#asking for input



Hoping to gather ideas!! Among the cabbage patch brothers, Cichol, Macuil, and Indech, who do you think is the eldest and youngest, and why?? ✨✨

I do have ideas already, but I just wanted to know what you guys thinkkk

Homaygad, I may have used an uno reverse card on all of your answers ️️


“Stories – individual stories, family stories, national stories – are what stitch together the disparate elements of human existence into a coherent whole. We are story animals.”

— Yann Martel, Beatrice and Virgil(viaquotespile)

fine ok seems logical at first but they’re STORIES, they’re not entitled to be true, right? If we’re told stories that are untrue and we incorporate it into our “existence”, does that make us partially fictitious?
