
+10 XP to Digital+10 XP to Digital+10 XP to Digital+10 XP to Digital

+10 XP to Digital

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That’s what I did in SAI. A work that I can hardly call good because of a dull light . Half of

That’s what I did in SAI. A work that I can hardly call good because of a dull light . Half of the layers I did not survive, due to the fact that I did not notice how the laptop was discharged. I had to finish the work on one layer. But there will be something to work on in the future)

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Shhh. I have one animal sleeping on paper here. We will not interfere

When I got a driver’s license from the age of 18, I drove in different cars. When I took a ride on Volkswagen Scirocco 1986 a few days ago, it woke up pleasant memories in me, when at the age of 9 I tried to drive Scirocco my father independently. It was damn cool)

‪Art trade for @CiderBunArt ‬

‪I was glad to try ‬

Art for @bmanlegoboy and @BlepFox (Twitter)

It has not yet arrived December 31, I can recall a lot of my good work, but I will choose the best in my opinion for 2019

So, after a very, very stressful week of exams, tests, essays, dissertations, lab work, and research

So, after a very, very stressful week of exams, tests, essays, dissertations, lab work, and research papers, I finally hopping online to see the most beautiful surprise waiting for me. ♥
So I wanted to do a little something for AndrejSKalinto say thank you for his thoughtful kindness. I’m just blown away with how beautiful and elegant his work is. I’ve been a long time fan of his work, and seeing him create my little sona was beyond my wildest dreams, and very humbling.

I imagined what it would be like if I could thank him in person, and this was the little comic that came to my mind.
Thank you again, AndrejSKalin!
^-^ I hope you enjoy. ♥

For @askalin

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