#pope heyward x reader


Requests are open for the following Outer Banks characters:

  • John B x reader
  • Pope x reader 
  • JJ x reader
  • Kiara x reader
  • Sarah x reader

Here are a few prompts lists to choose from, if you choose too!!

prompt list 1

prompt list 2

Request:yes but I can’t find it. Was basically just the song Enchanted by Taylor Swift with Pope Heyward. 

A/N:Who isn’t enchanted by Pope?

TS Anthology Series|Outer Banks Masterlist

_ . ◦ ⭐︎:*.☾.*:⭐︎◦∙._

“This is kind of a lame party, huh?” You chanced asking, feeling a little awkward as you stood in the large kitchen at Tanney Hill. There was some background music that you didn’t recognise, no doubt whatever Rose found on Spotify when she typed in ‘graduation party playlist’. In an effort to get away from the suffocating afternoon affair you’d slipped into the kitchen, hoping to find a few extra desserts left behind or a good bottle of vodka that Rose wouldn’t notice anyone pilfering.  

Instead you found a Pogue, one you recognised almost immediately as Sarah’s boyfriend’s friend Pope…a little long winded but at least you had some information. You’d been surprised but also relieved when you’d seen Sarah’s less than savoury friends show up for the party. Maybe it wouldn’t be so dull after all. It was a pipe dream though because an hour into the afternoon and you realized that no look could escape the inevitable graduation party of stuffy family and friends doing their best interpretation of coastal grandmother, chatting about vacation spots and college studies and eating hor d’oeuvres.  

“More than kind of,” Pope laughed, tapping the steamless plastic wine glass against his chin before taking a sip. He’d filled it with lemonade that JJ had tried to top off with alcohol and almost succeeded in actually doing. The slightly sour taste of the lemons offset the entire afternoon and even surrounded by his friends he’d needed an escape from feeling out of place.  

“So who are you hiding from?” You asked, looking around as if someone might enter the kitchen and interrupt your time together.  

“No one in particular,” Pope replied, unsure how to accurately explain that he felt like he wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place. He tried so hard, aware that his friends didn’t recognise the effort he made to fit in with them, but it never felt like enough. He never felt outgoing enough or funny enough or cool enough. If he mentioned it, he was sure it would be followed with a chorus of reassuring ‘you’re a pogue, through and through’ that he’d have to accept and pretend changed anything about how he was feeling.  

“Well since we’re both hiding from ‘no one in particular’, want to go outside?” You asked, looking back toward the double doors that led out to the veranda. The garden and pool area, unoccupied, we’re decorated in twinkle lights that looks like stars through the glass.  

“What’s outside?” Pope asked, watching as you grabbed a bottle of white wine that had been chilling on ice.  

“A good hiding spot,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders.  

Pope followed you to the glass French doors, slipping out into the warm night with you and wondering if this was all really a good idea. He had seen you around and, if he had seen you, surely you had seen him before. You had to know who his friends were, who his parents were, where he lived. You had to know he wasn’t a kook. So what were you doing entertaining your time with him. He wanted to ask, the question was right there on the tip of his tongue, but then he was afraid he wouldn’t like the answer. That maybe this was just that, entertainment. A funny past time of watching a pogue like Pope trip over themselves to say something intelligible or interesting so you could laugh later with your friends over lunch at the Island Club.  

“I heard you’re going to med school in the fall?” You asked, taking a sip of the wine as you sat down on a bench along the garden path.  

“Uh, yeah…yeah I am. I’m studying pathology,” he replied, the subject matter comforting him enough that he took a seat beside you, beginning in the way he always did to explain what it was he loved about the practice. Talking interests was like Pope’s own form of drug, it could relax him immediately and he usually went off on tangents that were unintentional and, according to his friends, boring.  

You didn’t look bored though, Pope thought. He could hear himself running over all the facts that he found so interesting and talking about someday working at Mayo Clinic or NIH or somewhere just as prestigious. He could hear himself but he couldn’t stop himself, his calm had transformed into nervous rambling and his tangents had woven through all the things he found most fascinating about the work. But you didn’t look annoyed or like you were planning an escape. You listened and you offered short commentary and asked questions, you looked like maybe you actually found him interesting.  

“Sorry,” he finally apologized when he felt like he’d run of things to say. “I’m monopolizing the conversation.”

“It’s okay,” you angled more towards him, “I don’t mind. I like listening to you.”  

Before Pope could reply to you, JJ’s voice cut out through the garden, calling for his best friend. He could almost imagine JJ hanging out the back door, hands on either side of the frame, leaning almost dangerously into the evening and shouting that they were heading to Hawk’s Nest to finish the party. Pope thought that, if JJ had shown up thirty minutes ago, he would’ve been thrilled to leave but now he was sitting here talking to you and he wished he could push JJ back inside and lock the French doors.

“Sounds like your friends are ready to go,” you mused, smiling at him.  

Pope nodded, somewhat distracted. All he could think was that if he left now would the spell be broken? Would you see him the next time around the island and pretend you didn’t know him? Would you laugh with your friends about the pogue who was practically falling in love with you just sitting there drinking white wine at a graduation party?

“Maybe we could…uh,” Pope hesitated, standing up, unsure what he really wanted to say or could, “maybe we could hang out sometime?” He almost wanted to cringe at his own question. It sounded so awkward.  

“Give me your phone,” you held your hand out, setting down the wine bottle and taking his phone so you could put your number in and text yourself. “There.” You concluded.

“Sorry,” he apologized as JJ called his name again, “I wish we could just…keep talking.”

“I’ll see you soon Pope.” You promised, leaning forward to kiss his cheek in a moment of boldness, or maybe you were just tipsy enough to be a little more outgoing than usual.  

“See you soon.” He felt like he was floating on a cloud as he backed away from you, clumsily tripping over a large flower pot on the path and righting himself, before turning and leaving. You couldn’t help the wide smile on your face as you watched him, entirely mesmerized by Pope and eager already for the next time that the two of you would see each other.  


Taglist@maybankbby@alanniys@stylesyourmine@nicolee-anne@dudenhaaa27@alexoberlinluthor@luversgirl@lemur46@mariahlaufeyson@beth-gallagher22@swagmoneydrew@xivilivix@americaarse@scenesofobx@alexademiesluvr@butterflymoons@allisonxmcu@milkiane@inwonderlandwritemealetter@phxntom-2021@iamasimpingh0e @unbelievablystillafangirl@caitlyn-winchester@truewdw1@randomwriter1021@bjrmaybank@rebelangelwings 

The Good and the Bad

A/N: Never written for Pope before, so I thought I’d go ahead and give a shot. Pope is by far one of my favorite characters on Outer Banks. Requests are still open, so feel free to leave a request!

Summary:Working at a Kook infested restaurant is not always something to look forward to, but it pays well so that’s a plus. All of the Kooks seem to get on your nerves during one shift. After getting home from work, Pope makes a visit before leaving to hangout with others.


  • Y/N/N: Your Nick-Name
  • Y/E/C: Your Eye Color
  • The Pier -> place you work
  • Your parents own a mechanic shop
  • Outfit 1/Outfit 2


Pope Heyward x-reader

“Excuse me, miss! Excuse me!” a woman called after me, keeping an arm raised. Today had been one of the worst shifts I have ever had: some kid spilled his drink on my shoes, I almost burned my hand, and a couple cursed me out over something stupid. Usually, I could bare snotty and rude customers; but today just was an off day. ’

“Miss! Hey, excuse me!” the customer repeated.

I apologized the family of three I was currently serving. The nice man reassured me, motioning for me to answer the nagging women’s question. The Kook sat at the table wearing a bright pink dress with white high heels, a pearl necklace around her neck matched with pearl earrings.

Her husband sat beside her sporting a yellow polo and green khaki pants. “What can I-” I started. “I ordered a Virgin Bloody Mary, but I can’t taste any of the alcohol. I thought I ordered a Virgin Bloody Mary not a Bloody Mary,” she interrupted, pushing the drink my way.

Her husband didn’t even bother to join in. I withheld a sarcastic remark. “Ma'am, you didorder a Virgin Bloody Mary which doesn’t have any alcohol in it whereas a regular Bloody Mary doeshave alcohol,” I corrected, “If you would like a Bloody Mary, I can go get that for you.”

The women shook her head in disagreement. She huffed in annoyance, pushing her hair away from her face. “No, I want a VirginBloody Mary, not what you said,” she repeated. “Okay, so you want the one that doesn’t have alcohol in it?” I questioned, starting to loose my patience.

She glanced at her husband and rolled her eyes, commenting about how I’m underclass and don’t know shit. “Sweetheart, how many times do I need to tell you for it to go through that foggy brain of yours?” she retorted, “I. want. a. Virgin. Bloody. Marry. with. alcohol.” The ‘Karen’ said her last statement slowly, as if I couldn’t understand English.

“Ma'am, a Virgin Bloody Mary doesn’t have alcohol but a Bloody Mary does. That’s the difference, the one you are asking for isa Bloody Mary.”

“Oh, honey,” she chuckled, “I don’t think you understand.”

“I understand perfectly, I’m just trying to get you the drink that you desire,” I said, “If you would just hear me you, I bet we can come to an understanding.” My manager happened to hear the whole conversation. He walked over and set a hand on my shoulder. “What seems to the problem?” Daniel questioned the couple.

