect me to wait around, while you are dating that college guy.” For a second I wanted to leave, but then again I also wanted to hear their conversation so I decided to stay put.
“You can’t keep doing this to me,” Ashton said.
“Fine, but she is not coming on the ski trip is she? Because that is our thing.”
“Who cares?! You’ve got a boyfriend now.”
“Yeah, I know… but maybe then I won’t.”

A/N: Loosely based on the film “To all the boys I’ve loved before” as requested by @teehxk

This is part three of a series.

Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader

Word Count: 816

Warning(s): none? I guess

After I ran away from home, I ended up in my favourite café, drinking some pink unicorn latte that they just added to the menu. Suddenly I felt a familiar presence.
“Hey Y/N, watcha doin’ here?” Ashton asked me as he sat down on the barstool next to mine. I didn’t answer him and just raised my cup before putting my mouth on the straw again, not looking at him once. Before he could open his mouth, I started talking… surprising us both.
 “Look I am sorry I kissed you and it will never happen again. I just didn’t want someone else thinking I was in love with them because they also got a letter and yeah sorry.”
 “Wow wait what, I am not the only one who got a letter? Damn and I felt so special”, he said placing his right hand over his heart.
 “Yes, well anyways I got to go.”
 “How did you get here? I don’t see your car.”
 “I uhm.. I ran, basically so yeah.” Before I knew it I was in the passenger’s seat of Ashton’s car. He started talking about us fake dating, so he could maybe make his ex jealous. I tried to talk him out of it but somehow he pursued me into playing along.

The next day we made a contract for our fake love/ fake relationship. Once we were both happy we went out separate ways, only to ‘be together’ during lunch. It was interesting though, but I knew that I had to tell Ryver about my relationship.. but I couldn’t lie to Ryver.
So that night I sat on my bed with my laptop, waiting for Ryver to skype me. You could say I was a nervous wreck. How in the world could I tell Ryver that I am dating Ashton so Kyan won’t think I am in love with him anymore because somehow the letter that I wrote him from a long time ago, got out?

During my skype conversation I kept ignoring half of the questions Ryver asked me and I made our talk come to a quick end when I almost blurted everything out. That is also when the doorbell rang and Ashton was actually at my house. He came to pick me up for a party he didn’t even tell me about, for which I wasn’t ready and never would be ready for. But Ashton being Ashton he persuaded me into going with him.
We actually weren’t at the party for long though, once Ashton was convinced his ex had seen us, we left to go to the diner for some food.
 “You know I am actually surprised that you’re not afraid of Camreigh.”
 “Oh, I am terrified of her.”
 “Might be, but you don’t let it show. Like on that first day when she was being a bitch towards you, you handled that so well.” This actually made me look up. I can’t believe he still remembers the first day. “I mean I couldn’t say anything because we were together but I thought they looked amazing. You have a really great style you know, I think you look better than Cam all the time.”
 “Why, thank you.” At that point I got up, ready to go home. When he got a text. From his face, I could read it was Cam. “You, uh, you guys still talk on the phone?”
 “Yeah sometimes, why?”
 “I guess that I just think that it’s a little weird that you guys still talk to each other. That’s not healthy.”
 “Oh so now you are a relationship expert. You never even had a boyfriend before and you are attacking me?”
 “Well you only had one girlfriend and you are obsessed with her. That’s weird.”
 “I am not obsessed with her.”
 “Prove it, don’t talk to her tonight”, I say and step forward, probably not looking as intimidating as I want it to look.
 “Only if you tell me why you never had a boyfriend before.” Why would he possibly want to know that.  
 “I have never been asked.”
 “Bullshit, I know Grayson asked you to the spring formal.”
 “Okay well I love to write about it and read about it, but when it’s real.. it’s scary. ‘Cause the more people you let into your life, the more that can just walk right out.”
 “I think it’s funny, you say you are scared but you don’t seem to be afraid to be with me.”
 “That’s because we are just pretending.” If you listened really closely, you could actually hear Ashton’s heart break. His face fell and he left pretty quickly after that. I kind of felt bad, but I was telling him the truth. The more time I was spending with him, the more I realised that I needed to repeat to myself that we were pretending that this was not real. And it hurt.

A/N: Loosely based on the film “To all the boys I’ve loved before” as requested by @teehxk . A special dedication to @lukehemmings-ownsmyass

This is part two of a series.

Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader

Word Count: 804

Warning(s): none? I guess

I wish falling in love had traffic lights too, so I’d know if I should go for it, slow down or just stop. Because I could not get Kyan out of my head. I haven’t skyped my brother for two weeks now because I am afraid. I don’t want to hurt him, and I feel so damn bad for being in love with his ex-boyfriend.

Saturday night rolled around and like any other 16-year-old, I had no plans. So here I was on the couch, hanging out with my little brother Weston and watching Lord of the Rings.

“Okay, don’t take this the wrong way, but isn’t it kind of sad that a 16-year-old girl is hanging out with her little brother on a Saturday night. Isn’t it time that you.. oh I don’t know.. found a boyfriend? Because believe it or not I actually cancelled plans to hang out with you and I don’t think that you had any other things going on”, Weston says before filling his mouth with popcorn and chocolates.

“That was way harsh, Wes”, I look at him and pout.

“Yeah, well life is hard Y/N”,  and with that, he puts in the next Lord of the Rings film. It didn’t take long before I fell asleep.


The last class of today was PE, oh lucky me. I was running alongside my best friend Nova, who is also Cam’s cousin when I saw Ashton walk on the tracks. We ran past him when he suddenly yelled out my name. Nova and I came to a quick halt and turned around.

“Hi, uhm can I talk to Y/N alone?” he asks looking from me to Nova and back.

