

a debut mini series bc i miss my debut

also kook academy aint a thing, aaaaand the whole gold thing just like….didn’t happen yikes. 

summary: You have exciting news.



warnings: cussing

prologue - ♫ Through and Through by khai dreams  ♫

After a long day of fucking around and being teenagers, settling down and chilling by the bonfire was a typical way for the Pogue’s to end the night. Wrapped up in sweaters to fight the chill of the night air, yet wearing shorts to keep themselves from over heating, the group talked over how in only a few days they would be starting their senior year. 

“’Outfit ideas for our last-first day?’” Kie mocked as she scrolled through her instagram feed. It was only during these cool down moments did the Pogues ever really find themselves on their phones. Usually they spent their days wrapped up in each other’s tomfoolery. 

“Man I still can’t believe we’re gonna be seniors,” JJ scoffed, “I thought I’d have dropped out by now to be honest.”

“Yeah me too,” John B teased and the brunette laughed as JJ flicked sand at him. 

“Can’t wait for all those senior events,” Kie grinned but the boys only groaned. They weren’t the type to care much about dances or football games or typically any school santioned events. But Kie being Kie was involved in a lot of school stuff like that. Pope was involved in school sure, but only academically. The last time he’d gone to a football game he nearly got his head busted open when a fight had broken out and he and his friends had gotten caught in the middle of it. 

“C’mon you guys. Last homecoming? Senior picnic? Pro-”


The group of four turned in surprise and watched with wide eyes as you ran  your way over to them, practically leaving clouds of sand behind you at how fast you were rushing.

“(Y/N)?-” Pope grunted as you barreled into him the second he stood from his seat. 

“Oh my god, you’re never gonna believe it-oh shit, hey guys,” you greeted Pope’s friends and they greeted you back though the confusion was clear on their faces. Outside of the Pogues you were Pope Heyward’s absolute best friend. The two of you had known each other since quite literally the day you were born considering your mom and Pope’s mom were the best of friends. 

You didn’t usually hang around the other Pogues though. They were Pope’s group. You were friends with them of course, and you definitely spent a lot of your time with them. But outside of Pope you tended to hang out with your teammates. 

Despite that, you and Pope made sure that you saw each other almost everyday. When he didn’t decide to sleep over at the Chateau he was either at your house or you were at his. When he did decide to sleep over at the chateau you’d find yourself there with him at the end of the day. Even if he spent an entire day with just the Pogue’s he reserved time to be with you. And you, him.

“Ok-I’m like losing my mind!” you panted and Pope laughed as he steadied you. 

“Jeez (Y/N) take a breather,” he told you and you let out a breathless laugh before taking a moment to gather yourself. 

“Ok,” you giggled, “Sorry. But I was just with the girls right? And my mom calls me and guess what?” 

“Whaaat?” Pope dragged out and his friends watched in amusement as you shook his entire body. 

“My dress came in! Ah! Oh my god I’m so excited!” You squealed as Pope’s eyes widened a wide grin stretching his features. 

“What? seriously?”

“Yes seriously!”

“Uuum, dress for what?” Kie decided to pipe in and you turned to her with a bright expression. 

“My dress for my debut! My mom’s aunt or something is like a dress maker in the Philippines and we sent them my measurements like 3 months ago. And it just got shipped in!” you were talking at 100 miles per hour at this point and Kie, JJ, and John B were having a hard time catching up, “I’m supposed to pick it up tomorrow afternoon I think, but I was just so excited that I had to tell Pope!” you turned back to Pope who hadn’t taken his eyes off you, his expression soft yet excited. 

JJ turned to Kie, silent for a moment as he gathered his thoughts, “…What?” he whispered and Kie snorted as she shoved him away. 

“Your debut…that’s like your 18th right?” John B questioned and you nodded at him obviously a bit surprised that he remembered. You could barely remember telling the other Pogues about this. You only tended to talk to Pope or 1 or 2 of your teammates about it. 

“Yeah, I can’t believe you remembered,” you laughed and John B smiled. 

“What?” John B questioned as JJ and Kie both shot him looks of confusion. You were lost to their interaction as you began to ramble to Pope while he listened intently, nodding along or humming in response to you. You’d always been the more energetic one of your pair. You were there for only a moment longer before you decided it was time to head out.

“Ok, I’ll go now,” you laughed waving to the Pogues after you gave Pope a hug and the usual kiss on the cheek, “Good night you guys!” you bid and Pope and his friends waved back at you as you turned and jogged back over to your car full of teammates that they hadn’t even noticed. 

“Bye (Y/N)!” Kie called just as you were about to enter the car and though they could barely see you in the dark, they knew you were blowing them kisses. They silently watched the car drive away before Pope finally settled back down into his seat. 

Looking up he blinked as his friends stared him down. 


“C’mon Pope,” JJ urged, “Senior year man, are you finally gonna ask out (Y/N) or what?” Pope’s eyes widened at that and he sputtered as he tried to come up with a response.

“Wh-what?! What man no! That-that’s (Y/N). My like best friend since we were babies!” 

“Yeah, that means you guys are basically soulmates, Pope,” Kie teased and Pope could feel the heat on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. 

“Hey, if you don’t wanna ask her out,” JJ wiggled his eyebrows, “I’ve been holding back y’know?”

“Shut up JJ,” Pope threw a handful of sand at the blonde.

“This is your last chance Pope,” John B insisted, “Before you head off to college to play with dead bodies, and she heads off to college to be a college athlete.” 

Pope scoffed at that as he looked down and played with his the ends of his sweater. 

“It’s not like that ok?” he tried to argue but they only shot him knowing smiles. 

“Just sayin’. Senior year’s the year man,” JJ raised his brows at him and Pope could only scoff as they dropped the subject. 