“My wife ordered a Virgin Bloody Mary, and she would like a Virgin Bloody Mary with alcohol; but this-this ignorant and brainless Poguedoesn’t seem to know what she was talking about,” the husband said, “Sir, Daniel I presume, I expect you hire Pogues who are intelligent, not disrespectful and unorganized.”

He spoke with venom with his eyes focused on my boss. Daniel nodded his head. “I am deeply sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. I will get that Virgin Bloody Mary straight away,” he said. “Thank you, Daniel, and you better set high expectations for your serves. Don’t want this place infested with Pogues,” the women said.

Daniel motioned me to the back of the restaurant before ordering another server to give the snobby couple their 'correct’ drinks. My boss led me over to his office. “Y/N, why don’t you clock out early?” he offered.

“I’ve got two more hours left of my shift,” I said, “You know how much I need this money.” My boss shook his head and sat down at his desk, pulling out a sheet of paper. “I suggest you find another job that can meet your needs. Preferably one that doesn’t require you to boss around customers,” Daniel said, handing the sheet of paper.

I grabbed the sheet of paper from him, making my way towards my cubby. I stuffed my apron into the cubby and slipped my arms through my backpack. Was I seriously just fired over something that was easily fixed if the shitty woman just understood? I unlocked my car and drove home in silence, not bothering to even put my seatbelt on.

Luckily, I got home before my parents did. I put my car into park and hopped out, locking the door behind me. Fortunately, I was hanging out with my friends later which meant I could just relax until then. I wasn’t prepared to tell my parents about losing my job. I already knew that they’d take out their stress from work on me.

I changed into my favorite one piece and a pair of blue jean shorts before walking down to the dock. I set my phone beside me, leaning up against one of the wooden pillars with my Y/E/C eyes watching the white clouds fly by with the golden sun being covered every once and awhile.

My sky gazing was interrupted by the sound of tires brushing against the pebbled driveway of my house. I looked up to find Pope leaning his red and blue bike against a thick oak tree that was across the side of my house. He turned to look at me and smiled. “There’s my favorite Y/E/C eyed girl,” Pope greeted, sitting down beside me. I smiled as he lightly kissed me on the forehead.

“How was work?” he questioned, slipping his sandals off to dip his feet in the cold water. I scoffed and shook my head. I sat beside my boyfriend with my fingers fiddling with a loose thread from my shorts. “That bad, huh?” he said. I swallowed the lump in my throat, nodding my head in response.

Pope looked away from my reflection in the water to see a slight tear slide down the side of my face. My boyfriend reached over and wiped the tear away. “I got fired from my job today,” I informed, “All because of a fucking Kook didn’t know the difference between a Virgin Bloody Mary and a regular Bloody Mary.”

Pope’s brows raised at the sound of my statement. He fixed the strap of my swimsuit that had somehow fallen. “Your boss reallyfired you because of that?” he inquired.

“Well, that was just the cherry on top. Earlier, I had a kid spill his red punch on my sneakers. Then, almost burned my hand from a chicken pot pie. Oh, and got cussed out by an old couple who didn’t appreciate the way my parents fixed their son’s car,” I added, “So, my reaction to the Bloody Mary fiasco ended it all. Daniel didn’t like my attitude, so he told me, to find another job, and I quote, 'Preferably one that doesn’t require you to boss around customers’.”

“He’s an idiot,” Pope commented, looking out at the water (GIF Above). I nodded in agreement and wiped my tears away with the back of my hand. Pope draped an arm around my shoulders, bringing me to his side. He kissed the top of my head. “Wanna stay in tonight? I heard there’s a pretty cool documentary about dolphins tonight,” Pope offered.

I smiled and looked up at him, my spirits immediately lifting. My wonderful boyfriend looked down at me to see my expression suddenly change. “I would love that,” I agreed with a large joyous grin. “Great, because you wouldn’t have a choice whatever you said,” Pope replied. He got up from the dock and extended a hand, motioning me to the house.

sweet creature ⇢ moodboard series, leilani bishop (1/?)❝ I made a summer bucket list of everything I

sweet creature moodboard series,leilani bishop (1/?)

 I made a summer bucket list of everything I wanted to do this summer. (1) Get a nice tan. (2) Get wasted on the beach. (3) Possibly make out with my cousin’s friend, Pope Heyward.  Not once on that list did I ever mention go treasure hunting with the Pogues.❞

tag list: @alinastarkhov @chlobenet @daisyjohvson@genyazafin @kiara-carrera @killinbills @megdonnellys@ninazenkis

[ wanna be added / removed? ]

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infuriating or infatuated ? - pope heyward

pairing: pope heyward x reader

authors note: hello lovely friends! back from the dead with some actual writing this time. warning this hasn’t been proof read or anything fancy just my silly little thoughts <3

warnings:one small nightmare but no detail at all

“you are the most infuriating person i’ve ever interacted with” you whisper under your breath.

the low chuckle behind you made you want to stab someone’s eye balls out. his eyeballs out to be more specific.

“aw cmon you know i’m just playing around. i’m sure you’re fully capable of opening a door. but who knows, maybe you’re only book smart. not door smart”

that infuriating prick. you were going to whirl around and give that cheeky motherfucker a peice of your mind. wipe that silly beautiful smirk-


the handle under your palm suddenly jerked downwards and the door of the hotel room flew open. you let out a small sigh of relief, hoping the pouge behind you would stop making his comments now.

unfortunately that wasn’t the case as he opened his mouth and said, “look at that. people can learn new tricks.”

you scowled to yourself, choosing to ignore his dig, and walked into the stingy hotel room. it smelled like all the other humid and frankly gross hotel rooms the school had bought for you in your years on the decathlon team. the smell was almost comforting, or at least familiar.

pope though, who’d only recently joined the decathlon team, scrunched his nose in disgust. “what in the world is that smell?” he asked.

you shrugged your shoulders and placed your suitcase on the twin bed you wanted to claim.

pope chuckled again, amused. “so what? now i’m getting the silent treatment?”

you simply ignored him and made a big show of unpacking your smaller bag. slowly, you pulled our your toriletry bag, phone charger, and the crazy amount of flash cards you’d spent hours making in the previous weeks. the one you knew pope wanted but was too proud to ask for.

“oh wow very mature of you. look i’m not all that thrilled to be sharing a room with you either but at least i’m not being a bitch about it” he scoffed and began to mimic your actions, pulling out his far more inferior flash cards.

you whirled at him, mouth downturned in anger. “i am not being a bitch,” you answered. “i’m simply trying to make sure you and i don’t kill each other before the weekend is over and keeping my distance. rooming with you wasn’t in my plan either, trust me. why would i want to room with my natural enemy.”

you turned away from him in your own dramatic fashion and made a point not to continue looking at him. as good as he looked in that burnt red shirt which hugged his arms in just the right way and - what?

shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you kept unpacking. this was just nerves. you were frankly a little freaked about tomorrows competition. going up against some of the greatest schools in the state was no small thing. what if you weren’t good enough?

you didn’t notice the only other body in the room come up behind you. close. dangerously close.

“oh i’m you’re enemy now, am i? you do realize we’re on the same team right? so technically we are partners.” he paused and leaned in close to your ear, “equals.”

you straightened at the word, and at his proximity to your face. “we are most definitely not equals. i have way more extracurriculars than you”

he scoffed. “well i have more letter of recommendation than you. and i’m debate team captain .”

the proud tone in his voice almost made you smile before you squashed it back down. without even turning to look at him you answered, “well i have a much higher gpa than you.”

he hummed under his breath, like he was enjoying the banter between the two of you. “not after this semester you won’t. don’t think i don’t know about that c minus in biology. that’ll push me right back up to valedictorian.”

you stiffened. that silly c minus. stupid biology. stupid miss david who hasn’t rounded your grade and couldn’t teach for the life of her. pope was going to hold that stupid grade over your head the entire weekend. he’d win. you’d fail.

you couldn’t turn to face him. knowing you’d be met with that smug smirk of his. the one you sometimes, occasionally, pretty frequently, enjoyed seeing. enjoyed being the cause of.

so you simply let out a huff in response and shimmied to the bathroom before he could say anything else. in doing so, you slammed the door in his face.

god you were so not good with guys.

by the time you were done in the bathroom, you’d only let a couple of tears slip and pope was under the covers in his own twin bed.

when you emerged he looked at you with concern, but as quickly as it was there it disappeared and he said to you, “good glad you’re finally out of there. i was starting to think i might have to take your questions at the completion tomorrow. on second thought that wouldn’t be so bad, go back in there.”

you gave him the slightest most pathetic smile in the world, in no mood to join in the back and forth the two of you always had with each other. instead you silently got into bed and twisted so you weren’t facing him.

as you fell asleep you thought about the boy in the bed a couple feet away from you. the flash cards that had been on his night stand. the color of his eyes. the smirk he only ever sent your way during decathlon meetings. how every time you got nervous he seemed to start up some petty little fight which distracted you from your anxieties. in some ways, he was a lot better than you.

the thought sent you into restless sleep.

you woke up gasping. sweating and scared. you sat up, holding your chest. you were disoriented, not sure where you were. a moment ago you’d been on a stage in front of millions of people incapable of remembering the enzyme involved in digestion and now you were in a dim humid room.

before you could get your bearings a voice to your right asked “are you okay?”

you gasped again, turning towards the source of the question.

pope. beautiful pope who was still awake and had his flash cards on his lap, the lamp next to him still turned on. but at that moment, pope was looking at you. with a look so concerned he might jump over to your bed.

checking the clock on your nightstand and seeing it read three am, you turned back to the boy. “what the hell are you doing up? we have to be awake in five hours.”

at your snippy, and reflective, response pope’s shoulders loosened slightly. as if he was happy to have you participating with him. he motioned towards his flash cards.

