#ask the readers


Hello - a happy 2021 to all. I hope you and yours are keeping well, wherever in the world you may be. My 2021 has gotten off to a rocky start, what with the whole rampage through the US capitol occupying my attention. That and other things. I do, however, have an important aspect of 9 11 10 to talk about - and a favor to ask of readers, if it would interest you.

That aspect is: anti-Semitism in the fic.

Someone has let me know, recently, that the erasure of the land of Israel in my AU, via nuclear war, and the substitution of Eretz Galut as a Jewish homeland - especially being in Russia - is inherently anti-Semitic. I sincerely apologize for any anti-Semitism in this fic.

I think I have figured out a way forward: un-nuke the major cities of the Middle East (except for Cairo, which is on the top-50 population list for 1950 - sorry, Cairo), changing Galut and any Galuti cameos entirely - different purpose, different cultural elements - and making the surrounding land mainly Buryat again, after the Bitva pri Baykale (sorry, centralized Russian surface power and subterranean remaining-U.S.S.R. power.) I also want to get some Sephardic presence in Albany.

The thing is: I’m not Jewish myself. And I do not want to compound anti-Semitism by doing something incorrect. So please, if there are any Jewish readers of “9 11 10″ out there, still, I would appreciate a note in the inbox, if you’d let me pick your brains on some things.

Thanks for reading, and everyone stay well. When you can, get your vaccines and kick the Rona in the teeth!