“Yeah sure, if you need me I’ll be in the nurse’s office with period cramps, googling Noah Centineo shirtless”, and with that, she leaves us. I look at Ashton in confusion, because the last time he spoke to me was.. well before he and Cam got together.

“Okay, look I just wanted to say that I am sorry but nothing is ever going to happen between us.”

“Uhm, what?” That sentence made me even more confused than I already was.

“Yeah, I think it’s cute that you find my dimples adorable and that you-” By then I zoned out what he had to say and noticed that he was holding something in his hand. A letter. My letter to be more specific. I started hyperventilating and before I knew it I passed out on the tracks, only to be woken again by Ashton. As soon as I got up I noticed Kyan walking towards us also with a letter in his hand. I turned around and kissed Ashton… on the lips. After my teacher yelled at us to stop making out on the tracks, I got up and ran straight to the bathroom like lightning. It didn’t take long before I heard a familiar voice asking me if I was doing okay. It was my childhood best friend Ace.

“Look I want to give this back to you, it seemed kind of personal”, he said as soon as I came out of the bathroom stall. “Also I want you to know, that I am flattered but you do know that I am gay right?” Nope, I did not.
“Yes, of course! I wrote that letter a long time ago”, and I just laughed it off. We talked for a bit and then I went home.

As soon as I got there I ran up to my room to find my shoebox. Because if someone had indeed taken these letters then I wanted to know how many had gotten out.. or well I know 3 have.

“Has anyone seen an old shoebox. It was in my room, the one in which mum gave me my first pair of pumps. It’s really important to me!” I yelled while running into different rooms and downstairs again.

“I don’t know, sweetheart. I haven’t seen anything”, my father says while dancing to Bruce Springsteen. “Oh, by the way, you have some mail.” I grab the letter to which he had pointed and seen that it was the fourth letter, returned to sender. Good, so I don’t have to worry about that one any more or Ace’s. The one that had been sent to Kyan worried me most. I couldn’t look at him anymore, he dated my brother. We were finally fine again and now someone sends these stupid letters.

As I was pacing up and down my room when my little brother suddenly entered.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing”, I quickly answered.

“Y/N, Kyan is here!” I heard my father yell from downstairs.

“You never saw me”, I whisper-yelled to Weston as I climbed down through my window and then I just ran.

A/N: Loosely based on the film “To all the boys I’ve loved before” as requested by @teehxk

This is part one of a series.

Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader

Word Count: 778

Warning(s): none? I guess

I am a hoarder. Not necessarily like the ones on the TV but I do like to save things. Not important things like the earth but silly things like drawings that I made when I was little, earrings that I will never wear because they are too heavy or my scrunchies. The letters to my mother are my most prized possession. I keep them in a secret hiding spot, in an old shoebox that my mother gave me when she got me my first pair of high heels.

My mother and I used to be very close. I always told her everything, and when she passed away I continued to tell her everything in my letters. There are four special letters in that box. Love letters. Well not really love letters to a crush but letters in which I tell my mother about a crush so intense and secret that I cannot tell anyone else.

One is for my childhood best friend, the biggest cliché ever really. There is one for a boy I met during a music group I was in when I was about 8 years old. Another one for a boy I met during my first spin-the-bottle on my first high school party ever during Freshman year. And one for my older brother’s best friend Kyan.

I was actually first to meet him before my brother had. I was walking around the high school hallway with the heavy school books in my arms, when suddenly someone came around the corner, bumping into me and causing me to drop my books on the floor. Kyan, being the kind person that he was, saw all of this and helped me collect my books. We have been friends ever since. When I introduced him to my brother Ryver and they became friends, was when I realized that I was in love with him.

Ryver and Kyan became such good friends that they felt bad for leaving me out and invited me to go anywhere with them. To parties, movie nights and even clubs. I never really felt okay with it, going with them I mean, honestly it felt like I was intruding their time together. When they started dating they even invited me on their dates. I stopped going with them for obvious reasons and I felt happy for my brother but also sad because he kind of stole my best friend from me. I didn’t hang out with Kyan as much as I wanted and when we hung out it was never just the two of us.

Even now after Ryver left for college, as he is one year older than Kyan and two years old than me, Kyan and I are just not the same. We haven’t really talked or hung out since Ryver left. So when school started again I might have ignored him and only waved at him in the hallways.

Like now, I waved at him while walking backwards. He hasn’t changed at all and was still as hot as before. Only he had a little tan from his holiday to Spain. We kept staring at each other and we both opened our mouths to speak when I bumped into a person.
“Oh, it’s you”, I heard a familiar voice say.
“I’m so sorry, Camreigh.” Camreigh and I used to be best friends. Heck, we even had a friend group. There was Ashton, Calum and Luke for the boys. And the girls were Camreigh, me and Nayla who just lived down the block. We were all great friends until Camreigh moved to another part of town. We still hung out from time to time but she changed. She hung out more with the boys than with Nayla and I. Before high school started, we had our first party together. But when high school began Camreigh estranged herself from us. Nayla and I were still friends until she moved to another country and I haven’t spoken her since. This was before I met Kyan.
“Wow, did you go shopping in the kids’ section again?”
“No, these are vintage”, I say and look down at my clothes.
“Hey babe”, Ashton says as he hugs Cam from behind. Remember when I told you about the boy I kissed during spin the bottle, that was this Ashton. Camreigh’s boyfriend, I knew at the time that she liked him and I first refused to kiss Ashton, but he crawled towards me and kissed me. Very quickly I pulled back and when I looked at Cam, she was in shock.

“Let’s go, Ash. I see some people we need to say ‘hi’ to”, and with that, they both left.