“unlike your lazy ass, im getting some cramming studying done”

the way he said it almost felt like.. an invitation? and yet the words made it seem like a challenge all at the same time. maybe you’d accept both.

you pulled your covers off and sauntered over to his bed, dramatic as ever. he watched your every move. you decided right then and there that you loved having pope heyward’s eyes on you. to have him look at you in that way. more than anything. maybe even more than winning the decathlon.

before sitting down on the end of his bed you grabbed your own, again, superior, flash cards from your bag. surprise flashed through pope’s features. you bit the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling and giving yourself away.

“what?” you asked, “did you think i would study with your shitty flash cards?” you scoffed, “i’m not stooping to that level.”

before you could hesitate too much, you passed them to him. “and since you’re technically on my team i guess you can use them as well.”

pope, unlike you, made no move to hide his blinding grin. and even though you were sitting down you thought you might fall over at the sight.

“i knew you’d finally realize i’m your equal” he said as he started flipping through your perfect cards.

you kept silent, not confirming nor denying what you both already knew to be true.

inching forward slightly, he looked up at you and said: “maybe we could start with biology? i’ve been struggling a little bit with the newest topic.”

you knew he was lying. his perfect and consistent scores were proof enough of that. and if it had been anyone else to mention that class, you would have slapped them silly.

but pope got it. he knew how much the c minus had killed you inside. he understood. probably more than anyone else ever had. you could see it in the way he was looking at you now. with love. concern. friendship.

so you answered, “well if you need the help i guess so. cant have you making us lose, can we heyward?”

the idea of the pogues in a high school setting is actual so fun so i kinda got carried away. i rlly hav a thing for writing the character pining for the reader rather than the other way around.

im basing this off of how my high school was cus idk shit about any other high schools lmao. also excuse volleyball terminology, i also very much miss volleyball



warnings: cursing, like terrible writing, just filler stuff

one - ♫ I THINK by Tyler, The Creator ♫

It was already two weeks into your senior year and you were settling in nicely. At two weeks people were still switching around their classes making sure they wouldn’t regret the class they decided to settle into. You were satisfied with your schedule considering you only had 3 actual academic classes. 

For your last year you’d opted out of taking one least year of math or another year of science. You were a good student sure but you’d never been the best at maths or sciences. To the Pogues’ surprise Pope had a similar schedule, yet the only reason he wasn’t packed with AP classes was because he was signed up for dual enrollment with online college courses. 

“Dual enrollment helps clear GEs better than AP classes. I’m not saying I wouldn’t pass those AP tests but this way is easier,” Pope explained to JJ as they walked through the crowded halls of Kildare County High. Kooks and Pogues alike littered the hallways, separated in their own little groups and yet standing amongst one another. 

“Whatever you say Pope,” JJ shook his head. He and Pope had one class together this year and that was Intro to Drawing in the very beginning of the day.  

“Heeeey guys,” Kie greeted as she walked up to them, hiking her bag up her shoulder. Kie had opted out of a backpack this last year and had instead started using a tote bag which was only filled with her laptop, a single notebook, her pencil case, and other small personal belongings that had nothing to do with school. 

“You guys going to the game on Friday?” Kie questioned and Pope cringed as JJ groaned. 

“No Kie, we are not going to the football game this Friday-”

“Guys come one, first game of the season! Plus the environmental club is planning to work snack bar. All the money goes toward the Turtle Habitats and the Save the Ocean Foundation,” Kie plead. 

“As much as I love the turtles Kie,” the group stopped at Pope’s locker, “Our football team is garbage. Why would I subject myself to that?” 

“Ok I know that, but don’t go for the team,” Kie raised her eyebrows at the two of them, “Go for the turtles!” 

JJ shot her an “eeeh” sort of look and Kie huffed in annoyance. 

“Come on, if you could give me a whole other way to fundraise then please do,” Kie crossed her arms as Pope shuffled around the belongings in his locker. 

“You need help fundraising Kie?” 

The three teens turned in the direction of your voice and you grinned as you walked up to them, your teammate and other best friend Isabelle walking with you. Isabelle was tall, one of the tallest girls at school actually, and though they saw you two together frequently it was still kind of amusing to see one of the tallest people they new walking around with one of the shortest people they knew. 

“Yeah well, my club’s planning to do the football game snack bar but nobody goes to the game’s anyway so,” Kie shrugged. 

“You could fundraise at the volleyball game,” Isabelle suggested giving Kie a smile. Kie smiled back sheepishly as she shifted on her spot. 

“Are you serious?” she questioned, turning to you and you shrugged. 

“Well, why not? Wouldn’t hurt to ask our coach,” you stated and Kie watched as Pope closed his locker and turned as your hands reached up to fix the collar of the button up he’d worn over his t-shirt. 

“We have a game tomorrow, and then there’s a workshop on Saturday. If your club wants to try and fundraise during those, we can try and figure something out,” Isabelle spoke to Kie and Kie flushed for a moment before she nodded frantically and began talking over a few ideas that were already coming to mind. 

“And people are guaranteed to show up to the girls volleyball games,” JJ wiggled his eyebrows at you and Pope and you laughed as Pope reached up to whack JJ in the chest. You couldn’t help but note how weird JJ looked without one of his usual hats on. You figured it was because the teachers lost their minds over hats being worn inside the building. 

“So (Y/N),” Pope started and you and JJ looked at him. 

“So Pope?” you smiled and missed how JJ glanced between the two of you with a knowing look in his eye. 

“Am I gonna see your dress anytime soon?” Pope questioned and you rolled your eyes. 

“Pope I literally already told you that no one’s allowed to see it until my party,” you leaned against Pope as he shook his head.

“But I’m not just anyone,” he insisted and you laughed as the first bell of the day rang overhead. 

“Ok whatever dude,” you shoved at Pope and he playfully slapped at your arms, “Me and Isa have to go, I’ll see you guys later,” you bid and you gave Pope a hug and a kiss on the cheek before you waved goodbye to JJ and Kie. The three of them watched you two join the sea of students and JJ turned to Kie and Pope.

“Was I seriously just fifth wheeling?” he scoffed and Pope glared at him as Kie flushed at his insinuation. 


“Ok can I just get like…the color? Oh my-you never even told me the color!” Pope stared at you with wide eyes and you shook your head as you covered your mouth to try and keep your laugh from coming out. The two of you were in your second to last class of the day (You were both TA’s for the Intro to Film teacher and that usually meant goofing around in the back as the class watched movies all day), and Pope had not let the topic of your dress drop. 

In fact he had asked you about it for the past three weeks

“I can’t ruin it,” you whined and Pope leaned forward and groaned into your shoulder. 

“Telling me the color won’t ruin it,” he mumbled and you reached up to rub his back. 

“Yes it will,” you whispered back playfully and Pope groaned again as you laughed, “Oh by the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you…” 

Pope sat up and motioned for you to continue. 

“I don’t need to have an escort or anything, but I was actually wondering if you’d like to be my escort? For my party?” you weren’t sure why you were so nervous but you couldn’t get yourself to look Pope in the eye. You watched as your fingers played with the end of his shirt. 


You looked up at Pope through your lashes and he flashed you a wide grin. 

“I would literally be honored,” Pope pulled you into a tight hug before pulling back, “Also I would’ve been extremely offended if you didn’t ask me and I probably would’ve just been your escort anyway.” 

You laughed and quickly brought a hand up to cover it up as a few of the students in the room shot the two of you looks. 

“I wouldn’t even go through with the party without you,” you told him softly and Pope could feel his heart skip a beat. Sometimes he wondered what it would’ve been like if he had gathered up the courage to ask you out ages ago. Despite the bullshit he told his friends he knew that he was in love with you. He would always love you, but being in love with you was different. It meant so much more

“So that means I get to know the color of your dress right?” Pope whispered and your mouth dropped open in shock as a wide grin stretched across his face. You tried to stop yourself from smiling as you reached up to whack him on the shoulder. 

“No!” you whisper-yelled. 

“But how am I gonna coordinate with you-” 

“Drop it Pope,” you laughed as the bell rang to indicate the end of class. 


“Where’s Kie?” John B questioned as JJ and Pope walked up to him. Today was the first girl’s volleyball game of the year and they had planned on going to watch together. They only really did it out of support toward you but that obviously didn’t stop JJ from his usual flirting. 

“Her club’s doing snack bar or something, to help fundraise for turtles. Did she not tell you?” Pope asked as they walked into the gym together. There was music playing through the gym’s speakers and there was chatter and noise from every point. There was the sound of shoes squeaking against the gym floor and the sounds of volleyballs coming into contact with the floor, hands, the walls, etc. 

