#asian dolls

 Cozy Time With Friends - VivianI used a BMR 1959 Asian Barbie for this one. I remade the hairstyle  Cozy Time With Friends - VivianI used a BMR 1959 Asian Barbie for this one. I remade the hairstyle  Cozy Time With Friends - VivianI used a BMR 1959 Asian Barbie for this one. I remade the hairstyle  Cozy Time With Friends - VivianI used a BMR 1959 Asian Barbie for this one. I remade the hairstyle  Cozy Time With Friends - VivianI used a BMR 1959 Asian Barbie for this one. I remade the hairstyle

Cozy Time With Friends - Vivian

I used a BMR 1959 Asian Barbie for this one. I remade the hairstyle and the mouth, to suit the red lipstick that Vivian was using. 

She loved the little blouse by the way. =D

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