A/N: Based on This is on you by Maisie Peters

Pairing: Y/N & Calum Hood

Word Count: 640

Warning(s): swearing

Your friends convinced you to go out after being depressed and broken up with for over 4 months. It was never really a relationship per se. It was more of a booty-call thing, not necessarily meaning sex. He would phone you when a girl stood him up and he needed a pick-me-up, or when he went out and his friends never came. He’d always say he hated everyone and how he wished you were there because it turns out it’s not fun going solo.

Through all the issues at work and the fights with his father. You were there for him, acting as his therapist. Giving him the answers that he wanted and him giving you the attention that you craved. You didn’t care that he never asked about you or your life, or asked if it was okay that he’d call you up at three in the morning just to complain about something in his life. It wasn’t fair how he took you for granted, but you still stuck around. Somewhere inside you, you still believed he would change and that he would finally pick you. That he would realise that he loved you too or even liked you like you liked him but alas he never did. After all, you were his ‘best friend’ for over 10 years. Still, he traded you in like it was nothing. His newfound fame, his new friends, the attention that he now got from other people, like you never meant anything to him.

And so here you were out and about and ready to let go. You finally learned that you don’t need that toxicity in your life. It was okay for you that he picked someone else. Everyone always chooses the wrong people for themselves. After all, you picked him.

You were having the time of your life. You didn’t look like a snack, you looked like a whole damn meal. Your friends kept complimenting you and you definitely appreciated the boost they gave you. You were all singing along with the songs the DJ played, especially songs about female empowerment and independence, and drinking cocktails till you couldn’t see straight. And then you felt the need to go to the bathroom. During this lonesome bathroom break, you realised just how tipsy you were and thought it was a great idea to check your phone.

You had a bunch of texts from Calum saying that you needed to call him back ASAP. And with the state you were in you dialled his number.

“Hi Y/N?”

“Yes. Hi.”

“Oh my God, where are you right now? Me and the guys went out for drinks and now I’m super drunk and I went outside and I lost everyone. I’m outside a club in SoHo, uhm Club 49 or something, I think. And then I thought about how you live in London, right. So you must know where I am because I can’t take a taxi because Ashton has my wallet and coat and everything and it’s like super cold and I can’t go back in because Ashton has my wallet which has my ID.” He finally stopped rambling.

Now you want to be friends? Who gave it all, and held you up when nobody else gave a fuck? Who bailed you out? That was all me. Who was your biggest fan and oldest friend? Your steady hand, you traded me in. I still stuck around and that was all me. But this is on you. It’s your bed, babe, it’s your funeral. I did my best, babe, and you threw it all away and you need me now but I’m clocking out. This is on you.” And with that, I hung up. He could go fuck himself and you went back to your friends to have fun and regret it in the morning.

A/N: Based on Favourite ex by Maisie Peters

Pairing: Y/N & Michael Clifford

Word Count: 663

Warning(s): cursing?

Your relationship with Michael was like a fairy tale at first. After the first month, you started arguing more and more, those turned into fights but you guys always made up before going to bed that same night. And you couldn’t care less because, in the end, he was still yours. No matter what you told yourself you craved him, you were addicted to him and the attention that he gave you, he was your gold rush. Sadly the fairy tale didn’t get a happy ending. The main reason why you fell out happened a few months ago.
You were both invited to a Halloween bash by some of Michael’s famous friends. You had decided to dress up as Kíli and Tauriel from the Hobbit franchise and it wasn’t hard to miss him in a house full of people because of the way you had decided to dress. Somehow during the night, you lost each other, it could have been the booze, it could also have been the fact that a whole lot more people showed up to this party even though they weren’t invited. So you decided to go on the quest and find your boyfriend.
It took you 6 minutes before you found Calum and he wasn’t looking too happy.
“Okay look don’t get mad but I just saw Michael kissing another girl. I just thought I’d let you know, not because I had like a tiny crush on you bu-” you hadn’t allowed him to finish the sentence because you had planted your lips on his. You quickly pulled away.
“Oh my gosh, Calum I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have. Oh my God, I hate myself. Sorry sorry sorry.” You quickly ran to the front door, not caring that you had left Michael behind. You just needed fresh air and you needed it now.
You sat on the steps to the front door, crying your eyes out. You were broken over the fact that Michael kissed someone else, it felt as if your whole world had just fallen apart. And worst of all you did the same to him.

That night you decided to go home alone and address it in the morning when you both wouldn’t be intoxicated with alcohol anymore. The next morning came but Michael’s side of the bed was empty and cold. You immediately got worried, what if something happened to him last night? What if he was so drunk that he couldn’t get home? You decided to text Ashton, you wanted to text Calum first but the flashback from last night stopped your brain from typing his number, and seeing that Ashton was more the dad of the group you had faith that he’d know what was up.
Ashton, however, told you that he didn’t know where Michael was and that he hadn’t seen him leave the party either, so he could still be at the party house. You decided to text Michael again and leave him a Voicemail. The text went to read almost the second that you send it, he was ghosting you.

Michael came home later that day. Not speaking to you. However, he didn’t go straight to the bedroom to pack his things. He grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at the dining table, right across from where you sat with a cup of tea.
“I think we should break up. I know what I did was wrong and I know you did the same thing. But I don’t feel like we can fix this. At least, I know I can’t fix this. We haven’t been us for a while now.”
“Yeah, I agree.” Is all you said and with that, he became the cold touch. You haven’t seen or spoken to him ever since, but you could honestly say that he was your favourite ex, all of the others cancel out each other and it’s always him left. Because he was your no sleep, cried for weeks, favourite ex.