“Nah, I didn’t see her that much yesterday or even today.” 

“Yeah, where the hell were you anyway?” JJ questioned as he led the way up the bleachers. It was definitely crowded but the boys weren’t at all surprised, Kildare County High’s volleyball team was actually good, meaning they usually garnered a large audience of spectators. 

“I was at the counselor’s like all day trying to figure out how I’m gonna get enough credits to graduate,” John B sighed and JJ and Pope cringed. After John B’s dad disappeared in their sophomore year, the boy had taken a half a step back from his academic responsibilities to try and keep himself together and afloat. Then after Big John’s body was found at the beginning of their Junior year, John B had considered dropping out entirely. He missed a majority of that school year as a result of his grief, deciding that he felt there was no point for school any longer.

Yet with the surprising help of Sheriff Peterkin he had pushed himself back into finishing school. The school understood of course, but that didn’t mean it didn’t take a toll on his academic record. 

“I’m sure it’ll work out in the end,” Pope encouraged and JJ nodded, before the blonde clapped and looked around, eager to get John B’s mind off the matter. 

“Oh shit look there’s Quincy,” JJ pointed out and the trio made their way over the where a large group of other Pogues who had gathered up on one side of the bleachers. While some schools may have had senior sections or something of the like, their gym was separated by Kooks, Pogues, parents, and then any visitors from the opposing school. 

“Hey JJ what’s up man?” 

JJ dapped up Quincy and the two of them began talking about something or another as John B and Pope were greeted by the people around them. 

“Yeah (Y/N)!!” someone near them yelled, “You dig those balls!” 

The three boys turned to the court and watched as you shook your head and laughed but kept your focus on the court. You squatted down low once more and they watched as you warmed up, passing dimes for your setter to set. 

“Woooh (Y/N)!” JJ’s hands were cupped around his mouth as he yelled.

“Yeeeahhh!” John B yelled and was followed up by the student section of their gym, Pogues and Kooks alike, cheering for their team despite it only being in warm ups. 

Soon enough people had settled into the bleachers as the Varsity game came to a start. (Pope, JJ, and John B had yelled their hearts out at your introduction - “Number 10, Libero: (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!”. And JJ had pointed out where Kie was bustling over at the snack bar, charming people into buying whatever she pointed out to them). 

“Oh shit hey, I’m gonna go say hi to (Y/N)’s parents. I totally forgot,” Pope told his friends and the two nodded, waving him off. Pope mumbled “excuse me’s” as he maneuvered his way by people’s legs and tried not to knee anybody in the back of the head. He jogged down the steps of the bleacher and made his way to where the parents were all situated, watching the game intently. There was a bout of cheering and Pope glanced over to the court to watch you jump up in excitement as your team scored another point. 

“Hey Pope!” Pope looked up at that and smiled as your mom waved him over to where she was sitting with your dad.

“Hi!” he greeted, and leaned over as your mom stretched her arms up to give him a hug in greeting. 

“Your parents not here tonight?” your dad questioned and Pope shook his head. 

“Nah they couldn’t leave the store. They really wanted to come though. (Y/N)’s last first game and all.” 

“Ah well that’s alright, plenty of games after this one.” 

“Of course. Uh Mrs. (Y/L/N) how’s the party planning?” your mom rolled her eyes though he could tell there was no ill intent. 

Stressful. All (Y/N) focused on was her dress and her guest list. Finding a place to even have the party was almost impossible,” your mom explained and Pope chuckled. 

“(Y/N) won’t even let me know what the dress looks like,” Pope told them and your mom laughed as your dad nodded. 

“She’s hid it from her dad too.”

“Won’t be able to see it ‘till the party,” your dad shook his head at that as Pope let out a surprised chuckle. 

“Youate that (Y/N)!” someone yelled and Pope and your parents glanced over at the game and watched you get picked up by Isabelle as your team cheered over winning the first set of the match. 

“Well I’m gonna head back to my friends,” Pope pointed over to where John B and JJ were sitting, now with the addition of Kie. 

“Of course, of course. We’ll be seeing you at our house later?” your mom teased and Pope shrugged as he laughed. 

He waved your parents goodbye and by the time he’d gotten back to his friends Kildare was already ahead in the second set. 

“Not working anymore Kie?” Pope questioned as he took a seat beside her leaving her between him and JJ. 

“Yeah we made shifts so it’s Marco’s turn,” Kie explained pointing over to the snack bar. 

“Was our volleyball team always this good?” JJ questioned and Pope scoffed. 

“Yeah you were just too busy staring at their asses to watch them play,” he reached around Kie to shove at the blonde and JJ batted his arms away. 

“Hey, you can’t exactly blame me!” 

“Gross JJ,” Kie rolled her eyes and the boy looked at Kie with an offended look before turning to John B as if to say, ‘are you hearing this?’. John B only shook his head at his best friend. The 3 Pogues chuckled at JJ’s expense before they turned back to the game. It was your turn to serve now and as you waited for the referee to blow his whistle John B reached up and cupped his hands around his mouth. 

“Do it for Pope, (Y/N)!!” 

Pope whipped his head over to John B as the students around them “oooh’d!” some of them shoving at Pope playfully. From the court he missed how you glanced up at where they were sitting, a grin on your face as the referee finally blew the whistle to let you serve. 

“Shut up John B!” Pope hissed and the brunette only laughed it off as Kie mentioned how Pope should’ve been used to this by now and JJ yelled. 

“For Poooope!!!!” JJ yelled as you served the ball. 

The Kildare supporters all cheered as you aced your serve and Pope flushed in embarrassment as you turned and pointed to him, riling up the crowd of students as those closest to him shoved at him once more. 

“Yes King!” someone yelled at Pope and he couldn’t help but grin as he pointed back at you. 

a debut mini series bc i miss my debut

also kook academy aint a thing, aaaaand the whole gold thing just like….didn’t happen yikes. 

summary: You have exciting news.



warnings: cussing

prologue - ♫ Through and Through by khai dreams  ♫

After a long day of fucking around and being teenagers, settling down and chilling by the bonfire was a typical way for the Pogue’s to end the night. Wrapped up in sweaters to fight the chill of the night air, yet wearing shorts to keep themselves from over heating, the group talked over how in only a few days they would be starting their senior year. 

“’Outfit ideas for our last-first day?’” Kie mocked as she scrolled through her instagram feed. It was only during these cool down moments did the Pogues ever really find themselves on their phones. Usually they spent their days wrapped up in each other’s tomfoolery. 

“Man I still can’t believe we’re gonna be seniors,” JJ scoffed, “I thought I’d have dropped out by now to be honest.”

“Yeah me too,” John B teased and the brunette laughed as JJ flicked sand at him. 

“Can’t wait for all those senior events,” Kie grinned but the boys only groaned. They weren’t the type to care much about dances or football games or typically any school santioned events. But Kie being Kie was involved in a lot of school stuff like that. Pope was involved in school sure, but only academically. The last time he’d gone to a football game he nearly got his head busted open when a fight had broken out and he and his friends had gotten caught in the middle of it. 

“C’mon you guys. Last homecoming? Senior picnic? Pro-”


The group of four turned in surprise and watched with wide eyes as you ran  your way over to them, practically leaving clouds of sand behind you at how fast you were rushing.

“(Y/N)?-” Pope grunted as you barreled into him the second he stood from his seat. 

“Oh my god, you’re never gonna believe it-oh shit, hey guys,” you greeted Pope’s friends and they greeted you back though the confusion was clear on their faces. Outside of the Pogues you were Pope Heyward’s absolute best friend. The two of you had known each other since quite literally the day you were born considering your mom and Pope’s mom were the best of friends. 

You didn’t usually hang around the other Pogues though. They were Pope’s group. You were friends with them of course, and you definitely spent a lot of your time with them. But outside of Pope you tended to hang out with your teammates. 

Despite that, you and Pope made sure that you saw each other almost everyday. When he didn’t decide to sleep over at the Chateau he was either at your house or you were at his. When he did decide to sleep over at the chateau you’d find yourself there with him at the end of the day. Even if he spent an entire day with just the Pogue’s he reserved time to be with you. And you, him.

“Ok-I’m like losing my mind!” you panted and Pope laughed as he steadied you. 

“Jeez (Y/N) take a breather,” he told you and you let out a breathless laugh before taking a moment to gather yourself. 

“Ok,” you giggled, “Sorry. But I was just with the girls right? And my mom calls me and guess what?” 

“Whaaat?” Pope dragged out and his friends watched in amusement as you shook his entire body. 

“My dress came in! Ah! Oh my god I’m so excited!” You squealed as Pope’s eyes widened a wide grin stretching his features. 

“What? seriously?”

“Yes seriously!”

“Uuum, dress for what?” Kie decided to pipe in and you turned to her with a bright expression. 

“My dress for my debut! My mom’s aunt or something is like a dress maker in the Philippines and we sent them my measurements like 3 months ago. And it just got shipped in!” you were talking at 100 miles per hour at this point and Kie, JJ, and John B were having a hard time catching up, “I’m supposed to pick it up tomorrow afternoon I think, but I was just so excited that I had to tell Pope!” you turned back to Pope who hadn’t taken his eyes off you, his expression soft yet excited. 

