#asian american creators

 Last weekend at Diversity Comic Con, I spoke at the Countering Asian Hate panel with Enrica Jang, W

Last weekend at Diversity Comic Con, I spoke at the Countering Asian Hate panel with Enrica Jang, Wendy Chin-Tanner, and Dr. Kyunghee Pyun about anti-Asian racism, institutional barriers in comics and publishing, and how Asian American creators can confront it.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhkGXmI2CeA

This panel was a great opportunity to have difficult but necessary conversations about issues our community is facing. For me, I shared my experiences of being rejected by Image and getting harassed online for my AsAm comics, and my journey of developing racial awareness in my work.

Even though AsAms are struggling, I find hope in how we’re coming together as a community to tackle these issues, and using art & storytelling as one of our tools to do so.

Thank you Ramon Gil for inviting me and creating a space for AsAm creators to speak about our experiences.

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