Request: No, honestly thought I already uploaded this but I was wrong I guess

Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Reader

Words: 559

Warning(s): none I guess

For you it was just another normal Wednesday. You were finally working on that essay, which you actually needed to hand in three days ago and you were totally in the zone when your phone rang. It was a text and all it said was:

‘Can you please bring my red nail polish and the tube with glitters. I put them on the dining table but I forgot.’

You sigh deeply before saving your file and closing your laptop. Looking down at your PJs you realized that you actually hadn’t showered all day. You took a ten-minute shower before putting on some jeans and his favourite t-shirt.

The venue was only 30 minutes away, so you decided to take the bus as it would be quicker than taking your car and finding a parking space. When you finally arrived you showed your backstage badge which Luke had send you in case you ever wanted to stop by.

Everyone was running back and forth in the long hallway. You didn’t really know where to go so you just walked step by step and looked into every room you saw.
“Coming through!” You heard someone yell and you jumped aside, just in time or you would’ve been hit by a clothing rack. It’s not that you don’t get all the craziness, you have been on tour with the boys several times, but you never really get used to it.
“You’re here!” You heard someone yell which made you spin around to the sound of the voice. You saw that it was the boys’ stylist. “They’re in room 12. Hurry up!” Suddenly you felt her push you in the right direction. “Third door on the left.” And you speed walked to it.

You knocked politely, not that you haven’t seen all of them in their briefs before but you never know. When you didn’t hear anyone say enter, you just opened the door. To your surprise the boys were actually all on the couch or on the floor, just looking at their phones.
“Hi,” you said. Not really knowing where the sudden shyness came from.
“Y/N!” the boys said in unison.
“Did you bring it?” Luke asked. Which you thought was kind of a dumb question, because he knew that you’d be working on school assignments all day and weren’t going to tonight’s show. So the only reason why you’d be here, is because he asked you to bring some things.
“Yeah, here you go.” You say and hand him the nail polish and glitter. “Bye guys!” you say and turn around to leave.
“Wait!” you head Luke shout. “Can you please paint my nails for me, because I am really nervous and I will mess it up.” You nod and sit down on the chair, appointed by Luke. While you were waiting for his nails to dry, you also put the glitter on his eyes.”

“Five minutes boys!” their stage manager yells. Luke pulls you in for a hug and kisses you passionately afterwards.
“Thank you so much, baby. I know you were working on school assignments and I am sorry that I bothered you with this. I will make it up to you tonight, I promise.” And with that, you shared a steamy kiss before you left and he went on stage.

A boy did he keep his promise.

A/N: this is a request from @cashworthy​ “Ashton dating someone with major trust issues”

Pairing: Y/N & Ashton Irwin

Words: 654

Warning(s): cursing

Trust is the act of placing confidence in someone or something else, or at least that’s what Wikipedia says. And I have don’t have that in anyone or anything, which has caused a whole lot of trouble in my past relationship and my trust issues growing because of this, it’s a vicious cycle. It isn’t that I didn’t get attention from my loved ones and I also wasn’t bullied during my teenage years, many psychologists would see me as this big question mark because they wonder why I have trust issues if I don’t have a dramatic or traumatic past. Well, the biggest issue is with myself. I am very perfectionistic and I don’t find myself worthy for anyone. This lack of confidence is then fuelled by past relationships that ended and me blaming myself for it because I am not good enough. I was in a very bad place when my last boyfriend broke up with me and that was the final straw. I signed up for a gym.
And that is exactly where I met Ashton. I was very sceptic at first because how could someone be so nice to me. I truly believed from the start that he didn’t mean any of it and he was just being nice because he could see that I looked like shit. I made myself believe what my brain was feeding me and I still do.

Tonight, Ashton and I are cuddling on the couch as our fifth date. We are both too lazy to go out and I didn’t want to get all dressed up and still feel like shit (so this was our last resort). We are currently watching the Handmaid’s Tale and let me tell you I feel all of the women portrayed in this series. All of them want to be good enough at what the world makes them think they have to be worthy for and they start to believe it themselves. So during the break, I decided to confront him.
“Why can’t you say it to my face? If you don’t want me anymore that’s fine I can live with it. I just want you to be honest”, I say and turn my head to face his. Ashton just looks at me all confused.
“Y/N, where is this coming from?”
“It’s just you give me all of you and I give nothing back. So, why can’t you say it to my face, if you don’t want me anymore?”
“Baby, honestly where is this coming from? Of course, I want you. I am not lying okay, I really like you.”
“But why, I am me and your Ashton Fletcher Irwin. You are like really hot and I am a hot mess… minus the hot.”
“What are you even saying right now? Baby, I love you. I know this is only our fifth date but ever since I met you, you have rocked my world. You know how many times I went to the gym even though my body begged me not to, just because I hoped that I would see you again. Y/N, you are perfect to me. You’re my endgame. We’re endgame. I will never let you go because I simply can’t. It’s not that I am afraid of being lonely but I am afraid that you will find another person who will love you better than I can. And that my darling, is quite impossible because I love you so much, there aren’t enough words in any language to describe it. You see, sweetheart, we all have trust issues. Sometimes we just have to let go of fear and believe that there is a greater power in this universe who will guide us through life. We have to learn how to forgive and forget and I know that ain’t going to be an easy thing to do, but we’ll do it together. And I will love you, always.”

A/N: Based on Worst of you by Maisie Peters

Pairing: Y/N & Ashton Irwin

Word Count: 635

Warning(s): mentions of cheating

You had been dating Ashton ever since high school. Everyone was jealous of your relationship because it was so pure and full of love. You were very supportive of his band that he joined.