JJ turned to Kie, silent for a moment as he gathered his thoughts, “…What?” he whispered and Kie snorted as she shoved him away. 

“Your debut…that’s like your 18th right?” John B questioned and you nodded at him obviously a bit surprised that he remembered. You could barely remember telling the other Pogues about this. You only tended to talk to Pope or 1 or 2 of your teammates about it. 

“Yeah, I can’t believe you remembered,” you laughed and John B smiled. 

“What?” John B questioned as JJ and Kie both shot him looks of confusion. You were lost to their interaction as you began to ramble to Pope while he listened intently, nodding along or humming in response to you. You’d always been the more energetic one of your pair. You were there for only a moment longer before you decided it was time to head out.

“Ok, I’ll go now,” you laughed waving to the Pogues after you gave Pope a hug and the usual kiss on the cheek, “Good night you guys!” you bid and Pope and his friends waved back at you as you turned and jogged back over to your car full of teammates that they hadn’t even noticed. 

“Bye (Y/N)!” Kie called just as you were about to enter the car and though they could barely see you in the dark, they knew you were blowing them kisses. They silently watched the car drive away before Pope finally settled back down into his seat. 

Looking up he blinked as his friends stared him down. 


“C’mon Pope,” JJ urged, “Senior year man, are you finally gonna ask out (Y/N) or what?” Pope’s eyes widened at that and he sputtered as he tried to come up with a response.

“Wh-what?! What man no! That-that’s (Y/N). My like best friend since we were babies!” 

“Yeah, that means you guys are basically soulmates, Pope,” Kie teased and Pope could feel the heat on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. 

“Hey, if you don’t wanna ask her out,” JJ wiggled his eyebrows, “I’ve been holding back y’know?”

“Shut up JJ,” Pope threw a handful of sand at the blonde.

“This is your last chance Pope,” John B insisted, “Before you head off to college to play with dead bodies, and she heads off to college to be a college athlete.” 

Pope scoffed at that as he looked down and played with his the ends of his sweater. 

“It’s not like that ok?” he tried to argue but they only shot him knowing smiles. 

“Just sayin’. Senior year’s the year man,” JJ raised his brows at him and Pope could only scoff as they dropped the subject. 

heyyy, everyone! so as you all know, i normally write for the sidemen (specifically harry) and as much as i adore him, i want to expand my writing.

i am in many other fandoms as well, marvel being my main one. i wanna find people that request for other characters and people!

i’m gonna list some of the fandoms i’m in and see if anyone of them interest you. my requests are now open, happy requesting!

natasha romanoff

bucky barnes

thor odinson

loki laufeyson







jj maybank

rafe cameron

john b routledge

pope heyward

kiara carrera

maddy perez

lexi howard

rue bennet

anthony bridgerton

benedict bridgerton

thanks for reading!

not all wishes come true.

pairing: jj maybank x reader

warnings: alluding to death, sadness, this is unedited… sorry :(

summary: he is gone. nothing will ever bring him back. but one can only wish.

a/n: i’ve been absent from this blog for a little bit. i haven’t felt like myself and this whole thing explains how i’ve been feeling recently. lost and out of touch with myself. hopefully things can get a bit better as time passes but, i genuinely don’t know. really sorry that this is a ball of angst. hope you enjoy <3


There has been countless nights when I sat in this same spot that I am sitting in right now, making the dent bigger and more prominent with each second that I continued to rest in my current position. But the only difference what that, he was here with me.

While I read whatever book seemed to grab my attention, his face was lit up by the LED from his phone screen. I would always yell at him for how close that he held that device to his face, knowing that his vision would be royally affected in the future because of his younger self but he would always assure me that he was, “Never getting older,” and in response, I would always scoff and continue to let my eyes wander the page, taking in each word as I met them.

He was the one person that I could go to when I was feeling the way that I’m feeling now. Empty, alone, foreign to my usual, upbeat and perky self. Now that he’s not here anymore, I’m genuinely wondering who I’m going to go to now.

My friends? No way, they’d just say “same” and we’d continue talking about whatever unimportant topic that was the subject of the previous conversation.

My parents? No. They’d tell me that I had your ordinary case of teen angst and that it was nothing that a good nights sleep couldn’t fix.

My brother? Maybe. He would listen to me but let’s be honest. No matter how many nights that I pray, he’ll never magically morph into the boy that I oh so desperately want by my side right now.

I’m numb. Numb to the sadness that I feel every single day that I open my eyes. It’s like I’ve placed the emotion in a box and shipped it somewhere but, it always comes back to me. I want it gone but, how is it supposed to leave if he isn’t here? How is my everlasting pain supposed to subside if his absence is the reason why it formulated in the first place?

I wish I could turn my head to the left and see him, in his usual spot, scrolling on Instagram and laughing at the memes that most people found stupid but, he was a sixteen year old boy, what else would you expect? I wish that I could smell the dollar store cologne that he would throw on right before leaving his house, claiming that it made him seem, "More like a business man in funny stock photos than a teenage boy looking for trouble.”

I wish I could hear him laugh one more time, I wish that I could hear his footsteps as he approached my bedroom door. I wish that I could hear the sound of tiny pebbles hitting my window at 3am.

Sometimes it doesn’t feel real. It feels like I’m living in an alternate universe or I’m a character in some television show. That one of these days, my eyes will open, I’ll adjust to the blinding light and he’ll be right there, giving me his infamous devilish smirk.

But then, the memories hit me like a semi-truck speeding on the freeway.

He is gone.

He is never coming back,

No matter how many stars I wish upon, how many nights I stay awake, being eaten away by my own thoughts.

He will never lay in his spot again.

He will never spray the scent of his cologne on his clothes again.

He’ll never knock on my door again.

He’ll never sneak me out of my house at 3am.

And that’s something I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life.

From past experiences, I know that things are going to get easier. I know that one day I’ll notice that the weight on my heart is no longer there, I’ll most likely smile and carry on with my day, forgetting whatever had me all worked up when I was sixteen. But the thing is, I don’t want to forget.

I don’t want to forget his quirks and mannerisms. I don’t want to forget our inside jokes. I don’t want to see his rings sitting on the counter and forget where they came from or who they belonged to.

I know that I should be mad at him, for leaving the way that he did, but I can’t seem to bring myself to hate the boy that brought me an immense amount of joy. He was always reckless, I should’ve known that one day we’d be in this predicament but, I never wanted to imagine it, terrified that I’d be manifesting it into existence.

Placing my head on my pillow, I closed my eyes as I began drifting off. Crying for what feels like decades makes you tired, huh?

I hoped that I’d dream about him, hoped that I’d feel him wrap his arms around my waist as I did something in the kitchen and twirl me around. Hoped that I could feel him stroking my hair as I fell asleep. Hoped that I could sing to him on one of his bad days.

But, things hardly ever go in my favor nowadays.

Seconds before I finally fell, I heard something. It was so faint that I could barely make it out if it wasn’t dead silent in my room.

I think it was him, but maybe hours of letting the feelings escape my body through tears was making me go insane.


My mouth couldn’t move. I was paralyzed in my spot. It felt like someone dropped a building on my torso and I was struggling to escape from the debris.

There is was again,”Y/N.”

My heart and head were fighting with each other. One told me to call out to him, he’ll come back. All of my wishes would come true in a matter of seconds. But the other told me to get a grip, he’s gone..

Looks like my heart was winning this battle because I felt my lips form in the shape of this name “J-”

And just like that, my head made an swift comeback and sent receptors to my lips and demanded that they stopped moving, and that’s exactly what they did.

I was frozen again. Eternally frozen, waiting for the boy of my dreams to come back.

Looks like I’ll be here for a little while.

kiss the cook

summary: baking with jj maybank, a recipe for disaster.

pairing: jj maybank x reader

warnings: swearing, possible typos?

a/n: all i wanna say is that the muffins they make are really good and i highly suggest that you all try them :) hope ya enjoy !!! <3


                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」

“Just let me in!” JJ yelled from the other side of your screen door, “Everyone else is busy. I promise I’ll sit still if you let me in.” He pleaded, letting out a heavy groan.

“Youpromise that you won’t get in the way.”

“You won’t even see me, silent as a mouse.” He continued.

He would not quit pestering you until you unlocked the screen door and let him inside of your house, “Fine.” You caved, moving out of the way to let him in.

“Why do you look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy?” The blond laughed, taking in your attire.

“Do you want me to kick you out?” You threatened, scowling at him.

He shook his head, smirking, knowing that he had you riled up. You left him standing in the doorway, going back into your kitchen.

He followed close behind you like a lost puppy in desire of attention, “So, why are you channeling your inner Gordon Ramsey right now?”

“Kook Academy is having an over the summer bake sale and they’re paying the people that take part.”

“So you signed up to help the Kooks, are you feeling okay?” He raised his hand towards your forehead.

“My mom needs the money,” You explained, watching as he took a seat on the counter that was far away from the ingredients that you had sprawled out.

“So, what are you baking, Betty Crocker?”

Smirking, you retorted, “Banana-Chocolate Muffins.”

“Ew,” His face contorted.

“Maybe you’d find them appealing if you ate something other than shrimp and grits.” You chuckled, returning the same energy that he gave you earlier.

“Haha, you’re funny, Y/N/N. I’ll give you that.” He swayed his finger in your direction.

“Can you pass me the spatula in that drawer over there?” You asked, pointing.

He plopped down from the counter and retrieved the spatula, but he didn’t hand it to you before saying something cynical, “Wait, wait. You’re not the Pillsbury Dough Boy,” He paused, “You’re SpongeBob SquarePants.”

You couldn’t deny that his pithy remarks were funny but, you didn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

“I thought you said that you would be silent like a mouse?” Squinting, you took the spatula from his right hand, watching as he searched for a way to respond to you.

“I can be the Chef Boyardee to your Betty Crocker?”

Instinctively, you grinned at his joke, knowing that he took pride, knowing that you found him entertaining.

“Okay, fine.” You complied, walking passed him to grab that cake mix, “But I’m the head chef.”

“Eye-Eye Captain,”

“You think you’re so cute.” You playfully rolled your eyes.

“Iknow I’m so cute.” JJ corrected.

“Can you grease those pans next to you while I do the ones right here?” You asked, overlooking his previous remark.

To be honest, he didn’t totally know what that meant and he didn’t want to ask you. So, he did not do it, reminding himself to do it later.

After you greased your pans, you thought out loud, “All right so now we have to mix the cake mix, eggs, sugar, and bananas.”

“Should we do it by hand or use the mixer?”

“Uh,” JJ contemplated what to say next, “Mixer.”

“Mixer it is.” You went in the cabinet above the microwave, retrieving the machine.

JJ’s eyes widened, staring at the contraption. For someone that has never baked before, it looked odd.

You laughed, “Come here, it will not bite you.” He was hesitant to grab it but, eventually, he did.

“So, put this at the bottom of the bowl and move it around till everything is one solid color.” You explained.

“Mm.” He replied, not hearing what you told him, looking at the machine, trying to figure out how to maneuver it.

“Here,” You smirked, turning the mixer on and grabbing his hand, showing him how to mix properly.

He looked over his shoulder, observing how you focused. Smiling warmly, he looked away before you noticed that he was staring.

You took your hand away, “You’ve got it.”

“Chef Boyardee has everything under control.” He replied smoothly, turning around for a split second to look at you.

You raised your eyebrows, smiling at him while backing away, resting on the counter.

JJ continued to mix everything while you texted Kiara on your phone. Every couple of seconds you’d take your eyes away from the device, making sure that everything was going smoothly.

It was hard to not look at the way JJ’s shoulder blades would flex as he moved his arm back and forth, moving the mixer inside of the bowl.

Kie: It’s so boring at the chateau

Y/N: JJ told me you guys were busy?

Kie: Definitely not. We’ve just been sitting around watching tv

Y/N: He begged his way into my house and now he’s helping me bake muffins

Kie: JJ baking?? never thought I’d see the day

Kie: Make sure you ask him why he thought we were busy and tell me what he says

“This color looks like my shit,” JJ observed, tearing you from your conversation with Kiara.

“Now I’ll never be able to get that image from my mind.” You rolled your eyes, placing your phone in the pocket of your shorts.

“What’s next, Betty?”

“We pour the mix into the pans and then put it into the oven.” You explained, double-checking to make sure that the oven was on.

“Really? I thought we’d have more to do.” He pouted, poking out his bottom lip.

“Sorry, Mr Boyardee but, the reason I wanted to make these muffins is that they don’t take 30 years to make.” 

He rubbed his hands together, “Well, I’m excited to taste one.”

“Nuh-uh lover boy. These are for the bake sale.”

“Wh-what?” He stuttered, flipping his hat around on his head, “Just one?”

“Fine, we can split one.” You watched as his face lit up, “Now it’s your turn to put the mix into your pans.” 

He snickered, earning a look of confusion from you, “What?”

“Put my mix into your pans,” He cackled, raising his eyebrows, you shook your head.

“I have a dirty, dirty mind,” He explained, tapping his temple.

JJ’s mind was racing 3000 miles per hour so, he didn’t notice that he failed to grease the pans for the muffins, “I hope these taste good,” He commented while placing the pan into the oven, next to yours.

                      「 ₊˚.༄ 」

“While we wait,” you began, taking a seat on your recliner, “Why did you lie about the rest of the Pogues being busy?”

“I didn’t lie, just changed a few key details of the story.” He shrugged, taking a seat on the floor in front of you.

You scoffed, “C’mon, you lied.”

“Fine, fine. I embellished the story, so what? I wanted to hang out with you. Are you going to charge me, officer?”

He spotted a pen that was sitting on the coffee table. He picked it up. You kicked your foot in his direction to get his attention.

And I got to see you in that hot ass apron.” He smirked, putting the pen back where he found it.

“Can you tell me why you embellished, please.” You urged.

“Ah, ah, ah. No way, I remain a mystery.”

“I don’t get you, JJ Maybank.” You chuckled.

“Correction, JJ Boyardee.” He poked the ankle that was closest to him.

“I’m surprised that you messed nothing up, today. I’m proud of you, Boyardee.”

“Thanks, Crocker.” He smiled up at you, putting your calf in a headlock as he liked things on Instagram.

Y/N: He said he wanted to hang out with me, that’s why he “embellished the story”

Kie: Idiot

Kie: Makes sense though, he was bitching to me cause John B wouldn’t let him borrow the Volkswagen to go to your place

Y/N: He confuses me sometimes

Y/N: Like he hits on every single girl with a pulse and then I hear shit like this and I’m like…. what the fuck do I do???

Y/N: And not to mention the whole Pogue on Pogue shit has me even more conflicted

Kie: Listen, I was the biggest advocate for no macking on each other but that was only because I was the only girl and now that you and Sarah are here, makes more sense for us to drop it you know?

Y/N: What are you telling me, Kiara Carrera?

Kie: I’m telling you to go for it. Even though he can be an idiot, he’s probably just as conflicted as you are right now.

Y/N: Who knew a day of baking would lead to this

Kie: “Look at us.”

Kie: “Who would’ve thought?”

Y/N: “Not me.”

“The timer is about to go off,” JJ noticed, “Should we take them out?”

“Yeah, yeah.” You shook the thoughts out of your head and tried to focus on anything other than the boy in front of you.

JJ was the first to get up and head towards the kitchen, you needed a couple more seconds before following behind, “Shit, shit, shit!” He screamed, you shot up instantly and saw JJ trying to reach into the oven, minus the mitt.

“JJ!” You rushed over, “Are you okay?” You took his hand and ran it under some icy water for two seconds.

“I got distracted thinking about stupid shit.” He took off the red snapback on the top of his head, slamming it on the counter.

“I-It’s fine, JJ. It was an accident, don’t beat yourself up.” You let go of his wrist, taking the muffins out and placing it on the stove so they could cool.

“Here, come sit down.” You led him toward your recliner, forcing him to sit down while you went into the shared bathroom with your mother and grabbed the first aid kit.

“Y/N, I’m fine. I don’t need all of this.” He tried to stand up, but you pushed him back down.

“Do you want it to get infected?” You paused, waiting for him to interject, but he said nothing.

“Why do you insist on taking care of me?” He questioned, looking at you while you tended to the hand that he injured.

Kie is the mom of the group, not me.” You chuckled, shaking your head as you continued working.

“No, no.” He pushed your hand away, “You take care of me differently. You like, make sure I’m eating enough and shit.”

“That’s just what you do for the people you like.” You shrugged.

“Y-You like me?” He raised his eyebrows in disbelief, a grin was slowly appearing on face but he stopped, wanting to make sure you meant what you said.

Contemplating what to say next, you scratched your head, “I-I mean, like yeah.” You shrugged, trying to play it off as if it wasn’t such an enormous deal.

“Can you stop for a second!” He raised his voice, startling you, “I’m sorry.”

“Do you like me, Y/N?”

“Of course!”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” He questioned, standing up, leaving you sitting on the arm of the chair.

“How could I? I mean, you’re always with some tourist.” You scoffed.

“Cause I thought you didn’t like me. You shoot me down all the time.” He paced back and forth in your living room.

“I want to take you on a date. Like an actual date to see a movie or some shit, I dunno.” He was spiraling out of his mind, saying things at 100 miles per hour.

“JJ, calm down, please.” You attempted to get his attention, but he kept rambling.

“Yeah, and put like extra popcorn on top, yeah.” He nodded his head.

You made an impulsive decision; you kissed him. It took him two seconds to realize what was happening, but once he regained consciousness, he kissed back.

“I didn’t know I was wearing a kiss the cool apron?” He joked, beginning to look around frantically.

“Stop,” You chuckled, hitting the side of his arm, “Can you think straight now?”

“I dunno, I mean, are you going to kiss me like that again?” He crooked his head to the side, giving you a smirk.

Shaking your head, you walked by him and headed in the kitchen, “I think we can take them out now.” You poked and prodded at the muffins inside of the silver pans.

You took one of the bigger muffins out perfectly, “This came out nicely, try that pan.”

JJ walked over and tried to pry them up but they wouldn’t budge, like it cemented them down. Then it all hit him, “I-I forgot to grease the pan.”

It stunned you. You couldn’t get a full 24 hours without something going wrong.

“Are you serious?” You whined.

“I’ll make you more,” He paused, “If you kiss me again.”

“Never going to happen.”