While you went to college to study law and crime, Ashton’s band started to take off. You were so busy with school and he was so busy touring the world that you rarely saw him. You guys talked on the phone though whenever you could. It became harder and harder but you still loved him so much. When Autumn break began, you bought a plane ticket to go see him. When you landed, however, he wasn’t there to pick you up from the airport. And when you arrived at the hotel, he didn’t show you the love that you were expecting.
So you two went out for dinner that evening before the show and he asked how you were and how school was going. You went on and on about classes and how you made new friends but you got the feeling that he wasn’t really listening to you, although he swore that he did. You didn’t mind, you were just so happy that you could look at him without pixels.

After the concert, all the guys went out and you went along with them. You enjoyed spending time with them and seeing Ashton so happy. The entire evening however you were on your own. At the beginning of the evening, Luke and Michael held a conversation with you but then their girlfriends showed up and you were on your own. You had Ashton but he was talking to his friends all evening. It was okay though, I mean you weren’t on stage. You didn’t see what was happening tonight and you were sure that it was a necessary conversation. The break flew by and you didn’t spend as much time with Ashton as you had hoped but you understood that the band, the fans and the tour came first. After all, you were the one on the break, not them, their life continued.
He didn’t drop you off at the airport, you got there by taxi instead. He was too busy writing the new album. He did give you a kiss on the cheek and you felt like a high schooler again.

The calls after got worse and worse. You would only fight and argue and you let him win every time. Your friends told you that you should break up with him and that this wasn’t a healthy relationship anymore but you couldn’t do that to him. He wasn’t there to say it to his face and you couldn’t bear to do it over the phone or via text message.

A couple weeks later a friend sent you an article. It showed Ashton hugging another woman, on another picture he was kissing her. It wasn’t like the kiss on the cheek he had given her, he was full-on snogging the girl. You were so angry and sad that you stayed in your bed for 4 weeks. The thing is you were more angry at yourself that at Ashton because even though he kissed her, you still wanted to taste his lips and kiss him and have him tell you that he loved you.

A month later, you were better than you were before. Still hopelessly in love with Ashton but better. You decided to take it to twitter. Instead of addressing the rumour that you and Ashton had broken up, you drafted something else.
“Another night, another dotted line, I sign my heart away to you, some call it foolish, guess I’ll call it art.”
And with that, you decided that it was over between the two of you. You realized that all the time he was away, you were just making up excuses for his actions and you were done.

A/N: Based on Adore you by Maisie Peters

Pairing: Y/N & Luke Hemmings

Word Count: 617

Warning(s): cursing?

You were laying in your bed, thinking about how much you missed Luke. He and the boys have been away for a few months and you missed him like crazy. At first, Petunia smelled like his cologne but whenever you cuddle with her now she smells like you.

You remember when you first met. You were at a club with your best girlfriends and you were trying to forget one of your recently ended relationships. You weren’t screwing around a lot, quite the opposite actually, you were falling in love way too quickly and way too hard. Kind of suffocating your partner in the process, causing them to break it off and resulting in 3 weeks of laying in bed and then 1 nice night out with your friends. It became this sort of cycle that you had to go through every time, and you wanted the cycle to stop. This time you wanted to wait and find the guy that was true to you and you would hold back your feelings until they said it first.
While at this club, after 4 shots of tequila and 3 glasses of white wine, your eye fell on a handsome lad at the opposite end of the bar. He looked like someone from a film, honestly, the most beautiful man you had ever seen. He, however, was paying no attention to you at all. He was joking with what you assumed were his friends and laughed at what they said. What you were doing now was exactly what you promised yourself you wouldn’t do again. Your friends pulled your sad sulky ass away from the bar and onto the dance floor. You decided to forget mister handsome from earlier and to enjoy yourself tonight. Oh how wrong you were, because not much later whilst still dancing with your friends, you made eye contact with said handsome stranger. You didn’t even realise that you had been staring at him until your friends said, “What are you waiting for?” and as they say, the rest is history.

Fast forward, you were an easy thing. Which is the reason why it didn’t take long for him to move in with you. It made a lot of sense because he was gone much of the time so it would be cruel for you to move into a new place and be all alone, except for Petunia of course. You have grown to love her so much, she was a great cuddler and support dog for when you missed Luke so much, your heart hurt.

Because of your past relationships and the promise you had made with yourself, you were very closed off at the beginning of the relationship. Soon enough, your little family became your number one priority. Luke was your kryptonite and he broke through your barrier. He kept complimenting you, whenever he could. The only thing you hadn’t exchanged were the words of love. You didn’t want to be the first one to say it, but it’s not like you were waiting for Luke to say it. You weren’t making it easy for him, because for one you were still holding back a lot of emotions. He made it all better, he made you all better. You couldn’t wait for him to get home and lay with him all night. All this thinking and being in your head, made you realise that you could no longer hold back your feelings.

When he got home from tour two weeks later, you ran towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
“I adore you”, is all you said before kissing him on his lips.

A/N: Kinda based on the ABBA song (I adore them) and also the new Mamma Mia film!

Pairing: Y/N & Luke Hemmings

Word Count: 758

Warning(s): none? I guess

When you were forced to go on a holiday with your parents, you were kind of bummed out. But when you actually arrived in France, you were blown away by the beauty of nature. The lakes nearby were even bluer than the sky. The mountains looked beautiful in dusk and dawn.

You love to run so every morning before anyone at the camp side was awake you would go for a morning run when the temperature was still bearable.

You ran up the mountain when it suddenly became dark. Dark clouds had formed above the mountain and it didn’t take long before it started the rain heavily. You run further and try to find shelter. Suddenly a car came out of nowhere and stopped right before your feet. A young man stepped out and screamed at you through the rain.
“Do you need a ride?!” You didn’t hesitate and before you knew it you were in his car.

“Hi, I’m Luke”, he said and tries to shake your hand while still keeping one hand on the steering wheel.
“Hello, I’m Y/N”, you say and shake his hand.
“So are you staying on the camp side near Le Grand Lac?”
“I am actually. Are you?” you ask him. You can recognize a soft Australian accent, so you made the conclusion that he, also, wasn’t from around here.
“No, I rented a cabin in the mountains. I’m not much of a camper”, he laughs at his own answer.
“Yeah, me neither. My parents forced me to go on this holiday with them”, you sigh.
“How old are you?” He suddenly asks and glances over to you quickly before looking back to the road.
“I am twenty, almost twenty-one. You?”
“Twenty-two myself”, he says smiling. You want to get to know him and are about to ask a question when he suddenly stops the car. “This is my place. Uhm, I guess you can stay here until the rain stop. I can drop you off then if you want.” You nod silently and turn to look at him, you hadn’t noticed how hot Luke actually was. A comfortable silence fell over you two as you sat in the car. The rain ticking on the roof and the windows.

You look at him, really look at him, and notice how blue his eyes are, how curly and wet his dirty blonde hair is, how pink his lips are, and how the white shirt he is wearing makes him look even more tan than he already was.

He in his turn looked back at you. Flicking his eyes between your eyes and lips. You both hadn’t noticed but you started to lean more and more towards each other. When suddenly your lips touched, it felt so perfect.

The next few days you had spent with Luke, you had informed your parents of course. To be honest, you were kind of surprised to hear that they actually didn’t mind.

After almost a week of being together and sharing everything with each other, Luke told you something you would never forget.
“I am engaged.” These three words where not the three words you had been waiting for. And you ran all the way back to the campsite, to your parents. Only to fall into your mother’s arms and cry. You cried for three days and then you decided to move on.
Luke came looking for you on day four.
“Can we talk?” he asked and sat down on the grass, you sat down a little further from him.
“About what? How we have shared everything together and how you ruined it?” You could feel the tears coming back, but you tried to keep them in. “I only have three questions for you. How long have we been together?”
“A week”, he answered.
“How long did you wait before telling me you were engaged to someone else?” You could hear your own voice quivering.
“A week”, he answered again.  
“And do you honestly expect me to forgive you?” you say and want to get up.
“Look Y/N, I can break off the engagement.”
“Honestly Luke, I think you should go. There is nothing we can do. We just have to face it this time, we’re through. Breaking up is never easy I know, but you have to go. It’s the best we can do.” And with that, you leave him alone and head back to the campsite. You don’t dare to turn back around.

This is where the story ends, this is goodbye.

REQUEST: ‘could you do an imagine where luke is new to your school and you think hes cute but you’re too shy to talk to him, but he gets put in a few of your classes and he ends up flirting with you and having a crush on you? idk, ty:)’

“So I heard there’s a new kid.” Your best friend Callie says as you walk towards your math class that you have together.

“We get new kids every month.” You shrug, wondering why she’s so interested in this one.

“I’ve heard that he’s really cute, like he has a lip piercing, and looks like a god. I also heard that he’s from down under.” She squeals.

“Down where?” You ask, extremely confused.

“Australia!” She exclaims.

You make an ‘O’ shape with your lips and nod. You sit down in your assigned seats when the bell rings. Your teacher starts to go on about the test you’ll be having next week.

An extremely tall blonde walks in the door. He’s dressed in all black, and his hair is styled into a tall quiff. To say that he’s attractive is an understatement.

He speaks to the teacher quickly and quietly. The teacher nods and turns to the class.

“Class, we have a new student, Luke Hemmings.” He announces.

Luke waves, and you swear you can hear some girls sigh.

“Take the empty seat next to Y/N L/N.” He tells Luke, and points to you.

Your eyes widen, and you blush when Luke smiles at you. He swiftly makes his way to the seat next to you, sitting down lazily.

“Hey, Y/N.” He whispers, his deep Australian accent making you melt when he says your name.

“Y-yeah?” you reply awkwardly.

“Do you have a pencil I could borrow?” His smile lopsided. He nibbles on his bottom lip, where a black lip ring is placed snugly on his lips.

You nod, and grab a pencil out of your bag, and hand it to him.

“Thanks.” He grins, and starts to write something down.

You nod, and try to ignore the gorgeous Australian boy sitting next to you. Suddenly the bell rings, and you jump out of my seat, hurrying to the door.

“Dude you are so lucky!” Callie exclaims, angrily eating her lunch.

“I didn’t ask to have him in most of my classes. It’s not like I’ll ever talk to him anyway.” you mumble.

She groans “Exactly! Why couldn’t he be in my classes.”

You shrug, and continue to eat your lunch. You wish you could talk to Luke, you really do, but you’re far too shy. Plus, why would someone like him, even want to talk to someone like you?

“Okay class, pass in your homework.” Your math teacher commands.

You grab all of your half finished math homework out of your bag, and hand it to your teacher as he walks past your desk.

“Y/N, this isn’t even halfway completed.” Your teacher says with a disappointed look on his face.

“I didn’t really understand the lesson sir, I’m sorry.” You turn red from embarrassment.

He nods still disappointed, and continued on to collecting Luke’s, “Wow Luke, these all look correct.” He exclaims, looking over Luke’s completely finished homework.

You shrink down in your seat, feeling ashamed of yourself.

“Hey, Y/N.” Luke catches my attention.

I look over at him, still embarrassed.

“I could help you out with the homework, if you want to.” He suggests, grinning at me.

“O-okay.” You agree shyly, not knowing what you got yourself into.

“What are you not understanding about this page?” he asks, pulling out the next sheet of homework. It’s been two weeks since proposed to help you with math. You’ve met up twice a week, and he’s really helping you understand it, even when you kept getting distracted by him biting on his lip.