No Body, No Crime [1]

Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Female!Peterkin!Reader

Word Count: 1.9K

Warnings: Swearing, Mentions Drugs/Drug Use and Sex

Summary: Y/N Peterkin is so tired of her mother’s neglect. When she has the opportunity to get in good graces with Rafe Cameron, she takes it. The only thing she asks is that he helps tarnish her good-girl image.

A/N: Hello! Earlier today, I put out a little announcement regarding everything going on with this series. I recommend that you go and check that out here. Also, I know that this is a peterkin!reader series but, I’m not going to specify that you are her biological daughter (meaning, you can pretend that you’re adopted if you’d prefer).

                    「 ₊˚.༄ 」

You resented your mom.

There was no need to put it lightly or sugar-coat it. Your deep hatred for Susan Peterkin cut deep.

Everyone in your inner circle worshiped your mother like a God, just because she was the sheriff. And you had the displeasure of being her daughter, meaning you also received royalty status (which you had no interest in having).

Even the Pogues, those that often displayed their distaste for the police treasured your mother because she was always there to help, sticking her neck out for anyone that needed it.

You felt like you had eyes on you from all angles while hanging around The Cut.

And your mother never let you forget.

“Hey, Y/N quit daydreaming. You’ve got work to do.” Your mother snapped two fingers in your face, pulling you out of your daze.

You were sitting on the island, infinite amounts of papers and notebooks sprawled out around you.

Your mom was in the kitchen, speedily pouring coffee in her thermos, “Listen, you’ve got to figure out a way to finish this paperwork before the deadline.”

“Mom, I literally just graduated high school yesterday.My internship doesn’t start for another 6 weeks. I’ve got loads of time.

“I’m giving you till Friday to finish this. I’ve got a lot of people relying on you for this internship and, we don’t need your lack of punctuality ruining things.”

Your lips were now in a tight line, trying to hold back from saying anything that would result in a screaming match.

Your mom sent you one last disapproving look before turning around, continuing to pack her lunch.

“Y/N, I’ve got pressure on me at work and I don’t any extra stress, especiallycoming from you. Do you understand?”

“What’s going on?” You asked, slightly concerned but mostly being nosy.

Inhaling deeply, she began, “The Cameron boy, he was busted by some deputies selling cocaine at a frat party about 2 days ago,”

“His father wants me to drop the whole thing, considering he helped me with some…” she hesitated, “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I’ve got the drugs locked in my safe here just in case anyone tries to take anything from the station.”

Your eyes stretched, “Not only were drugs in the house but, they belonged to none other than Rafe Cameron? Never thought I’d see the day.”

“A Cameron with drugs? I thought it’d be Wheezie honestly.“ You commented under your breath.

"What? Do you know these kids?” Peterkin halted, peering over her shoulder at you.

“I hang out with Sarah all the time. I mean– where do you think I stay those nights when you’re off at work or tending to Pogues instead of your own daughter.” You replied snarkily.

“Watch your tone.”

“I just insulted you as a mother, and you’re angry about my tone? Great,” You paused, growing more offended by the second “Do you even give a shit about what I do?”

“Y/N…” she halted, “For today, can you at least try to hide your disgust towards me?” She sent you a condescending smirk.

You resisted the urge to gag out of discomfort and annoyance.

Grabbing the keys to her car from the counter, she stopped, “Oh— I forgot to tell you. I used the last of the sandwich meat so, you’ll have to find something else to eat.”

Shrugging in her direction, you turned around and headed up to your room. Seconds later, you heard the distinct creaking of your front door closing.

You sat on your bed for hours, silently sulking.

You tried extremely hard to calm down, anything to ease the tightness in your throat that indicated that you were angry.

The fact that your mother had managed to piss you off and steal the only food in the house in one interaction baffled you.

After a while, you grew even more irritable. It was split evenly down the middle but, the common denominator was Susan Peterkin.

Suddenly, a mischievous voice appeared in your head, “Get back at her.

At first, your immediate response was no. Being spiteful against your mother was going to do nothing but cause more problems for you, considering she didn’t give a shit about what you did.

Getting up from your bed, you went in the direction of the stairs. Just as your foot came into contact with the first step, you noticed that the door to your mothers’ office was creaked open.

Your mind went to a sinister place, “Take the drugs from her safe.”

“Oh my gosh, stop it.” You replied audibly, so shocked by your own thoughts.

But then, you started to weigh out all of the pros in your head. You felt as though you had an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other.

One was telling you to take it. Use it, sell it, give it back to Rafe… anything. The other was advising you to leave everything, it wasn’t your job to play hero and get involved with Peterkins’ inconveniences.

But, on the flip side, you might be doing both of you a favor. You knew deep down if she ever found out you did this, she wouldn’t rat you out. Then, everyone in all of OBX would find out.

In the process, you’d be taking care of a big issue at work for her and maybe you’d even get time to spend with Sarah more often.

“Agh, screw it,” Walking into her office, you went to the corner where the safe resided.

It took you a few attempts to guess the password to Peterkins’ safe. Every time it would beep, you’d jump out of fear, afraid that the entire plan would erupt in your face.

It wasn’t until you tried the last 4 digits of her badge number that the safe clicked, and opened.

There wasn’t much content on the inside.

A very old pack of cigarettes, an old notebook, a watch and, the drugs that belonged to Rafe.

Once you saw the contraband, it was no longer a mystery as to why it was easily confiscated.

It was literally white powder in a Ziploc bag.

You always knew Rafe wasn’t at the top of his class but, at least he’d know better than to put a highly illegal drug in something as non-discrete as a Ziploc bag.

Taking another moment to critique Rafe’s delivery, you grabbed the bag as carefully as possible and exited the house.

IF IT WASN’T FOR THE AWFUL TRAFFIC on the highway that joined Figure 8 and the Cut, you would’ve made it to the Cameron residence much earlier.

You didn’t arrive there until around 6:45 PM. It was still blazing hot outside, and you could see the crimson hue from the beginning of sunset on the lake.

There weren’t many vehicles in the driveway. The only 2 being a motorcycle and Sarah’s yellow Volkswagon Beetle.

You parked your car and got out, making sure your keys were in your pocket before you closed the door.

Right after the car locked, you heard the sound of the garage door opening.

Emerging was the very person you wanted to see, Rafe Cameron.

“Ahh shit,” He sighed, rolling his eyes, “You need to leave now. Alright, I don’t care if you’re here to see Sarah.”

“Rafe, I’m here–”

He cut you off, “Y/N, your mom screwed me over. And I know you’re just gonna run and snitch like the fucking good-two-shoes that you are.”

Pulling the poorly packaged cocaine out of your pocket, you underhand tossed it to him.

“What I was trying to say was that I’m not here on my mother’s behalf,” You replied.

“Shit, Y/N. Is this–?” He halted.

“Yeah, it should all be there.” Crossing your arms, you stepped into the garage with him.

He sent an appreciative nod, and turned around, “Sarah’s inside.”

“I need to ask you a favor,”

Rafe spun, exploring your face, “What is up with Peterkins and asking for shit?”

“Okay, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t lump me in with my mother, considering I just gave you back the coke she confiscated,” you reacted, crossing your arms.

He took a seat on a small stool, placing him many feet below you. As he stared up into your eyes, he began, “Speak.”

You smiled, fortunate that he’d even oblige you, “I want you to corrupt me.”

Almost as a reflex, Rafe snickered in a way that showed he was in complete control of the situation, “Y/N, you’re hot.”

“You’re definitely my type but, you’re also the sheriff’s daughter so, if you came here to ask me to fuck you, I’m sadly going to pass.”

“Oh my gosh,” you paused, covering your face in embarrassment, “Rafe, I don’t want to have sex with you. I just need you to get me in some trouble so my mom will acknowledge me.”

A look passed over him and you knew that your comment hurt his ego but, he never faltered for a second.

“Hm,” He returned, “I’ve got something in mind.”

“Yeah, yeah. Anything,”

“For starters-” Before he could finish, Sarah came surging through the door with excitement, “Y/N! I recognized your car through the window.”

She ran and gave you a hug. “Hey.” You smiled, thrilled to be in her embrace.

She peeked over her shoulder and saw her brother. “Don’t you have anything better to do than harass my friend?”

Standing up from his spot, he towered over the two of you. “Contrary to popular belief, I can be very entertaining.”

He glanced towards you, giving a devilish smirk before exiting the garage.

Getting on his bike, he put the red helmet over his head and started revving the engine.

While Sarah wasn’t looking, he flipped up the lense of his hat and mouthed, “Call me” before driving away.

“Sometimes I can’t believe I’m related to someone so horrendous.” Sarah rolled her eyes before grabbing your wrist, pulling you inside her house.

AFTER LEAVING SARAH’S HOUSE you were bouncing from wall to wall, thinking of all the things Rafe would want.

Trying to sleep that night was absolutely terrible.

Your mother sent you a text saying that she’d be staying at the station all night trying to finish some paperwork so, you had at least another 12 hours before she realized the drugs had been taken from her safe.

The one thing that plagued your mind was Rafe Cameron.

You were eager to know what he needed you to do.

Although you did willingly come to him and practically beg for his help, you still couldn’t ignore the deep pit in your stomach, telling you that this was bound to end poorly.