“Um… number 4.” You say, your cheeks heating up as usual.

He looks up at you and smiles, “I hate word problems too, they can be really confusing.”

You nod, and watch him as he speaks, explaining the problem. You watch how his lips smoothly move as he speaks, his accent even shown on them. The stubble on his chin increasing every time you see him. The lip ring, is your biggest weakness, every time he bites on it, it drives you insane, but there’s nothing you can do about it.

“Y/N? Y/N!” Luke waves a hand infront of your face.

“Huh?” you ask, snapping out of your thoughts.

“I’ve been talking to you for like 5 minutes now.” He laughs.

“Oh, sorry.” You blush, looking down.

“It’s okay, should we continue with the problem?” He asks.

You look up to see him biting on his lipring, “Y-yeah.”

He licks his lips, and starts to tell you how to do the problem. This time you actually focus on what he’s saying. You finish the problem, and are proud of the result.

“You wanna try the next one on your own?” He asks, and you nod getting to work.

You finish the problem, and look up at Luke to see if it’s the right answer. He nods, and grins, signaling that it is in fact right.

You grin back at him, “Yes!”

Your phone vibrates, and you see that it’s a message from your mom, who needs you home.

You sigh, “I have to go, my mom needs me home.”

He nods, and the two of you silently gather your things. You walk out of the library, and to the parking lot where both of your cats are parked, a few stalls apart.

“Um Y/N?” He says, sounding nervous.

You turn around to face him, “yeah?”

“So, um, ever since my first day here, I’ve kinda had a huge crush on you, and I was wondering if you’d want to go out with me, like on a date.” He rambles on, scratching the back of his neck.

Your eyes widen, never in a million years did you think that Luke Hemmings, the gorgeous new kid that instantly got popular, would be asking you out on a date. You stand there in shock, with you jaw dropped down.

“Y/N?” He asks, looking even more nervous than earlier.

“I.. Um.. Yes!” You manage to spit out.

His eyes widen, “Really?”

You nod, grinning at him, “Yes I’d love to go on a date with you.”

He beams, “Yes! I-I mean okay. Call me and we can discuss the details.” He winks, writing down his number on my hand, suddenly gaining his confidence back.

“Okay.” You smile, and blush.

“Talk to you soon.” He grins, biting on his lip, then turns around and walks to his car.

It’s been three months ever since Luke asked you on a date. After the first date there was a second, then a third, and plenty more after that.

He asked to be his girlfriend one day out of the blue, and of course you said yes.

Who wouldn’t?

Authors note:
Okay I really suck at endings I’m sorry. 
So I haven’t posted a new writing on here in forever, besides my fanfic, and I think it’s because I’m better at writing stories with details, than writing one shots and stuff like that. 

But tell me what you think, by giving it some notes!

Hugs & Kisses


Words: 2,067
Rating: just lite angst
Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Reader

A/N:Pretty much based on Babe by Sugarland and also this request, but also a little different than both things

Luke knew he had made a huge mistake as he noticed how different things appeared to be. Walls were stripped of their photographs, dates in the calendar had to be altered because those plans were now null and void, and now the only time he gets to hear the sound of her voice is when he calls and gets her voicemail. He had to be the dumbest person in the world to put a stop to his own happiness.

Y/N had left a bunch of empty holes in his life and he didn’t know how to fill them. Once upon a time he would have fixed his problem with a busty blonde and a stiff drink, but after what he had already done, that would have just added insult to injury.

He had met  Heather at a party. Until that point, she was just some amateur actress that he had occasionally heard being name dropped at clubs and social events. He had been drinking prior to arriving at the party. Things in his relationship were becoming difficult. After a while, Luke had a tendency of sabotaging his own relationships. Whether it be the fear of commitment, the fear of attachment, or the fear of being happy, he always did something to ruin a perfectly okay relationship.

This time was different though. He had been seeing Y/N for almost a year and a half now, and as things got difficult, he didn’t quite know how to handle it. In his mind, one fight about their future meant they wouldn’t have one. It wasn’t that he wanted to lose his girlfriend, but more of the fact that he thought she deserved more than someone who could be so clueless when it came to being with another person.

With his friends happy to keep providing him with drinks, Luke couldn’t help but find himself talking nonstop to Heather about the girl he actually wanted to be with at the moment. Then, all of a sudden, there were cameras. People were asking why he was here with Heather and not Y/N, asking if he was cheating on her, and making things look worse than they were.

To his credit though, Luke didn’t let things go further than talking. Only, Y/N didn’t know that. All she was aware of was that they were fighting, and the next day she woke up to photos of another girl who was all over Luke. Every other second she was getting a notification from someone else who had tagged her in the same post.

Since Luke ended up sleeping at his friend Michael’s place, he hadn’t even gotten to see Y/N when the story dropped. She had been so heartbroken and devastated, that she had gathered all of the things she had there and vacated his apartment before Luke got back the next morning.

It had been three days since that morning and he was still unable to get ahold of her. She had blocked him on social media, ignored every one of his phone calls, and refused to answer the door when he went to her apartment. He had no idea what to do.

Tonight was supposed to be the movie premiere from Y/N’s latest film, and as they usually did, Luke and Y/N were supposed to go together. He knew she would go no matter what, and he figured that this would be the only opportunity he would have to finally talk to her and explain himself. Surely she could understand how the press could twist a story and turn it into something it’s not.

Luke looked hopelessly at all the things that were now missing from his apartment. There used to be so many photos of the two of them. He was incredibly proud to show off his beautiful girlfriend and would do so at any given opportunity. He was never one to shy away when being interviewed about her. He would always tell them how happy he was and how much he cared about her. Now his precious trinkets were gone without a trace. He knew if he couldn’t fix things now, he may never get her back.

He didn’t want to think about what might happen if he doesn’t right this wrong. He quickly turned his back and exited the apartment in its entirety. It was time to leave, he decided.

Luke knew people would speculate why he showed up to the event. They would wonder if the couple might still be together. They may think Luke is just an incredibly supportive ex. He knew photographers would ask stupid questions like they always do when they hound him in public. However, he didn’t care about anything other than the mission he crafted in order to get Y/N back.

When he arrived, he felt apprehension coursing through his veins. He didn’t care about the crowd of people or the screaming or any of the celebrities lining the carpet. He had one purpose at the moment. He wasn’t exactly sure how he would find her, as he didn’t think it all the way through, but as if the universe was actually on his side, it only took a few minutes before he spotted her publicist.

Her publicist, Tom, was too busy talking over a headset to even notice the frantic Luke shoving through hordes of people to get to him. “Where’s Y/N,” Luke asked, with no intention of trying to make small talk. Tom scoffed at Luke’s brashness. “You really shouldn’t be here,” he expressed, “But considering I’ve always thought you were good for business, I’ll take you to her on one condition…” Tom stated.

At this point, Luke was willing to do whatever it might take. There was no condition that he would say no to. “Do whatever you want in your spare time, but don’t ever let it be made public again. I can work with a cheating scandal, but more than one makes her look weak and that’s not the image I have for Y/N,” Tom prompted. Luke easily agreed. He had no intention of letting something like this happen ever again. Even if it wasn’t exactly his fault.

“Okay, right this way,” Tom instructed, taking Luke inside the building that held the event. He led him through a hallway that was for authorized personnel only, lined with guards who would only let you go through if you had a lanyard with a badge on it.

After a few twists and turns, Luke heard her voice before he even saw her. All of a sudden, everything between the two of them became an obstacle. Luke pushed through Tom, as well as several other people and objects until the two were standing face to face.

She had looked stunning, as usual. She was dressed to the nines. Such beauty made him forget what he needed to say, so she was the first to speak. “Luke,” She mumbled rather quietly. It was her voice that brought him back to reality.

“I know it’s a bad time, but I really need to talk to you,” he expressed as if there were no one else in the room. Just looking at him was difficult for Y/N. The last time she had seen his face was when she saw those pictures of him with another girl. “What is there left to say? You cheated on me. That’s pretty much the last straw,” she explained still not speaking much louder than a whisper.

This was what Luke was truly afraid of. He knew it would look as if he were lying, but he was so desperate that he didn’t really care about appearances. “I didn’t cheat on you. I never have and never will. Can you please just give me a chance to explain?” He begged.

He really should have thought more about what he was going to say once he saw her, but he had assumed the right words would come to him when he saw her. This proved to be somewhat of a mistake. He was now on the spot with no real way of being able to prove that nothing had happened.

He hoped his word was enough. Although looking back, Luke realized that once you’ve been labeled a cheater, your word kind of loses its meaning.

“You have five minutes. I really have to get out there soon,” she stated. She had never given their breakup an official ending. He cheated. She figured they didn’t need more of an ending than that, but seeing how torn apart Luke seemed, she decided against her better judgment to at least listen to him.

The two left the very public hallway and found a more private room where they could chat without the intrusion of everyone else.

“I know how those pictures look, but I swear to you nothing happened. I didn’t let anything happen. We just talked and I couldn’t stop talking about you. I’m sure she could even attest to that. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, when I should’ve been at the apartment with you. I just, I don’t know…we were talking about moving in together and it sort of freaked me out. I didn’t know if I was ready for that, but she helped me realize all I want is to make you happy. And after not seeing you at all these last few days especially, I realized I want to see you every day. I want you to be the first person I see in the morning and the last person I see at night. It was the idea of being with just one person forever that scared me, but as long as you’re that person, I’m not worried. I want you to be the one I marry someday and start a family with. I know that now and I was an idiot not to see it before. I love you and I will never take having you for granted ever again. Please, just give me one more chance to earn your trust back,” Luke rambled. Words were flying out of his mouth before they were going through his brain. He didn’t even know if his words made sense to anyone except himself.

Y/N was slightly shocked. He had never been so forward about the future. Sure, up until the other night, he was committed to her in terms of not being with anyone else, but Luke never wanted to talk about marriage or kids and he was so reluctant to even discuss moving in together when she had brought it up before.

She knew how she felt, but he was always unsure about even the idea of getting married to anyone at any point in his life. She knew he wouldn’t just mention that kind of thing if it wasn’t something he actually wanted. He wasn’t much of a liar, especially when it came to Y/N.

Truth be told, these had been some of the hardest days without him. She heard him calling every time and she just about broke down not allowing herself to answer it. She knew he was right outside her door, begging to speak to her, but she had to force herself to him knocking from the other side. She had wondered how he could do this and break every promise and ruin every “I love you,” he had ever expressed to her.

“You really want all of that? You’re not going to run again?” she asked.

“That was the last time, I swear. Babe, I know what I want. I’m certain of it,” Luke insisted. As he spoke, he was certain of his words. She even had to admit, she had missed the way it sounded when he called her babe. She had missed hearing his voice in general.

She reached one of her hands to touch his face. “Good, because I don’t want to give it one more shot if you’re not sure you can handle it,” she demanded.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” Luke declared, pulling her closer to him. “I love you, Luke,” she whispered. He decided he would let her make the first move, so it wasn’t until she reciprocated by saying those words, that he went for a kiss.

“I love you too, babe,” he responded feeling more at peace and content than he had ever felt in his life.