Getting fed up with your pessimistic thoughts, you reached for your phone on the nightstand and called Rafe.

You were seconds away from hanging up the phone when he answered. You almost gasped out of shock because you only somewhat expected him to pick up.

When he did, you were bombarded with the sound of rap music and screaming teenagers, “Hello!” He shouted over the music.

“R-Rafe?” You got up from your seated position on the bed, anticipating every second of this call.

“Y/N… listen, I can’t hear you but, I’m at Topper’s house!” He yelled, “I’ll text you the address.”

He hung up before you could say anything else.

You ran your fingers through your hair, contemplating if you should go or not.

You weren’t scared, it’s not like your mom cared enough to get mad if she knew you went to a party.

In all honesty, Rafe made you nervous. He always did, even before you found out he was linked to drugs.

When your phone buzzed with Topper’s address, you knew the damage was done. You were already so intrigued by Rafe Camerson that you couldn’t say no.

Looking at your phone, you read the message,

724 Readfield Ln. I’ll be on the porch waiting for you.

TAGLIST FOR SERIES:@oopsiedoopsie23@cocobutterqwueen@a-bolanos

No Body, No Crime [Sneak Peek]

Warnings: Swearing, Talks of sex, Mentions of drugs, swearing

A/N: Sooooo… it’s taking me a very long time to finish this request but, I wanted to give a little sneak peek! I’m not finish writing but, I hope this keeps everyone satisfied until I’ve finished. @a-bolanos I hope you enjoy this sneak peak lol <3

                    「 ₊˚.༄ 」

“Shit, Y/N. Is this–?” He halted.

“Yeah, it should all be there.” Crossing your arms, you stepped into the garage with him.

He sent an appreciative nod, and turned around, “Sarah’s inside.”

“I need to ask you a favor,”

Rafe spun, exploring your face, “What is up with Peterkins and asking for shit?”

“Okay, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t lump me in with my mother, considering I just gave you back the coke she confiscated,” you reacted, crossing your arms.

He took a seat on a small stool, placing him many feet below you. As he stared up into your eyes, he began, “Speak.”

You smiled, fortunate that he’d even oblige you, “I want you to corrupt me.”

Almost as a reflex, Rafe snickered in a way that showed he was in complete control of the situation, “Y/N, you’re hot.”

“You’redefinitelymy type but, you’re also the sheriff’s daughter so, if you came here to ask me to fuck you, I’m sadly going to pass.”

“Oh my gosh,” you paused, covering your face in embarrassment, “Rafe, I don’t want to have sex with you. I just need you to get me in some trouble so my mom will acknowledge me.”

A look passed over him and you knew that your comment hurt his ego but, he never faltered for a second.

“Hm,” He returned, “I’ve got something in mind.”

“Yeah, yeah. Anything,”

“For starters-” Before he could finish, Sarah came surging through the door with excitement, “Y/N! I recognized your car through the window.”

She ran and gave you a hug. “Hey.” You smiled, thrilled to be in her embrace.

She peeked over her shoulder and saw her brother. “Don’t you have anything better to do than harass my friend?”

Standing up from his spot, he towered over the two of you. “Contrary to popular belief, I can be veryentertaining.”

He glanced towards you, giving a devilish smirk before exiting the garage.

Getting on his bike, he put the red helmet over his head and started revving the engine.

While Sarah wasn’t looking, he flipped up the lense of his hat and mouthed, “Call me” before driving away.

golden hour

pairing: jj maybank x female!reader

summary: jj trying to convince you to take pictures during golden hour on the hms pogue.

word count: 1k+

warnings: sexual innuendos, language, insecurities

a/n:hey lol. i’m alive. the new season of obx has dragged me out of my dark and lonely hole. this was a draft that i had from last year. it’s been edited and revised! i hope you enjoy :)

                    「 ₊˚.༄ 」

“You better be getting ready!” JJ shouted from the other side of the door as he passed by, walking into the kitchen.

All of the Pogues had spent the night at the Chateau. It was a given that you all would go on the HMS Pogue the following day.

You weren’t feeling up to going, knowing that you’d have to be seen next to Kiara and Sarah, and that was a scary thought.

You loved your boyfriend and it was clear that both of you were happy in your relationship but, that never stopped fear from creeping up your spine every time you had to be seen next to your drop-dead gorgeous friends.

“What’s taking her so long?” John B questioned as JJ entered the kitchen. His arm was snaked around Sarah’s waist.

“Don’t rush her.” Kie defended from the couch. You confided in her and Sarah one night when you were drunk, not being able to shut up about every inconvenience in your life, including your insecurities.

“Go check on her, JJ. What if she like…. fell or something?” Pope urged, scratching the top of his head.

“Dude, she’s 16, not a grandma that needs life alert.” He scoffed, shaking his head.

“Well, we can’t leave without her so, let’s just wait.” Sarah shrugged.

Seconds later you emerged from the guest room, arms covering your exposed torso but nonetheless, you were dressed & ready to go.

“Let’s goooooooo!” John B rushed, trying to get everyone out as fast as possible.

Everyone followed suit, exiting the house. JJ walked over to you, resting an arm around your shoulder, “Are you okay?”

“Fine.” You gave him a smile, taking his hand in yours as you exited the house.

「 ₊˚.༄ 」

You were sitting next to JJ, observing your surroundings while he argued with Pope, “Taco versus Hamburger? Oh man, the taco would win for sure! It could sharpen its shell and stab the shit out of the hamburger.”

The sun was setting and it cast an amazing crimson hue on the water and boat.

“Kie, Y/N, get your asses over here. We’re taking pictures!” Sarah shouted. Kiara rushed over instantly but you clung to JJ’s arm, not in any rush to move.

“Ahhh shit, photoshoot time!” Pope teased.

John B got out of the way of Sarah and Kiara and joined the rest of you in the hull of the boat, “Sarah is really about to drag you up there if you don’t go take pictures, Y/N.”

“I think you should go, it could be fun?” JJ nudged his arm, getting your face out in the open again.

“Maybe.” You shrugged.

“You just wanna use those pictures for later, don’t lie.” John B winked.

“Yeah, he has a folder with photos of you on his phone. I’ve seen it.” Pope chimed in, adding to the teasing.

“Ugh, JJ. You’re gross.” Scrunching your face, you walked away, heading in the direction of Kie & Sarah.

“W-What? It’s natural, everybody does it!!” Ignoring his constant cries for you to come back, you sat down and observed the photoshoot.

They looked in their element while taking the photos, so unapologetically beautiful.

“Hey!” Sarah smiled once she noticed that you were seated behind her.

“Come take some with us, hon.” Kie grabbed your wrist, urging you to stand up.

“No, no. I’ll watch you guys. Maybe even take some of you?” You insisted.

“Hear that, JJ? She likes to watch.” Pope whispered.

You scoffed, “He just wants you to take pictures so that he can…. admire them later.” Sarah smirked.

“He’s literally so gross.”

Kiara took a seat next to you, stroking your shoulder lightly, “Are you good?”

“I probably sound like a pick me but, I just don’t really want to take any photos. I just feel so silly because I know how insecure I really am. I’d feel like a fraud.” Shrugging, you looked back and forth between Sarah and Kiara, awaiting their responses.

“Hey, never invalidate yourself like that. You’re not fishing for comments or anything. It’s how you genuinely feel.” Kie grabbed your hand and squeezed it.

“I just feel so lost in situations like this. I mean– you two are in your natural element and I have no idea what to do.” You sighed, “And if what those idiots are saying is true, JJ is going to…. admire these later and, what if he doesn’t like what he sees?”

Sarah inhaled, ready to respond but your boyfriend appeared out of thin air. The two girls excused themselves, knowing that you probably wanted to talk to JJ alone.

“Hey.” JJ’s arms were crossed as he stayed standing, towering over you.

Ignoring him, you kept looking forward, “Listen, I’ll tell them to quit with the jokes, okay?”

You nodded your head, turning your head to look at him, “You know that this is a small boat and, sound carries, right?”

Nodding, you listened as JJ continued, “I’m not like those assholes over on Figure 8.”

He paused, looking at you to make sure that you were still listening, “I’m not gonna judge you, Y/N/N.”

“I know, and I’m sorry if I made you feel like a shitty boyfriend.”

Taking a seat next to you, JJ took your hand in his, “Y/N, there is no other girl in this entire Snickers galaxy that compares to you.”

You couldn’t contain your laughter, “Milky Way, J. Wrong candy.” You nudged your head into his shoulder.

"Close enough,” He replied, wrapping his arms around your neck, “I am so in love with you, Y/N. It’s like…. fumbles with my insides and shit when I see you treat yourself this way.”

At this point, you could only nod. Tears were forming on your water line, threatening to spill over.

You stayed in his embrace for a few more moments. It allowed you to gather yourself before returning to the rest of the group.

None of the Pogues said anything. JJ was right, sound carried for miles on such a small boat so, you were one-hundred percent sure that they heard the entire exchange.

Plus, there was really nothing for them to say. For JJ’s standards, he did a really good job at comforting you.

As you enjoyed the silence between the six of you, JJ still felt as if it was a bit too silent for his liking.

“For what it’s worth, I do have a secret photo collection of you in my phone.” He whispered into your ear, causing you to giggle.
